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import PrismDark from './src/utils/prismDark';
import type { Config } from '@docusaurus/types';
// import { themes as prismThemes } from 'prism-react-renderer';
const beian = '蜀ICP备2021009081号-1'
const config: Config = {
title: 'Kubernetes 实践指南', // 网站标题
tagline: '云原生老司机带你飞', // slogan
favicon: 'img/logo.svg', // 电子书 favicon 文件,注意替换
url: 'https://imroc.cc', // 在线电子书的 url
baseUrl: '/kubernetes/', // 在线电子书所在 url 的路径,如果没有子路径,可改为 "/"
// GitHub pages deployment config.
// If you aren't using GitHub pages, you don't need these.
organizationName: 'imroc', // GitHub 的 org/user 名称
projectName: 'kubernetes-guide', // Github repo 名称
onBrokenLinks: 'warn', // 避免路径引用错误导致编译失败
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// 不需要多语言支持的话,就只填中文
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'docusaurus-plugin-sass', // 启用 sass 插件,支持 scss
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sidebarPath: require.resolve('./content/basics/sidebars.ts'),
// 每个文档左下角 "编辑此页" 的链接
editUrl: ({ docPath }) =>
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editUrl: ({ docPath }) =>
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// 每个文档左下角 "编辑此页" 的链接
editUrl: ({ docPath }) =>
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// 每个文档左下角 "编辑此页" 的链接
editUrl: ({ docPath }) =>
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routeBasePath: '/appendix',
// 左侧导航栏的配置
sidebarPath: require.resolve('./content/appendix/sidebars.ts'),
// 每个文档左下角 "编辑此页" 的链接
editUrl: ({ docPath }) =>
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title: 'Kuberntes 实践指南', // 左上角的电子书名称
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label: '基础实践',
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label: '实践案例',
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to: '/cases',
label: '附录',
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to: '/appendix',
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// 自定义页脚
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links: [
title: '相关电子书',
items: [
label: 'istio 实践指南',
href: 'https://imroc.cc/istio',
label: 'TKE 实践指南',
href: 'https://imroc.cc/tke',
title: '更多',
items: [
label: 'roc 云原生',
href: 'https://imroc.cc',
label: 'GitHub',
href: 'https://github.com/imroc/kubernetes-guide',
copyright: `Copyright ${new Date().getFullYear()} roc | All Right Reserved | <a href="http://beian.miit.gov.cn/">${beian}</a>`,
// 自定义代码高亮
prism: {
theme: PrismDark,
magicComments: [
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// languages enabled by default: https://github.com/FormidableLabs/prism-react-renderer/blob/master/packages/generate-prism-languages/index.ts#L9-L23
// prism supported languages: https://prismjs.com/#supported-languages
additionalLanguages: [
export default config;