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import json
import os
import sys
import ceph_key
import mock
@mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY': 'docker'})
class TestCephKeyModule(object):
def test_generate_secret(self):
expected_length = 40
result = len(ceph_key.generate_secret())
assert result == expected_length
def test_generate_caps_ceph_authtool(self):
fake_caps = {
'mon': 'allow *',
'osd': 'allow rwx',
fake_cmd = ['ceph']
fake_type = "ceph-authtool"
expected_command_list = [
'allow *',
'allow rwx'
result = ceph_key.generate_caps(fake_cmd, fake_type, fake_caps)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_generate_caps_not_ceph_authtool(self):
fake_caps = {
'mon': 'allow *',
'osd': 'allow rwx',
fake_cmd = ['ceph']
fake_type = ""
expected_command_list = [
'allow *',
'allow rwx'
result = ceph_key.generate_caps(fake_cmd, fake_type, fake_caps)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_generate_ceph_cmd_list_non_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_args = ['arg']
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
expected_command_list = [
result = ceph_key.generate_ceph_cmd(
fake_cluster, fake_args, fake_user, fake_key)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_generate_ceph_cmd_list_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_args = ['arg']
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
fake_container_image = "docker.io/ceph/daemon:latest-luminous"
expected_command_list = ['docker',
'--net=host', # noqa E501
'-v', '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z',
'-v', '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/:z',
'-v', '/var/log/ceph/:/var/log/ceph/:z',
result = ceph_key.generate_ceph_cmd(
fake_cluster, fake_args, fake_user, fake_key, fake_container_image)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_generate_ceph_authtool_cmd_non_container_no_auid(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_secret = "super-secret"
fake_caps = {
'mon': 'allow *',
'osd': 'allow rwx',
fake_dest = "/fake/ceph"
fake_keyring_filename = fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring"
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(fake_dest, fake_keyring_filename)
expected_command_list = [
'allow *',
'allow rwx',
result = ceph_key.generate_ceph_authtool_cmd(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_file_destination) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_generate_ceph_authtool_cmd_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_secret = "super-secret"
fake_caps = {
'mon': 'allow *',
'osd': 'allow rwx',
fake_dest = "/fake/ceph"
fake_keyring_filename = fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring"
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(fake_dest, fake_keyring_filename)
fake_container_image = "docker.io/ceph/daemon:latest-luminous"
expected_command_list = ['docker',
'-v', '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z',
'-v', '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/:z',
'-v', '/var/log/ceph/:/var/log/ceph/:z',
'allow *',
'allow rwx']
result = ceph_key.generate_ceph_authtool_cmd(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_file_destination, fake_container_image) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_create_key_non_container(self):
fake_module = "fake"
fake_result = " fake"
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_secret = "super-secret"
fake_caps = {
'mon': 'allow *',
'osd': 'allow rwx',
fake_import_key = True
fake_dest = "/fake/ceph"
fake_keyring_filename = fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring"
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(fake_dest, fake_keyring_filename)
expected_command_list = [
['ceph-authtool', '--create-keyring', fake_file_destination, '--name', fake_name, # noqa E501
'--add-key', fake_secret, '--cap', 'mon', 'allow *', '--cap', 'osd', 'allow rwx'], # noqa E501
['ceph', '-n', 'client.admin', '-k', '/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring', '--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', # noqa E501
'import', '-i', fake_file_destination],
result = ceph_key.create_key(fake_module, fake_result, fake_cluster,
fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_file_destination) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_create_key_container(self):
fake_module = "fake"
fake_result = "fake"
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_secret = "super-secret"
fake_caps = {
'mon': 'allow *',
'osd': 'allow rwx',
fake_dest = "/fake/ceph"
fake_import_key = True
fake_keyring_filename = fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring"
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(fake_dest, fake_keyring_filename)
fake_container_image = "docker.io/ceph/daemon:latest-luminous"
expected_command_list = [
['docker', # noqa E128
'-v', '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z',
'-v', '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/:z',
'-v', '/var/log/ceph/:/var/log/ceph/:z',
'--create-keyring', fake_file_destination,
'--name', fake_name,
'--add-key', fake_secret,
'--cap', 'mon', 'allow *',
'--cap', 'osd', 'allow rwx'],
'-v', '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z',
'-v', '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/:z',
'-v', '/var/log/ceph/:/var/log/ceph/:z',
'-n', 'client.admin',
'-k', '/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring',
'--cluster', fake_cluster,
'auth', 'import',
'-i', fake_file_destination]
result = ceph_key.create_key(fake_module, fake_result, fake_cluster, fake_name, # noqa E501
fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_file_destination, fake_container_image) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_create_key_non_container_no_import(self):
fake_module = "fake"
fake_result = "fake"
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_secret = "super-secret"
fake_caps = {
'mon': 'allow *',
'osd': 'allow rwx',
fake_dest = "/fake/ceph"
fake_import_key = False
fake_keyring_filename = fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring"
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(fake_dest, fake_keyring_filename)
# create_key passes (one for ceph-authtool and one for itself) itw own array so the expected result is an array within an array # noqa E501
expected_command_list = [[
'allow *',
'allow rwx', ]
result = ceph_key.create_key(fake_module, fake_result, fake_cluster,
fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_file_destination) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_create_key_container_no_import(self):
fake_module = "fake"
fake_result = "fake"
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_secret = "super-secret"
fake_caps = {
'mon': 'allow *',
'osd': 'allow rwx',
fake_dest = "/fake/ceph"
fake_import_key = False
fake_keyring_filename = fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring"
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(fake_dest, fake_keyring_filename)
# create_key passes (one for ceph-authtool and one for itself) itw own array so the expected result is an array within an array # noqa E501
fake_container_image = "docker.io/ceph/daemon:latest-luminous"
expected_command_list = [['docker', # noqa E128
'-v', '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z',
'-v', '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/:z',
'-v', '/var/log/ceph/:/var/log/ceph/:z',
'allow *',
'allow rwx']]
result = ceph_key.create_key(fake_module, fake_result, fake_cluster, fake_name, # noqa E501
fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_file_destination, fake_container_image) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_delete_key_non_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
expected_command_list = [
['ceph', '-n', 'client.admin', '-k', '/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring', # noqa E501
'--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'del', fake_name],
result = ceph_key.delete_key(fake_cluster, fake_name)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_delete_key_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_container_image = "docker.io/ceph/daemon:latest-luminous"
expected_command_list = [['docker', # noqa E128
'-v', '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z',
'-v', '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/:z',
'-v', '/var/log/ceph/:/var/log/ceph/:z',
'-n', 'client.admin',
'-k', '/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring',
'--cluster', fake_cluster,
'auth', 'del', fake_name]
result = ceph_key.delete_key(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_container_image)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_info_key_non_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
fake_output_format = "json"
expected_command_list = [
['ceph', '-n', "fake-user", '-k', "/tmp/my-key", '--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', # noqa E501
'get', fake_name, '-f', 'json'],
result = ceph_key.info_key(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_user, fake_key, fake_output_format)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_info_key_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
fake_output_format = "json"
fake_container_image = "docker.io/ceph/daemon:latest-luminous"
expected_command_list = [['docker', # noqa E128
'-v', '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z',
'-v', '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/:z',
'-v', '/var/log/ceph/:/var/log/ceph/:z',
'-n', "fake-user",
'-k', "/tmp/my-key",
'--cluster', fake_cluster,
'auth', 'get', fake_name,
'-f', 'json']
result = ceph_key.info_key(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_user, fake_key, fake_output_format, fake_container_image) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_list_key_non_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
expected_command_list = [
['ceph', '-n', "fake-user", '-k', "/tmp/my-key",
'--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'ls', '-f', 'json'],
result = ceph_key.list_keys(fake_cluster, fake_user, fake_key)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_get_key_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_container_image = "docker.io/ceph/daemon:latest-luminous"
fake_dest = "/fake/ceph"
fake_keyring_filename = fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring"
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(fake_dest, fake_keyring_filename)
expected_command_list = [['docker', # noqa E128
'-v', '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z',
'-v', '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/:z',
'-v', '/var/log/ceph/:/var/log/ceph/:z',
'-n', "client.admin",
'-k', "/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring", # noqa E501
'--cluster', fake_cluster,
'auth', 'get',
fake_name, '-o', fake_file_destination],
result = ceph_key.get_key(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_file_destination, fake_container_image) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_get_key_non_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_dest = "/fake/ceph"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_keyring_filename = fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring"
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(fake_dest, fake_keyring_filename)
expected_command_list = [
['ceph', '-n', "client.admin", '-k', "/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring", # noqa E501
'--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'get', fake_name, '-o', fake_file_destination], # noqa E501
result = ceph_key.get_key(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_file_destination) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_list_key_non_container_with_mon_key(self):
fake_hostname = "mon01"
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_user = "mon."
fake_keyring_dirname = fake_cluster + "-" + fake_hostname
fake_key = os.path.join("/var/lib/ceph/mon/", fake_keyring_dirname, 'keyring') # noqa E501
expected_command_list = [
['ceph', '-n', "mon.", '-k', "/var/lib/ceph/mon/fake-mon01/keyring", # noqa E501
'--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'ls', '-f', 'json'],
result = ceph_key.list_keys(fake_cluster, fake_user, fake_key)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_list_key_container_with_mon_key(self):
fake_hostname = "mon01"
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_user = "mon."
fake_keyring_dirname = fake_cluster + "-" + fake_hostname
fake_key = os.path.join("/var/lib/ceph/mon/", fake_keyring_dirname, 'keyring') # noqa E501
fake_container_image = "docker.io/ceph/daemon:latest-luminous"
expected_command_list = [['docker', # noqa E128
'-v', '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z',
'-v', '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/:z',
'-v', '/var/log/ceph/:/var/log/ceph/:z',
'-n', "mon.",
'-k', "/var/lib/ceph/mon/fake-mon01/keyring", # noqa E501
'--cluster', fake_cluster,
'auth', 'ls',
'-f', 'json'],
result = ceph_key.list_keys(fake_cluster, fake_user, fake_key, fake_container_image) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_list_key_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
fake_container_image = "docker.io/ceph/daemon:latest-luminous"
expected_command_list = [['docker', # noqa E128
'-v', '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z',
'-v', '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/:z',
'-v', '/var/log/ceph/:/var/log/ceph/:z',
'-n', "fake-user",
'-k', "/tmp/my-key",
'--cluster', fake_cluster,
'auth', 'ls',
'-f', 'json'],
result = ceph_key.list_keys(
fake_cluster, fake_user, fake_key, fake_container_image)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_lookup_ceph_initial_entities(self):
fake_module = "fake"
fake_ceph_dict = { "auth_dump":[ { "entity":"osd.0", "key":"AQAJkMhbszeBBBAA4/V1tDFXGlft1GnHJS5wWg==", "caps":{ "mgr":"allow profile osd", "mon":"allow profile osd", "osd":"allow *" } }, { "entity":"osd.1", "key":"AQAjkMhbshueAhAAjZec50aBgd1NObLz57SQvg==", "caps":{ "mgr":"allow profile osd", "mon":"allow profile osd", "osd":"allow *" } }, { "entity":"client.admin", "key":"AQDZjshbrJv6EhAAY9v6LzLYNDpPdlC3HD5KHA==", "auid":0, "caps":{ "mds":"allow", "mgr":"allow *", "mon":"allow *", "osd":"allow *" } }, { "entity":"client.bootstrap-mds", "key":"AQDojshbc4QCHhAA1ZTrkt9dbSZRVU2GzI6U4A==", "caps":{ "mon":"allow profile bootstrap-mds" } }, { "entity":"client.bootstrap-mgr", "key":"AQBfiu5bAAAAABAARcNG24hUMlk4AdstVA5MVQ==", "caps":{ "mon":"allow profile bootstrap-mgr" } }, { "entity":"client.bootstrap-osd", "key":"AQDjjshbYW+uGxAAyHcPCXXmVoL8VsTBI8z1Ng==", "caps":{ "mon":"allow profile bootstrap-osd" } }, { "entity":"client.bootstrap-rbd", "key":"AQDyjshb522eIhAAtAz6nUPMOdG4H9u0NgpXhA==", "caps":{ "mon":"allow profile bootstrap-rbd" } }, { "entity":"client.bootstrap-rbd-mirror", "key":"AQDfh+5bAAAAABAAEGBD59Lj2vAKIdN8pq4lbQ==", "caps":{ "mon":"allow profile bootstrap-rbd-mirror" } }, { "entity":"client.bootstrap-rgw", "key":"AQDtjshbDl8oIBAAq1SfSYQKDR49hJNWJVwDQw==", "caps":{ "mon":"allow profile bootstrap-rgw" } }, { "entity":"mgr.mon0", "key":"AQA0j8hbgGapORAAoDkyAvXVkM5ej4wNn4cwTQ==", "caps":{ "mds":"allow *", "mon":"allow profile mgr", "osd":"allow *" } } ] } # noqa E501
fake_ceph_dict_str = json.dumps(fake_ceph_dict) # convert to string
expected_entity_list = ['client.admin', 'client.bootstrap-mds', 'client.bootstrap-mgr', # noqa E501
'client.bootstrap-osd', 'client.bootstrap-rbd', 'client.bootstrap-rbd-mirror', 'client.bootstrap-rgw'] # noqa E501
result = ceph_key.lookup_ceph_initial_entities(fake_module, fake_ceph_dict_str)
assert result == expected_entity_list
def test_build_key_path_admin(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
entity = "client.admin"
expected_result = "/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring"
result = ceph_key.build_key_path(fake_cluster, entity)
assert result == expected_result
def test_build_key_path_bootstrap_osd(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
entity = "client.bootstrap-osd"
expected_result = "/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/fake.keyring"
result = ceph_key.build_key_path(fake_cluster, entity)
assert result == expected_result