nfs: set idmap config for Ceph-NFS

Currently NFS Ganesha (ceph-nfs) consumes /etc/idmapd.conf, which
controls mapping of user/owner identities under NFSv4+. With
containerized service deployment, this file is an immutable part of the
container image and cannot be modified.

Here we provide group variables, and a taskk and templates for the
ceph-nfs role, to set the path of the idmap configuration file and
to make the most common adjustment to the contents of that file --
namely to set the 'Domain'. We default the path to /etc/ganesha/idmap.conf
so that we will not conflict with /etc/idmapd.conf on the controller nodes
where ganesha runs. NFSv4 clients, as used for example by the Cinder NFS
driver, consume /etc/idmapd.conf and may require different settings than
what is wanted for NFS Ganesha. Additionally, because we already bind
/etc/ganesha from the host into the ceph-nfs container, the file NFS
Ganesha consumes will no longer be an immutable part of the container.


Signed-off-by: Tom Barron
Co-Authored-by: Guillaume Abrioux <>
Guillaume Abrioux 2021-03-12 16:27:12 +01:00
parent b60c61ce45
commit 2db2208e40
5 changed files with 174 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -57,6 +57,18 @@ dummy:
# when setting 'nfs_file_gw' option as true.
#ceph_nfs_disable_caching: false
# This is the file ganesha will use to control NFSv4 ID mapping
#ceph_nfs_idmap_conf: "/etc/ganesha/idmap.conf"
# idmap configuration file override.
# This allows you to specify more configuration options
# using an INI style format.
# Example:
# idmap_conf_overrides:
# General:
# Domain:
#idmap_conf_overrides: {}
# FSAL Ceph Config #
@ -115,4 +127,3 @@ dummy:
#ceph_docker_image_tag: latest
#ceph_config_keys: [] # DON'T TOUCH ME

View File

@ -49,6 +49,18 @@ ceph_nfs_rados_export_index: "ganesha-export-index"
# when setting 'nfs_file_gw' option as true.
ceph_nfs_disable_caching: false
# This is the file ganesha will use to control NFSv4 ID mapping
ceph_nfs_idmap_conf: "/etc/ganesha/idmap.conf"
# idmap configuration file override.
# This allows you to specify more configuration options
# using an INI style format.
# Example:
# idmap_conf_overrides:
# General:
# Domain:
idmap_conf_overrides: {}
# FSAL Ceph Config #

View File

@ -47,6 +47,18 @@
mode: "0644"
notify: restart ceph nfss
- name: generate ganesha idmap.conf file
action: config_template
src: "idmap.conf.j2"
dest: "{{ ceph_nfs_idmap_conf }}"
owner: "root"
group: "root"
mode: "0644"
config_overrides: "{{ idmap_conf_overrides }}"
config_type: ini
notify: restart ceph nfss
- name: create exports directory
path: /etc/ganesha/export.d

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ RADOS_URLS {
NFSv4 {
RecoveryBackend = 'rados_kv';
IdmapConf = "{{ ceph_nfs_idmap_conf }}";
ceph_conf = '/etc/ceph/{{ cluster }}.conf';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
#Verbosity = 0
# The following should be set to the local NFSv4 domain name
# The default is the host's DNS domain name.
#Domain =
# In multi-domain environments, some NFS servers will append the identity
# management domain to the owner and owner_group in lieu of a true NFSv4
# domain. This option can facilitate lookups in such environments. If
# set to a value other than "none", the nsswitch plugin will first pass
# the name to the password/group lookup function without stripping the
# domain off. If that mapping fails then the plugin will try again using
# the old method (comparing the domain in the string to the Domain value,
# stripping it if it matches, and passing the resulting short name to the
# lookup function). Valid values are "user", "group", "both", and
# "none". The default is "none".
#No-Strip = none
# Winbind has a quirk whereby doing a group lookup in UPN format
# (e.g. will cause the group to be
# displayed prefixed with the full domain in uppercase
# (e.g. AMERICAS.EXAMPLE.COM\staff) instead of in the familiar netbios
# name format (e.g. AMERICAS\staff). Setting this option to true
# causes the name to be reformatted before passing it to the group
# lookup function in order to work around this. This setting is
# ignored unless No-Strip is set to either "both" or "group".
# The default is "false".
#Reformat-Group = false
# The following is a comma-separated list of Kerberos realm
# names that should be considered to be equivalent to the
# local realm, such that <user>@REALM.A can be assumed to
# be the same user as <user>@REALM.B
# If not specified, the default local realm is the domain name,
# which defaults to the host's DNS domain name,
# translated to upper-case.
# Note that if this value is specified, the local realm name
# must be included in the list!
#Local-Realms =
#Nobody-User = nobody
#Nobody-Group = nobody
# Translation Method is an comma-separated, ordered list of
# translation methods that can be used. Distributed methods
# include "nsswitch", "umich_ldap", and "static". Each method
# is a dynamically loadable plugin library.
# New methods may be defined and inserted in the list.
# The default is "nsswitch".
#Method = nsswitch
# Optional. This is a comma-separated, ordered list of
# translation methods to be used for translating GSS
# authenticated names to ids.
# If this option is omitted, the same methods as those
# specified in "Method" are used.
#GSS-Methods = <alternate method list for translating GSS names>
# The following are used only for the "static" Translation Method.
# A "static" list of GSS-Authenticated names to
# local user name mappings
#someuser@REALM = localuser
# The following are used only for the "umich_ldap" Translation Method.
# server information (REQUIRED)
LDAP_server =
# the default search base (REQUIRED)
LDAP_base = dc=local,dc=domain,dc=edu
# The remaining options have defaults (as shown)
# and are therefore not required.
# whether or not to perform canonicalization on the
# name given as LDAP_server
#LDAP_canonicalize_name = true
# absolute search base for (people) accounts
#LDAP_people_base = <LDAP_base>
# absolute search base for groups
#LDAP_group_base = <LDAP_base>
# Set to true to enable SSL - anything else is not enabled
#LDAP_use_ssl = false
# You must specify a CA certificate location if you enable SSL
#LDAP_ca_cert = /etc/ldapca.cert
# Objectclass mapping information
# Mapping for the person (account) object class
#NFSv4_person_objectclass = NFSv4RemotePerson
# Mapping for the nfsv4name attribute the person object
#NFSv4_name_attr = NFSv4Name
# Mapping for the UID number
#NFSv4_uid_attr = UIDNumber
# Mapping for the GSSAPI Principal name
#GSS_principal_attr = GSSAuthName
# Mapping for the account name attribute (usually uid)
# The value for this attribute must match the value of
# the group member attribute - NFSv4_member_attr
#NFSv4_acctname_attr = uid
# Mapping for the group object class
#NFSv4_group_objectclass = NFSv4RemoteGroup
# Mapping for the GID attribute
#NFSv4_gid_attr = GIDNumber
# Mapping for the Group NFSv4 name
#NFSv4_group_attr = NFSv4Name
# Mapping for the Group member attribute (usually memberUID)
# The value of this attribute must match the value of NFSv4_acctname_attr
#NFSv4_member_attr = memberUID