Merge pull request #214 from mhubig/splitup

Adds an ansible playbook to split the roles from this repo.
Leseb 2015-03-30 11:20:34 +02:00
commit 5ff8867e6f
1 changed files with 66 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# This repice can be used to split this repo and keep the part updated!
# Use it like this:
# ansible-playbook -i dummy-ansible-hosts contrib/splitup.yml \
# --tags split --extra-vars github=mhubig/ansible
# ansible-playbook -i dummy-ansible-hosts contrib/splitup.yml \
# --tags update --extra-vars github=mhubig/ansible
- name: This recipe split the roles into repos and keeps them updated.
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: False
github: False
- ceph-common
- ceph-mon
- ceph-osd
- ceph-mds
- ceph-radosgw
- haproxy
- name: check for github prefix option on commandline
tags: split
fail: >
msg='github prefix missing! e.g: (--extra-vars github=mhubig/ansible).'
when: github == False
- name: split the repo in seperate branches
tags: split
command: >
git subtree split --prefix=roles/{{ item }} -b {{ item }} --squash
with_items: roles
- name: adds remote github repos for the splits
tags: split
command: >
git remote add {{ item }}{{ github }}-{{ item }}.git
with_items: roles
- name: adds upstream remote
tags: update
command: >
git remote add upstream
ignore_errors: yes
- name: pulles the newest changes from upstream
tags: update
command: >
git pull upstream master:master
- name: update the split repos from master
tags: update
command: >
git subtree push --prefix=roles/{{ item }} {{ item }} master
with_items: roles