shrink-rgw: refact global workflow

Instead of running the ceph roles against localhost we should do it
on the first mon.
The ansible and inventory hostname of the rgw nodes could be different.
Ensure that the rgw instance to remove is present in the cluster.
Fix rgw service and directory path.


Signed-off-by: Dimitri Savineau <>
Dimitri Savineau 2020-01-09 11:48:13 -05:00 committed by Guillaume Abrioux
parent 86f3eeb717
commit 747555dfa6
1 changed files with 62 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -11,60 +11,26 @@
# automation scripts to avoid interactive prompt.
- name: gather facts and check the init system
- "{{ mon_group_name | default('mons') }}"
- "{{ rgw_group_name | default('rgws') }}"
become: true
- debug:
msg: gather facts on MONS and RGWs
- name: confirm whether user really meant to remove rgw from the ceph cluster
hosts: localhost
become: true
become: false
gather_facts: false
- name: ireallymeanit
prompt: Are you sure you want to shrink the cluster?
default: 'no'
private: no
- import_role:
name: ceph-defaults
- import_role:
name: ceph-facts
- name: exit playbook, if no rgw was given
when: rgw_to_kill is not defined
when: rgw_to_kill is not defined or rgw_to_kill | length == 0
msg: >
rgw_to_kill must be declared.
Exiting shrink-cluster playbook, no RGW was removed. On the command
line when invoking the playbook, you can use
"-e rgw_to_kill=ceph-rgw0 argument". You can only remove a single
"-e rgw_to_kill=ceph.rgw0 argument". You can only remove a single
RGW each time the playbook runs.
- name: get rgw hostname
rgw_to_kill_hostname: "{{ rgw_to_kill.split('.')[0] }}"
- name: get rgw instance
rgw_to_kill_instance: "{{ rgw_to_kill.split('.')[1] }}"
- name: exit if supplied hostname didnt match actual hostname
msg: supplied hostname didn't match with actual hostname
when: hostvars[rgw_to_kill_hostname]['ansible_hostname'] != rgw_to_kill_hostname
- name: exit playbook, if the rgw is not part of the inventory
when: rgw_to_kill_hostname not in groups[rgw_group_name]
msg: >
It seems that the host given is not part of your inventory, please
make sure it is.
- name: exit playbook, if user did not mean to shrink cluster
when: ireallymeanit != 'yes'
@ -73,42 +39,76 @@
cluster, either say 'yes' on the prompt or use
'-e ireallymeanit=yes' on the command line when invoking the playbook
- name: gather facts and mons and rgws
- "{{ mon_group_name | default('mons') }}[0]"
- "{{ rgw_group_name | default('rgws') }}"
become: true
gather_facts: false
- setup:
- hosts: mons[0]
become: true
gather_facts: false
- import_role:
name: ceph-defaults
- import_role:
name: ceph-facts
tasks_from: container_binary
- name: set_fact container_exec_cmd for mon0
when: containerized_deployment | bool
container_exec_cmd: "{{ container_binary }} exec ceph-mon-{{hostvars[groups[mon_group_name][0]]['ansible_hostname'] }}"
container_exec_cmd: "{{ container_binary }} exec ceph-mon-{{ ansible_hostname }}"
when: containerized_deployment | bool
- name: exit playbook, if can not connect to the cluster
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('') }} timeout 5 ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} health"
register: ceph_health
until: ceph_health is succeeded
delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}"
retries: 5
delay: 2
- name: stop rgw service and verify it
- name: stop rgw service
name: ceph-radosgw@rgw.{{ rgw_to_kill }}
state: stopped
enabled: no
delegate_to: "{{ rgw_to_kill_hostname }}"
failed_when: false
- name: get rgw instances
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} -s -f json"
register: rgw_instances
- name: ensure that the rgw is stopped
command: "systemctl is-active ceph_rgw@rgw.{{ rgw_to_kill }}"
register: rgw_to_kill_status
failed_when: rgw_to_kill_status.rc == 0
delegate_to: "{{ rgw_to_kill_hostname }}"
retries: 5
delay: 2
- name: exit playbook, if the rgw_to_kill doesn't exist
when: rgw_to_kill not in (rgw_instances.stdout | from_json) | list
msg: >
It seems that the rgw instance given is not part of the ceph cluster. Please
make sure it is.
The rgw instance format is $(hostname}.rgw$(instance number).
- name: get rgw host running the rgw instance to kill
rgw_host: '{{ item }}'
with_items: '{{ groups[rgw_group_name] }}'
when: hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname'] == rgw_to_kill.split('.')[0]
- name: stop rgw service
name: ceph-radosgw@rgw.{{ rgw_to_kill }}
state: stopped
enabled: no
delegate_to: "{{ rgw_host }}"
failed_when: false
- name: ensure that the rgw is stopped
command: "systemctl is-active ceph-radosgw@rgw.{{ rgw_to_kill }}"
register: rgw_to_kill_status
failed_when: rgw_to_kill_status.rc == 0
delegate_to: "{{ rgw_host }}"
retries: 5
delay: 2
- name: exit if rgw_to_kill is reported in ceph status
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} -s -f json"
register: ceph_status
delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}"
- (ceph_status.stdout | from_json) is defined
- rgw_to_kill in (ceph_status.stdout | from_json) | list
@ -120,11 +120,9 @@
- name: purge directories related to rgw
path: /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/{{ cluster }}-{{ rgw_to_kill_hostname }}
path: /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/{{ cluster }}-rgw.{{ rgw_to_kill }}
state: absent
delegate_to: "{{ rgw_to_kill_hostname }}"
delegate_to: "{{ rgw_host }}"
- name: show ceph health
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('')}} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} -s"
delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}"