dashboard: enable https by default

see linked bz for details

Closes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1889426

Signed-off-by: Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
Guillaume Abrioux 2020-11-03 13:49:59 +01:00
parent 15044da030
commit 767d3c898e
3 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ dummy:
# For https, you should set dashboard.crt/key and grafana.crt/key
# If you define the dashboard_crt and dashboard_key variables, but leave them as '',
# then we will autogenerate a cert and keyfile
#dashboard_protocol: http
#dashboard_protocol: https
#dashboard_port: 8443
#dashboard_admin_user: admin
#dashboard_admin_user_ro: false

View File

@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ ceph_docker_registry_auth: true
# For https, you should set dashboard.crt/key and grafana.crt/key
# If you define the dashboard_crt and dashboard_key variables, but leave them as '',
# then we will autogenerate a cert and keyfile
#dashboard_protocol: http
#dashboard_protocol: https
#dashboard_port: 8443
#dashboard_admin_user: admin
#dashboard_admin_user_ro: false

View File

@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ dashboard_enabled: True
# For https, you should set dashboard.crt/key and grafana.crt/key
# If you define the dashboard_crt and dashboard_key variables, but leave them as '',
# then we will autogenerate a cert and keyfile
dashboard_protocol: http
dashboard_protocol: https
dashboard_port: 8443
dashboard_admin_user: admin
dashboard_admin_user_ro: false