ceph-common: use yum_repository when adding the ceph_stable repo

This gives us more flexibility than installing the ceph-release package
as we can easily use different mirrors. Also, I noticed an issue when
upgrading from jewel -> kraken as the ceph-release package for those
releases both have the same version number and yum doesn't know to
update anything.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Schoen <aschoen@redhat.com>
Andrew Schoen 2017-02-17 14:27:15 -06:00
parent 5d8174b1ef
commit 920bd9cf2d
1 changed files with 6 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -6,19 +6,15 @@
when: ceph_stable
- name: add ceph stable repository
name: "{{ ceph_mirror }}/rpm-{{ ceph_stable_release }}/{{ ceph_stable_redhat_distro }}/noarch/ceph-release-1-0.{{ ceph_stable_redhat_distro|replace('rhel', 'el') }}.noarch.rpm"
name: ceph_stable
description: Ceph Stable repo
gpgcheck: yes
state: present
changed_when: false
gpgkey: "{{ ceph_stable_key }}"
baseurl: "{{ ceph_mirror }}/rpm-{{ ceph_stable_release }}/{{ ceph_stable_redhat_distro }}/$basearch"
when: ceph_stable
- name: change download url to ceph mirror
name: /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph.repo
regexp: http://download.ceph.com
replace: "{{ ceph_mirror }}"
when: ceph_mirror != "http://download.ceph.com"
# we must use curl instead of ansible's uri module because SNI support in
# Python is only available in 2.7.9 and later, and most supported distributions
# don't have that version, so a request to https fails.