--- # This playbook purges the Ceph MGR Dashboard and Monitoring # (alertmanager/prometheus/grafana/node-exporter) stack. # It removes: packages, configuration files and ALL THE DATA # # Use it like this: # ansible-playbook purge-dashboard.yml # Prompts for confirmation to purge, defaults to no and # doesn't purge anything. yes purges the dashboard and # monitoring stack. # # ansible-playbook -e ireallymeanit=yes|no purge-dashboard.yml # Overrides the prompt using -e option. Can be used in # automation scripts to avoid interactive prompt. - name: confirm whether user really meant to purge the dashboard hosts: localhost gather_facts: false vars_prompt: - name: ireallymeanit prompt: Are you sure you want to purge the dashboard? default: 'no' private: no tasks: - name: exit playbook, if user did not mean to purge dashboard fail: msg: > "Exiting purge-dashboard playbook, dashboard was NOT purged. To purge the dashboard, either say 'yes' on the prompt or or use `-e ireallymeanit=yes` on the command line when invoking the playbook" when: ireallymeanit != 'yes' - name: gather facts on all hosts hosts: - "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}" - "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" - "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" - "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" - "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" - "{{ nfs_group_name|default('nfss') }}" - "{{ client_group_name|default('clients') }}" - "{{ mgr_group_name|default('mgrs') }}" - "{{ monitoring_group_name | default('monitoring') }}" become: true tasks: - debug: msg="gather facts on all Ceph hosts for following reference" - name: purge node exporter hosts: - "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}" - "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" - "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" - "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" - "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" - "{{ nfs_group_name|default('nfss') }}" - "{{ client_group_name|default('clients') }}" - "{{ mgr_group_name|default('mgrs') }}" - "{{ monitoring_group_name | default('monitoring') }}" gather_facts: false become: true tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: container_binary - name: disable node_exporter service service: name: node_exporter state: stopped enabled: no failed_when: false - name: remove node_exporter service files file: name: "{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service - /run/node_exporter.service-cid - name: remove node-exporter image command: "{{ container_binary }} rmi {{ node_exporter_container_image }}" changed_when: false failed_when: false - name: purge ceph monitoring hosts: "{{ monitoring_group_name | default('monitoring') }}" gather_facts: false become: true tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: container_binary - name: stop services service: name: "{{ item }}" state: stopped enabled: no failed_when: false loop: - alertmanager - prometheus - grafana-server - name: remove systemd service files file: name: "{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - /etc/systemd/system/alertmanager.service - /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service - /etc/systemd/system/grafana-server.service - /run/alertmanager.service-cid - /run/prometheus.service-cid - /run/grafana-server.service-cid - name: remove ceph dashboard container images command: "{{ container_binary }} rmi {{ item }}" loop: - "{{ alertmanager_container_image }}" - "{{ prometheus_container_image }}" - "{{ grafana_container_image }}" changed_when: false failed_when: false - name: remove ceph-grafana-dashboards package on RedHat or SUSE package: name: ceph-grafana-dashboards state: absent when: - not containerized_deployment | bool - ansible_facts['os_family'] in ['RedHat', 'Suse'] - name: remove data file: name: "{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - "{{ alertmanager_conf_dir }}" - "{{ prometheus_conf_dir }}" - /etc/grafana - "{{ alertmanager_data_dir }}" - "{{ prometheus_data_dir }}" - /var/lib/grafana - name: purge ceph dashboard hosts: "{{ groups[mgr_group_name] | default(groups[mon_group_name]) | default(omit) }}" gather_facts: false become: true environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: container_binary - name: remove the dashboard admin user ceph_dashboard_user: name: "{{ dashboard_admin_user }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" state: absent run_once: true delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" - name: remove radosgw system user radosgw_user: name: "{{ dashboard_rgw_api_user_id }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" state: absent run_once: true delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" when: groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) | length > 0 - name: disable mgr dashboard and prometheus modules ceph_mgr_module: name: "{{ item }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" state: disable run_once: true delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" loop: - dashboard - prometheus - name: remove TLS certificate and key files file: name: "/etc/ceph/ceph-dashboard.{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - crt - key when: dashboard_protocol == "https" - name: remove ceph-mgr-dashboard package package: name: ceph-mgr-dashboard state: absent when: not containerized_deployment | bool