#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail ############# # VARIABLES # ############# basedir=$(dirname "$0") do_not_generate="(ceph-common|ceph-container-common|ceph-fetch-keys)$" # pipe separated list of roles we don't want to generate sample file, MUST end with '$', e.g: 'foo$|bar$' ############# # FUNCTIONS # ############# populate_header () { for i in $output; do cat < "$basedir"/group_vars/"$i" --- # Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles # This sample file generated by $(basename "$0") # Dummy variable to avoid error because ansible does not recognize the # file as a good configuration file when no variable in it. dummy: EOF done } generate_group_vars_file () { for i in $output; do if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then sed '/^---/d; s/^\([A-Za-z[:space:]]\)/#\1/' \ "$defaults" >> "$basedir"/group_vars/"$i" echo >> "$basedir"/group_vars/"$i" elif [ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]; then sed '/^---/d; s/^\([A-Za-z[:space:]].\+\)/#\1/' \ "$defaults" >> "$basedir"/group_vars/"$i" echo >> "$basedir"/group_vars/"$i" else echo "Unsupported platform" exit 1 fi done } ######## # MAIN # ######## for role in "$basedir"/roles/ceph-*; do rolename=$(basename "$role") if [[ $rolename == "ceph-defaults" ]]; then output="all.yml.sample" elif [[ $rolename == "ceph-fetch-keys" ]]; then output="ceph-fetch-keys.yml.sample" elif [[ $rolename == "ceph-rbd-mirror" ]]; then output="rbdmirrors.yml.sample" elif [[ $rolename == "ceph-rgw-loadbalancer" ]]; then output="rgwloadbalancers.yml.sample" else output="${rolename:5}s.yml.sample" fi defaults="$role"/defaults/main.yml if [[ ! -f $defaults ]]; then continue fi if ! echo "$rolename" | grep -qE "$do_not_generate"; then populate_header generate_group_vars_file fi done