--- # THIS FILE IS AN EXAMPLE THAT CONTAINS A SET OF VARIABLE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # GOAL: CONFIGURE RADOS GATEWAY WITH KEYSTONE V2 # # The following variables should be added in your group_vars/rgws.yml file # The double quotes are important, do NOT remove them. ceph_conf_overrides: "client.rgw.{{ rgw_zone }}.{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['hostname'] }}": "rgw keystone api version": "2" "rgw keystone url": "" "rgw keystone admin token": "password" "rgw keystone admin tenant": "admin" "rgw keystone accepted roles": "member, _member_, admin" "rgw keystone token cache size": "10000" "rgw keystone revocation interval": "900" "rgw s3 auth use keystone": "true" "nss db path": "/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-radosgw.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}/nss" # NOTE (leseb): to authentivate with Keystone you have two options: # * using a token (like shown above) # - "rgw keystone admin token" = admin" # - "rgw keystone token cache size" = 10000" # # * use credential: # - "rgw keystone admin user" = "admin" # - "rgw keystone admin password" = "password" #