#!/bin/bash # # This script will install Ansible and then deploy a simple Ceph cluster. # The script relies on the auto osd discovery feature set -e # VARIABLES SOURCE=stable IP=$(ip -4 -o a | awk '/eth|ens|eno|enp|em|p.p./ { sub ("/..", "", $4); print $4 }' | head -1) SUBNET=$(ip r | grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}/[0-9]\{1,2\}' | head -1) CEPH_POOL_DEFAULT_SIZE=2 INSTALL_MDS=true INSTALL_RGW=true # FUNCTIONS show_help() { PROG=$(basename "$0") echo "" echo "Usage of ${PROG}:" cat << EOF None of the following options are mandatory! -h : HELP, show this help & exit -s stable : INSTALL SOURCE, valid values are 'stable' or 'dev' (DEFAULT: stable) -b master : DEV BRANCH, only valid when '-s dev' (DEFAULT: master) -i : IP, if not set the first IP of the stack will be used -n : Subnet, if not set the first subnet of the stack will be used -p 2 : OSD default pool size and min_size (DEFAULT: 2) -m true : Install MDS (DEFAULT: true) -r true : Install RGW (DEFAULT: true) Examples: ${PROG} -s stable # installs latest stable version and detects IP/SUBNET ${PROG} -s stable -i -n # installs latest stable version and use the provided IP/SUBNET ${PROG} -s dev -b master # installs master branch version and detects IP/SUBNET ${PROG} -s dev -b master -i -n # installs master branch version and use the provided IP/SUBNET ${PROG} -s stable -i -n -p 1 -m false -r false # install latest stable version, use the provided IP/SUBNET, set default pool size and min_size to 1 and don't install MDS and RGW EOF } parse_cmdline() { while getopts "hs:b:i:n:p:m:r:" opt; do case $opt in h) show_help exit 0 ;; s) SOURCE=${OPTARG} ;; b) BRANCH=${OPTARG} ;; i) IP=${OPTARG} ;; n) SUBNET=${OPTARG} ;; p) CEPH_POOL_DEFAULT_SIZE=${OPTARG} ;; m) INSTALL_MDS=${OPTARG} ;; r) INSTALL_RGW=${OPTARG} ;; \?) exit 1 ;; : ) exit 1 ;; esac done if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then show_help exit 0 fi if [[ ${SOURCE} == 'stable' && ! -z ${BRANCH} ]]; then echo "You can not use a stable install source and a specific branch!" echo "A branch can be specified when a 'dev' source is desired". echo "Run the script with -h for examples." exit 1 fi } function is_ansible_installed { if ! command -v ansible-playbook 1&> /dev/null; then echo "Please install Ansible" exit 1 fi } function ssh_setup { if [ ! -f "$HOME"/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then echo -e 'y\n'|ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N "" -f "$HOME"/.ssh/id_rsa fi if ! grep -Fxq "$(cat "$HOME"/.ssh/id_rsa.pub)" "$HOME"/.ssh/authorized_keys; then cat "$HOME"/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> "$HOME"/.ssh/authorized_keys fi } function cp_var { cp group_vars/all.yml.sample group_vars/all.yml cp group_vars/osds.yml.sample group_vars/osds.yml cp site.yml.sample site.yml } function populate_vars { sed -i "s/[#]*osd_auto_discovery: .*/osd_auto_discovery: true/" group_vars/osds.yml sed -i "s/[#]*osd_scenario: .*/osd_scenario: collocated/" group_vars/osds.yml sed -i "s/[#]*monitor_address: .*/monitor_address: ${IP}/" group_vars/all.yml sed -i "s/[#]*journal_size: .*/journal_size: 100/" group_vars/all.yml sed -i "s|[#]*public_network: .*|public_network: ${SUBNET}|" group_vars/all.yml sed -i "s/[#]*common_single_host_mode: .*/common_single_host_mode: true/" group_vars/all.yml if ! grep -q '^ceph_conf_overrides:' group_vars/all.yml; then cat >> group_vars/all.yml < hosts <> hosts <> hosts <