--- - name: create mgr directory file: path: /var/lib/ceph/mgr/{{ cluster }}-{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }} state: directory owner: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" group: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" mode: "{{ ceph_directories_mode }}" - name: fetch ceph mgr keyring ceph_key: name: "mgr.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" caps: mon: allow profile mgr osd: allow * mds: allow * cluster: "{{ cluster }}" secret: "{{ (mgr_secret != 'mgr_secret') | ternary(mgr_secret, omit) }}" owner: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" group: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" mode: "0400" dest: "/var/lib/ceph/mgr/{{ cluster }}-{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}/keyring" environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" when: groups.get(mgr_group_name, []) | length == 0 # the key is present already since one of the mons created it in "create ceph mgr keyring(s)" - name: create and copy keyrings when: groups.get(mgr_group_name, []) | length > 0 block: - name: create ceph mgr keyring(s) on a mon node ceph_key: name: "mgr.{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_facts']['hostname'] }}" caps: mon: allow profile mgr osd: allow * mds: allow * cluster: "{{ cluster }}" secret: "{{ (mgr_secret != 'mgr_secret') | ternary(mgr_secret, omit) }}" owner: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" group: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" mode: "0400" environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" with_items: "{{ groups.get(mgr_group_name, []) }}" run_once: True delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" - name: set_fact _mgr_keys set_fact: _mgr_keys: - { 'name': 'client.admin', 'path': "/etc/ceph/{{ cluster }}.client.admin.keyring", 'copy_key': copy_admin_key } - { 'name': "mgr.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}", 'path': "/var/lib/ceph/mgr/{{ cluster }}-{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}/keyring", 'copy_key': true } - name: get keys from monitors ceph_key: name: "{{ item.name }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" output_format: plain state: info environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" register: _mgr_keys with_items: "{{ _mgr_keys }}" delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] if running_mon is undefined else running_mon }}" when: - cephx | bool - item.copy_key | bool - name: copy ceph key(s) if needed copy: dest: "{{ item.item.path }}" content: "{{ item.stdout + '\n' }}" owner: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" group: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" mode: "{{ ceph_keyring_permissions }}" with_items: "{{ _mgr_keys.results }}" when: - cephx | bool - item is not skipped - item.item.copy_key | bool no_log: true - name: set mgr key permissions file: path: /var/lib/ceph/mgr/{{ cluster }}-{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}/keyring owner: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" group: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" mode: "{{ ceph_keyring_permissions }}" when: cephx | bool - name: append dashboard modules to ceph_mgr_modules set_fact: ceph_mgr_modules: "{{ ceph_mgr_modules | union(['dashboard', 'prometheus']) }}" when: dashboard_enabled | bool