--- - hosts: client0 gather_facts: false become: yes tasks: - name: check if it is atomic host stat: path: /run/ostree-booted register: stat_ostree tags: always # all our containerized job are based on atomic os, so we can rely on is_atomic to detect # whether we are running a containerized job - name: set_fact is_atomic set_fact: is_atomic: '{{ stat_ostree.stat.exists }}' tags: always - name: load rbd module modprobe: name: rbd state: present delegate_to: "{{ item }}" with_items: - mon0 - client0 - name: create an rbd image - non container command: "rbd create --size=1024 test/rbd_test" delegate_to: "mon0" when: - not is_atomic | bool - not containerized_deployment | default(false) | bool - name: create an rbd image - container command: "podman run --rm -v /etc/ceph:/etc/ceph --net=host --entrypoint=rbd {{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }} create --size=1024 test/rbd_test" delegate_to: "mon0" when: is_atomic | bool or containerized_deployment | default(false) | bool - name: non container when: - not is_atomic | bool - not containerized_deployment | default(false) | bool block: - name: disable features unsupported by the kernel command: rbd feature disable test/rbd_test object-map fast-diff deep-flatten - name: map a device command: rbd map test/rbd_test - name: container when: is_atomic | bool or containerized_deployment | default(false) | bool block: - name: disable features unsupported by the kernel command: "podman run --rm -v /etc/ceph:/etc/ceph --net=host --entrypoint=rbd {{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }} feature disable test/rbd_test object-map fast-diff deep-flatten" - name: map a device command: "podman run --rm --privileged -v /etc/ceph:/etc/ceph -v /dev:/dev --net=host --entrypoint=rbd {{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }} map test/rbd_test"