--- # Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles # This sample file generated by generate_group_vars_sample.sh # Dummy variable to avoid error because ansible does not recognize the # file as a good configuration file when no variable in it. dummy: # You can override vars by using host or group vars ########### # GENERAL # ########### #mon_group_name: mons # ACTIVATE BOTH FSID AND MONITOR_SECRET VARIABLES FOR NON-VAGRANT DEPLOYMENT #monitor_secret: "{{ monitor_keyring.stdout }}" #admin_secret: 'admin_secret' # Secure your cluster # This will set the following flags on all the pools: # * nosizechange # * nopgchange # * nodelete #secure_cluster: false #secure_cluster_flags: # - nopgchange # - nodelete # - nosizechange # Enable the Calamari-backed REST API on a Monitor #calamari: false # Enable debugging for Calamari #calamari_debug: false ############### # CRUSH RULES # ############### #crush_rule_config: false #crush_rule_hdd: # name: HDD # root: HDD # type: host # default: false #crush_rule_ssd: # name: SSD # root: SSD # type: host # default: false #crush_rules: # - "{{ crush_rule_hdd }}" # - "{{ crush_rule_ssd }}" # Caution: this will create crush roots and racks according to hostvars {{ osd_crush_location }} # and will move hosts into them which might lead to significant data movement in the cluster! # # In order for the playbook to create CRUSH hierarchy, you have to setup your Ansible inventory file like so: # # [osds] # ceph-osd-01 osd_crush_location="{ 'root': 'mon-roottt', 'rack': 'mon-rackkkk', 'pod': 'monpod', 'host': 'ceph-osd-01' }" # # Note that 'host' is mandatory and that you need to submit at least two bucket type (including the host) #create_crush_tree: false ########## # DOCKER # ########## # Resource limitation # For the whole list of limits you can apply see: docs.docker.com/engine/admin/resource_constraints # Default values are based from: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_ceph_storage/2/html/red_hat_ceph_storage_hardware_guide/minimum_recommendations # These options can be passed using the 'ceph_mon_docker_extra_env' variable. #ceph_mon_docker_memory_limit: 3g #ceph_mon_docker_cpu_limit: 1 # Use this variable to add extra env configuration to run your mon container. # If you want to set a custom admin keyring you can set this variable like following: # ceph_mon_docker_extra_env: -e ADMIN_SECRET={{ admin_secret }} #ceph_mon_docker_extra_env: #mon_docker_privileged: false #mon_docker_net_host: true #ceph_config_keys: [] # DON'T TOUCH ME ########### # SYSTEMD # ########### # ceph_mon_systemd_overrides will override the systemd settings # for the ceph-mon services. # For example,to set "PrivateDevices=false" you can specify: #ceph_mon_systemd_overrides: # Service: # PrivateDevices: False