ceph-ansible ============ Ansible playbook for Ceph! Clone me: ```bash git clone https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible.git ``` ## What does it do? General support for: * Monitors * OSDs * MDSs * RGW More details: * Authentication (cephx), this can be disabled. * Supports cluster public and private network. * Monitors deployment. You can easily start with one monitor and then progressively add new nodes. So can deploy one monitor for testing purpose. For production, I recommend to always use an odd number of monitors, 3 tends to be the standard. * Object Storage Daemons. Like the monitors you can start with a certain amount of nodes and then grow this number. The playbook either supports a dedicated device for storing the journal or both journal and OSD data on the same device (using a tiny partition at the beginning of the device). * Metadata daemons. * Collocation. The playbook supports collocating Monitors, OSDs and MDSs on the same machine. * The playbook was validated on Debian Wheezy, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and CentOS 6.4. * Tested on Ceph Dumpling and Emperor. * A rolling upgrade playbook was written, an upgrade from Dumpling to Emperor was performed and worked. ## Setup with Vagrant using virtualbox provider * Create vagrant_variables.yml ``` $ cp vagrant_variables.yml.sample vagrant_variables.yml ``` * Create site.yml ``` $ cp site.yml.sample site.yml ``` * Create VMs ``` $ vagrant up --no-provision --provider=virtualbox $ vagrant provision ... ... ... ____________ < PLAY RECAP > ------------ \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || mon0 : ok=16 changed=11 unreachable=0 failed=0 mon1 : ok=16 changed=10 unreachable=0 failed=0 mon2 : ok=16 changed=11 unreachable=0 failed=0 osd0 : ok=19 changed=7 unreachable=0 failed=0 osd1 : ok=19 changed=7 unreachable=0 failed=0 osd2 : ok=19 changed=7 unreachable=0 failed=0 rgw : ok=20 changed=17 unreachable=0 failed=0 ``` Check the status: ```bash $ vagrant ssh mon0 -c "sudo ceph -s" cluster 4a158d27-f750-41d5-9e7f-26ce4c9d2d45 health HEALTH_OK monmap e3: 3 mons at {ceph-mon0=,ceph-mon1=,ceph-mon2=}, election epoch 6, quorum 0,1,2 ceph-mon0,ceph-mon1,ceph-mon mdsmap e6: 1/1/1 up {0=ceph-osd0=up:active}, 2 up:standby osdmap e10: 6 osds: 6 up, 6 in pgmap v17: 192 pgs, 3 pools, 9470 bytes data, 21 objects 205 MB used, 29728 MB / 29933 MB avail 192 active+clean ``` To re-run the Ansible provisioning scripts: ```bash $ vagrant provision ``` ## Specifying fsid and secret key in production The Vagrantfile specifies an fsid for the cluster and a secret key for the monitor. If using these playbooks in production, you must generate your own `fsid` in `group_vars/all` and `monitor_secret` in `group_vars/mons`. Those files contain information about how to generate appropriate values for these variables. ## Specifying package origin By default, ceph-common installs from Ceph repository. However, you can set `ceph_origin` to "distro" to install Ceph from your default repository. ## Setup for Vagrant using libvirt provider * Create vagrant_variables.yml ``` $ cp vagrant_variables.yml.sample vagrant_variables.yml ``` * Edit `vagrant_variables.yml` and setup the following variables: ```yml memory: 1024 disks: "[ '/dev/vdb', '/dev/vdc' ]" vagrant_box: centos/7 ``` * Create site.yml ``` $ cp site.yml.sample site.yml ``` * Create VMs ``` $ sudo vagrant up --no-provision --provider=libvirt $ sudo vagrant provision ``` ## Setup for Vagrant using parallels provider * Create vagrant_variables.yml ``` $ cp vagrant_variables.yml.sample vagrant_variables.yml ``` * Edit `vagrant_variables.yml` and setup the following variables: ```yml vagrant_box: parallels/ubuntu-14.04 ``` * Create site.yml ``` $ cp site.yml.sample site.yml ``` * Create VMs ``` $ vagrant up --no-provision --provider=parallels $ vagrant provision ``` ### For Debian based systems If you want to use "backports", you can set "true" to `ceph_use_distro_backports`. Attention, ceph-common doesn't manage backports repository, you must add it yourself. # Want to contribute? Read this carefully then :). The repository centralises all the Ansible roles. The roles are all part of the Galaxy. We love contribution and we love giving visibility to our contributors, this is why all the **commits must be signed-off**. ## Submit a patch To start contriuting just do: ``` $ git checkout -b my-working-branch $ # do your changes # $ git add -p ``` One more step, before pushing your code you should run a syntax check: ``` $ ansible-playbook -i dummy-ansible-hosts test.yml --syntax-check ``` If your change impacts a variable file in a role such as `roles`ceph-common/defaults/main.yml`, you need to generate a `group_vars` file: ``` $ ./generate_group_vars_sample.sh ``` You are finally ready to push your changes on Github: ``` $ git commit -s $ git push origin my-working-branch ``` Worked on a change and you don't want to resend a commit for a syntax fix? ``` $ # do your syntax change # $ git commit --amend $ git push -f origin my-working-branch ``` # Testing PR Go on the github interface and submit a PR. Now we have 2 online CIs: * Travis, simply does a syntax check * Jenkins Ceph: bootstraps one monitor, one OSD, one RGW If Jenkins detects that your commit broke something it will turn red. You can then check the logs of the Jenkins by clicking on "Testing Playbooks" button in your PR and go to "Console Output". You can now submit a new commit/change that will update the CI system to run a new play. It might happen that the CI does not get reloead so you can simply leave a comment on your PR with "test this please" and it will trigger a new CI build. ## Vagrant Demo [![Ceph-ansible Vagrant Demo](http://img.youtube.com/vi/E8-96NamLDo/0.jpg)](https://youtu.be/E8-96NamLDo "Deploy Ceph with Ansible (Vagrant demo)") ## Bare metal demo Deployment from scratch on bare metal machines: [![Ceph-ansible bare metal demo](http://img.youtube.com/vi/dv_PEp9qAqg/0.jpg)](https://youtu.be/dv_PEp9qAqg "Deploy Ceph with Ansible (Bare metal demo)")