# Ansible role: Ceph Common This role does several things prior to bootstrapping your Ceph cluster: * Checks the system and validates that Ceph can be installed * Tunes the operating system if the node is an OSD server * Installs Ceph * Generates `ceph.conf` # Requirements Move the `plugins/actions/config_template.py` file to your top level playbook directory. Edit your `ansible.cfg` like so: action_plugins = plugins/actions Depending on how you are managing your playbook, the path might be different so edit the file accordingly if necessary. # Role variables Have a look at `defaults/main.yml`. ## Mandatory variables * Install source, choose one of these: * `ceph_stable` * `ceph_dev` * `ceph_stable_ice` * `ceph_stable_rh_storage` * `journal_size` * `monitor_interface` * `public_network` * `cluster_network` ## Handlers * update apt cache * restart ceph-mon * restart ceph-osd * restart ceph-mds * restart ceph-rgw * restart ceph-restapi * restart apache2 # Dependencies None # Example Playbook ``` - hosts: servers remote_user: ubuntu roles: - { role: leseb.ceph-common } ``` # Misc This role is a **mandatory** dependency for the following roles: * ceph-mon * ceph-osd * ceph-mds * ceph-rgw * ceph-restapi # Contribution **THIS REPOSITORY DOES NOT ACCEPT PULL REQUESTS**. **PULL REQUESTS MUST GO THROUGH [CEPH-ANSIBLE](https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible)**. # License Apache # Author Information This role was created by [Sébastien Han](http://sebastien-han.fr/).