--- # Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles # This sample file generated by generate_group_vars_sample.sh # Dummy variable to avoid error because ansible does not recognize the # file as a good configuration file when no variable in it. dummy: # You can override default vars defined in defaults/main.yml here, # but I would advice to use host or group vars instead ########### # GENERAL # ########### #fetch_directory: fetch/ # Even though OSD nodes should not have the admin key # at their disposal, some people might want to have it # distributed on OSD nodes. Setting 'copy_admin_key' to 'true' # will copy the admin key to the /etc/ceph/ directory #copy_admin_key: false #################### # OSD CRUSH LOCATION #################### # The following options will build a ceph.conf with OSD sections # Example: # [osd.X] # osd crush location = "root=location" # # This works with your inventory file # To match the following 'osd_crush_location' option the inventory must look like: # # [osds] # osd0 ceph_crush_root=foo ceph_crush_rack=bar #crush_location: false #osd_crush_location: "'root={{ ceph_crush_root }} rack={{ ceph_crush_rack }} host={{ ansible_hostname }}'" ############## # CEPH OPTIONS ############## # ACTIVATE THE FSID VARIABLE FOR NON-VAGRANT DEPLOYMENT #fsid: "{{ cluster_uuid.stdout }}" #cephx: true # Devices to be used as OSDs # You can pre-provision disks that are not present yet. # Ansible will just skip them. Newly added disk will be # automatically configured during the next run. # # !! WARNING !! # # /!\ ENABLE ONLY ONE SCENARIO AT A TIME /!\ # # !! WARNING !! # Declare devices # All the scenarii inherit from the following device declaration # #devices: # - /dev/sdb # - /dev/sdc # Device discovery is based on the Ansible fact 'ansible_devices' # which reports all the devices on a system. If chosen all the disks # found will be passed to ceph-disk. You should not be worried on using # this option since ceph-disk has a built-in check which looks for empty devices. # Thus devices with existing partition tables will not be used. # This mode prevents you from filling out the 'devices' variable above. # #osd_auto_discovery: false # I. First scenario: journal and osd_data on the same device # Use 'true' to enable this scenario # This will collocate both journal and data on the same disk # creating a partition at the beginning of the device #journal_collocation: false # II. Second scenario: single journal device for N OSDs # Use 'true' to enable this scenario # deprecated, please use scenario III with a single raw_journal_device # III. Third scenario: N journal devices for N OSDs # Use 'true' to enable this scenario # # In the following example: # * sdd and sde will get sdb as a journal # * sdf and sdg will get sdc as a journal # While starting you have 2 options: # 1. Pre-allocate all the devices # 2. Progressively add new devices #raw_multi_journal: false #raw_journal_devices: # - /dev/sdb # - /dev/sdb # - /dev/sdc # - /dev/sdc # IV. Fourth scenario: use directory instead of disk for OSDs # Use 'true' to enable this scenario #osd_directory: false #osd_directories: # - /var/lib/ceph/osd/mydir1 # - /var/lib/ceph/osd/mydir2 # V. Fith scenario: this will partition disks for BlueStore # Use 'true' to enable this scenario #bluestore: false ########## # DOCKER # ########## #osd_containerized_deployment: false #osd_containerized_deployment_with_kv: false #kv_type: etcd #kv_endpoint: #ceph_osd_docker_prepare_env: "" #ceph_osd_docker_username: ceph #ceph_osd_docker_imagename: daemon #ceph_osd_docker_extra_env: "CEPH_DAEMON=OSD_CEPH_DISK" # comma separated variables #ceph_osd_docker_devices: # - /dev/sdb #ceph_docker_on_openstack: false