--- - name: Gather facts and prepare system for cephadm hosts: - "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}" - "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" - "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" - "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" - "{{ mgr_group_name|default('mgrs') }}" - "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" - "{{ nfs_group_name|default('nfss') }}" - "{{ monitoring_group_name|default('monitoring') }}" become: true gather_facts: false vars: delegate_facts_host: true tasks: - name: Import ceph-defaults role ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: Validate if monitor group doesn't exist or empty ansible.builtin.fail: msg: "you must add a [mons] group and add at least one node." run_once: true when: groups[mon_group_name] is undefined or groups[mon_group_name] | length == 0 - name: Validate if manager group doesn't exist or empty ansible.builtin.fail: msg: "you must add a [mgrs] group and add at least one node." run_once: true when: groups[mgr_group_name] is undefined or groups[mgr_group_name] | length == 0 - name: Validate dashboard configuration when: dashboard_enabled | bool run_once: true block: - name: Fail if [monitoring] group doesn't exist or empty ansible.builtin.fail: msg: "you must add a [monitoring] group and add at least one node." when: groups[monitoring_group_name] is undefined or groups[monitoring_group_name] | length == 0 - name: Fail when dashboard_admin_password is not set ansible.builtin.fail: msg: "you must set dashboard_admin_password." when: dashboard_admin_password is undefined - name: Validate container registry credentials ansible.builtin.fail: msg: 'ceph_docker_registry_username and/or ceph_docker_registry_password variables need to be set' when: - ceph_docker_registry_auth | bool - (ceph_docker_registry_username is not defined or ceph_docker_registry_password is not defined) or (ceph_docker_registry_username | length == 0 or ceph_docker_registry_password | length == 0) - name: Gather facts ansible.builtin.setup: gather_subset: - 'all' - '!facter' - '!ohai' when: not delegate_facts_host | bool - name: Gather and delegate facts ansible.builtin.setup: gather_subset: - 'all' - '!facter' - '!ohai' delegate_to: "{{ item }}" delegate_facts: true with_items: "{{ groups['all'] }}" run_once: true when: delegate_facts_host | bool - name: Import ceph-facts role ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: container_binary.yml - name: Check if it is atomic host ansible.builtin.stat: path: /run/ostree-booted register: stat_ostree - name: Set_fact is_atomic ansible.builtin.set_fact: is_atomic: "{{ stat_ostree.stat.exists }}" - name: Import ceph-container-engine role ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-container-engine - name: Import ceph-container-common role ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-container-common tasks_from: registry.yml when: ceph_docker_registry_auth | bool - name: Configure repository for installing cephadm vars: ceph_origin: repository ceph_repository: community block: - name: Validate repository variables ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-validate tasks_from: check_repository.yml - name: Configure repository ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-common tasks_from: "configure_repository.yml" - name: Install cephadm requirements ansible.builtin.package: name: ['python3', 'lvm2'] register: result until: result is succeeded - name: Install cephadm ansible.builtin.package: name: cephadm register: result until: result is succeeded - name: Set_fact cephadm_cmd ansible.builtin.set_fact: cephadm_cmd: "cephadm {{ '--docker' if container_binary == 'docker' else '' }}" - name: Bootstrap the cluster hosts: "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}[0]" become: true gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Import ceph-defaults role ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: Import ceph-facts role ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: set_monitor_address.yml - name: Create /etc/ceph directory ansible.builtin.file: path: /etc/ceph state: directory mode: "0755" - name: Bootstrap the new cluster cephadm_bootstrap: mon_ip: "{{ _monitor_addresses[inventory_hostname] }}" image: "{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}" docker: "{{ true if container_binary == 'docker' else false }}" pull: false dashboard: "{{ dashboard_enabled }}" dashboard_user: "{{ dashboard_admin_user if dashboard_enabled | bool else omit }}" dashboard_password: "{{ dashboard_admin_password if dashboard_enabled | bool else omit }}" monitoring: false firewalld: "{{ configure_firewall }}" ssh_user: "{{ cephadm_ssh_user | default('root') }}" ssh_config: "{{ cephadm_ssh_config | default(omit) }}" - name: Set default container image in ceph configuration ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} config set global container_image {{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Set container image base in ceph configuration ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_base {{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Set dashboard container image in ceph mgr configuration when: dashboard_enabled | bool block: - name: Set alertmanager container image in ceph configuration ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_alertmanager {{ alertmanager_container_image }}" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Set grafana container image in ceph configuration ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_grafana {{ grafana_container_image }}" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Set node-exporter container image in ceph configuration ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_node_exporter {{ node_exporter_container_image }}" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Set prometheus container image in ceph configuration ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_prometheus {{ prometheus_container_image }}" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Add the other nodes hosts: - "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}" - "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" - "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" - "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" - "{{ mgr_group_name|default('mgrs') }}" - "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" - "{{ nfs_group_name|default('nfss') }}" - "{{ monitoring_group_name|default('monitoring') }}" become: true gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Import ceph-defaults role ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: Get the cephadm ssh pub key ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} cephadm get-pub-key" changed_when: false run_once: true register: cephadm_pubpkey delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Allow cephadm key ansible.posix.authorized_key: user: "{{ cephadm_ssh_user | default('root') }}" key: '{{ cephadm_pubpkey.stdout }}' - name: Run cephadm prepare-host ansible.builtin.command: cephadm prepare-host changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Manage nodes with cephadm - ipv4 ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch host add {{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }} {{ ansible_facts['all_ipv4_addresses'] | ips_in_ranges(public_network.split(',')) | first }} {{ group_names | join(' ') }} {{ '_admin' if mon_group_name | default('mons') in group_names else '' }}" changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' when: ip_version == 'ipv4' - name: Manage nodes with cephadm - ipv6 ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch host add {{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }} {{ ansible_facts['all_ipv6_addresses'] | ips_in_ranges(public_network.split(',')) | last | ansible.utils.ipwrap }} {{ group_names | join(' ') }} {{ '_admin' if mon_group_name | default('mons') in group_names else '' }}" changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' when: ip_version == 'ipv6' - name: Add ceph label for core component ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch host label add {{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }} ceph" changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' when: inventory_hostname in groups.get(mon_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(osd_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(mds_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(mgr_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(rbdmirror_group_name, []) environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Adjust service placement hosts: "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}[0]" become: true gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Import ceph-defaults role ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: Update the placement of monitor hosts ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply mon --placement='label:{{ mon_group_name }}'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Waiting for the monitor to join the quorum... ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} quorum_status --format json" changed_when: false register: ceph_health_raw until: (ceph_health_raw.stdout | from_json)["quorum_names"] | length == groups.get(mon_group_name, []) | length retries: "{{ health_mon_check_retries }}" delay: "{{ health_mon_check_delay }}" environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Update the placement of manager hosts ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply mgr --placement='label:{{ mgr_group_name }}'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Update the placement of crash hosts ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply crash --placement='label:ceph'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Update the placement of ceph-exporter hosts ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply ceph-exporter --placement='label:ceph'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Adjust monitoring service placement hosts: "{{ monitoring_group_name|default('monitoring') }}" become: true gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Import ceph-defaults ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: With dashboard enabled when: dashboard_enabled | bool delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' run_once: true block: - name: Enable the prometheus module ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} mgr module enable prometheus" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Update the placement of alertmanager hosts ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply alertmanager --placement='label:{{ monitoring_group_name }}'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Update the placement of grafana hosts ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply grafana --placement='label:{{ monitoring_group_name }}'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Update the placement of prometheus hosts ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply prometheus --placement='label:{{ monitoring_group_name }}'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Update the placement of node-exporter hosts ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply node-exporter --placement='*'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Print information hosts: "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}[0]" become: true gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Import ceph-defaults ansible.builtin.import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: Show ceph orchestrator services ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch ls --refresh" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Show ceph orchestrator daemons ansible.builtin.command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch ps --refresh" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: Inform users about cephadm ansible.builtin.debug: msg: | This Ceph cluster is now ready to receive more configuration like adding OSD, MDS daemons, create pools or keyring. You can do this by using the cephadm CLI and you don't need to use ceph-ansible playbooks anymore.