--- - hosts: localhost gather_facts: false become: yes tags: - vagrant_setup tasks: - name: change centos/7 vagrant box name to rhel7 replace: regexp: "centos/7" replace: "rhel7" dest: "{{ change_dir }}/vagrant_variables.yml" when: change_dir is defined - name: change ceph/ubuntu-xenial vagrant box name to rhel7 replace: regexp: "ceph/ubuntu-xenial" replace: "rhel7" dest: "{{ change_dir }}/vagrant_variables.yml" when: change_dir is defined - name: change centos/atomic-host vagrant box name to rhel7 replace: regexp: "centos/atomic-host" replace: "rhel7" dest: "{{ change_dir }}/vagrant_variables.yml" when: change_dir is defined - name: change ceph_stable to False replace: regexp: "ceph_stable:.*" replace: "ceph_stable: False" dest: "{{ change_dir }}/group_vars/all" when: change_dir is defined - name: set ceph_rhcs to True lineinfile: line: "ceph_rhcs: True" dest: "{{ change_dir }}/group_vars/all" when: change_dir is defined - name: set ceph_origin to distro lineinfile: line: "ceph_origin: distro" dest: "{{ change_dir }}/group_vars/all" when: change_dir is defined - hosts: all gather_facts: true become: yes tasks: - name: check if it is Atomic host stat: path=/run/ostree-booted register: stat_ostree always_run: true - name: set fact for using Atomic host set_fact: is_atomic: '{{ stat_ostree.stat.exists }}' - name: install nightly rhel7 repo get_url: url: "{{ rhel7_repo_url }}" dest: /etc/yum.repos.d owner: root group: root when: not is_atomic - name: enable the rhel-7-extras-nightly repo command: "yum-config-manager --enable rhel-7-extras-nightly" - name: set MTU on eth0 command: "ifconfig eth0 mtu 1400 up" - name: set MTU on eth1 command: "ifconfig eth1 mtu 1400 up" - hosts: mons gather_facts: false become: yes tasks: - name: install ceph mon repo yum_repository: name: ceph-mon description: repo for rhcs ceph-mon baseurl: "{{ repo_url }}/MON/x86_64/os/" gpgcheck: no enabled: yes when: - not is_atomic - hosts: osds gather_facts: false become: yes tasks: - name: install ceph osd repo yum_repository: name: ceph-osd description: repo for rhcs ceph-osd baseurl: "{{ repo_url }}/OSD/x86_64/os/" gpgcheck: no enabled: yes when: - not is_atomic - name: set MTU on eth2 command: "ifconfig eth2 mtu 1400 up" - hosts: mdss:rgws:clients gather_facts: false become: yes tasks: - name: install ceph tools repo yum_repository: name: ceph-osd description: repo for rhcs ceph tools baseurl: "{{ repo_url }}/Tools/x86_64/os/" gpgcheck: no enabled: yes when: - not is_atomic