[tox] envlist = {ansible2.2}-{xenial-conf-tests,xenial-mon-osd,xenial-cluster,centos7-mon-osd,centos7-cluster} skipsdist = True [testenv] whitelist_externals = vagrant bash passenv=* setenv= ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS = -F {changedir}/vagrant_ssh_config ANSIBLE_ACTION_PLUGINS = {toxinidir}/plugins/actions deps= ansible1.9: ansible==1.9.4 ansible2.1: ansible==2.1 ansible2.2: ansible==2.2 -r{toxinidir}/tests/requirements.txt changedir= # test a 3 mon cluster and ensures ceph.conf is rendered correctly xenial-conf-tests: {toxinidir}/tests/functional/ubuntu/16.04/mon # tests a 1 mon 1 osd xenial cluster using raw_multi_journal OSD scenario xenial-mon-osd: {toxinidir}/tests/functional/ubuntu/16.04/mon-osd # tests a 1 mon, 1 osd, 1 mds and 1 rgw xenial cluster using journal_collocation OSD scenario xenial-cluster: {toxinidir}/tests/functional/ubuntu/16.04/mon-osd-mds-rgw # tests a 1 mon 1 osd centos7 cluster using raw_multi_journal OSD scenario centos7-mon-osd: {toxinidir}/tests/functional/centos/7/mon-osd # tests a 1 mon, 1 osd, 1 mds and 1 rgw centos7 cluster using journal_collocation OSD scenario centos7-cluster: {toxinidir}/tests/functional/centos/7/mon-osd-mds-rgw commands= vagrant up --no-provision {posargs:--provider=virtualbox} bash {toxinidir}/tests/scripts/generate_ssh_config.sh {changedir} ansible-playbook -vv -i {changedir}/hosts {toxinidir}/site.yml.sample --extra-vars="fetch_directory={changedir}/fetch" py.test -v vagrant destroy --force