--- - name: install ceph for debian apt: name: "ceph" update_cache: no state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages|bool) | ternary('latest','present') }}" default_release: "{{ ceph_stable_release_uca | default(ansible_distribution_release) }}{{ '-backports' if ceph_origin == 'distro' and ceph_use_distro_backports else ''}}" - name: install ceph-common for debian apt: name: ceph-common state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages|bool) | ternary('latest','present') }}" default_release: "{{ ceph_stable_release_uca | default(ansible_distribution_release) }}{{ '-backports' if ceph_origin == 'distro' and ceph_use_distro_backports else ''}}" - name: install ceph-test for debian apt: name: ceph-test state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages|bool) | ternary('latest','present') }}" default_release: "{{ ceph_stable_release_uca | default(ansible_distribution_release) }}{{ '-backports' if ceph_origin == 'distro' and ceph_use_distro_backports else ''}}" when: - ceph_test - name: install rados gateway for debian apt: name: radosgw state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages|bool) | ternary('latest','present') }}" update_cache: yes when: - rgw_group_name in group_names - name: install ceph mds for debian apt: name: ceph-mds state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages|bool) | ternary('latest','present') }}" default_release: "{{ ceph_stable_release_uca | default(ansible_distribution_release) }}{{ '-backports' if ceph_origin == 'distro' and ceph_use_distro_backports else ''}}" when: - mds_group_name in group_names - name: install jemalloc for debian apt: name: libjemalloc1 state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages|bool) | ternary('latest','present') }}" update_cache: yes when: - nfs_group_name in group_names - name: install nfs gateway for debian apt: name: nfs-ganesha-fsal state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages|bool) | ternary('latest','present') }}" update_cache: yes when: - nfs_group_name in group_names - name: install ceph mgr for debian apt: name: ceph-mgr state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages|bool) | ternary('latest','present') }}" default_release: "{{ ceph_stable_release_uca | default(ansible_distribution_release) }}{{ '-backports' if ceph_origin == 'distro' and ceph_use_distro_backports else ''}}" when: - mgr_group_name in group_names - ceph_release_num.{{ ceph_release }} > ceph_release_num.jewel