--- - name: dashboard related tasks when: ceph_dashboard_call_item is defined block: - name: set current radosgw_address_block, radosgw_address, radosgw_interface from node "{{ ceph_dashboard_call_item }}" set_fact: radosgw_address_block: "{{ hostvars[ceph_dashboard_call_item]['radosgw_address_block'] | default(radosgw_address_block) }}" radosgw_address: "{{ hostvars[ceph_dashboard_call_item]['radosgw_address'] | default(radosgw_address) }}" radosgw_interface: "{{ hostvars[ceph_dashboard_call_item]['radosgw_interface'] | default(radosgw_interface) }}" - name: set_fact _radosgw_address to radosgw_address_block ipv4 set_fact: _radosgw_address: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['all_ipv4_addresses'] | ips_in_ranges(hostvars[inventory_hostname]['radosgw_address_block'].split(',')) | first }}" when: - radosgw_address_block is defined - radosgw_address_block != 'subnet' - ip_version == 'ipv4' - name: set_fact _radosgw_address to radosgw_address_block ipv6 set_fact: _radosgw_address: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['all_ipv6_addresses'] | ips_in_ranges(hostvars[inventory_hostname]['radosgw_address_block'].split(',')) | last | ipwrap }}" when: - radosgw_address_block is defined - radosgw_address_block != 'subnet' - ip_version == 'ipv6' - name: set_fact _radosgw_address to radosgw_address set_fact: _radosgw_address: "{{ radosgw_address | ipwrap }}" when: - radosgw_address is defined - radosgw_address != 'x.x.x.x' - name: tasks for radosgw interface when: - radosgw_address_block == 'subnet' - radosgw_address == 'x.x.x.x' - radosgw_interface != 'interface' block: - name: set_fact _interface set_fact: _interface: "{{ (hostvars[item]['radosgw_interface'] | replace('-', '_')) }}" loop: "{{ groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) }}" delegate_to: "{{ item }}" delegate_facts: true run_once: true - name: set_fact _radosgw_address to radosgw_interface - ipv4 set_fact: _radosgw_address: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_facts'][hostvars[item]['_interface']][ip_version]['address'] }}" loop: "{{ groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) }}" delegate_to: "{{ item }}" delegate_facts: true when: ip_version == 'ipv4' - name: set_fact _radosgw_address to radosgw_interface - ipv6 set_fact: _radosgw_address: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_facts'][hostvars[item]['_interface']][ip_version][0]['address'] | ipwrap }}" loop: "{{ groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) }}" delegate_to: "{{ item }}" delegate_facts: true when: ip_version == 'ipv6' - name: set_fact rgw_instances without rgw multisite set_fact: rgw_instances: "{{ rgw_instances|default([]) | union([{'instance_name': 'rgw' + item|string, 'radosgw_address': hostvars[ceph_dashboard_call_item | default(inventory_hostname)]['_radosgw_address'], 'radosgw_frontend_port': radosgw_frontend_port|int + item|int }]) }}" with_sequence: start=0 end={{ radosgw_num_instances|int - 1 }} delegate_to: "{{ ceph_dashboard_call_item if ceph_dashboard_call_item is defined else inventory_hostname }}" delegate_facts: "{{ true if ceph_dashboard_call_item is defined else false }}" when: - ceph_dashboard_call_item is defined or inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) - not rgw_multisite | bool - name: set_fact is_rgw_instances_defined set_fact: is_rgw_instances_defined: "{{ hostvars[ceph_dashboard_call_item | default(inventory_hostname)]['rgw_instances'] is defined }}" delegate_to: "{{ ceph_dashboard_call_item if ceph_dashboard_call_item is defined else inventory_hostname }}" delegate_facts: "{{ true if ceph_dashboard_call_item is defined else false }}" when: - inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) or ceph_dashboard_call_item is defined - rgw_multisite | bool - name: set_fact rgw_instances with rgw multisite set_fact: rgw_instances: "{{ rgw_instances|default([]) | union([{ 'instance_name': 'rgw' + item | string, 'radosgw_address': hostvars[ceph_dashboard_call_item | default(inventory_hostname)]['_radosgw_address'], 'radosgw_frontend_port': radosgw_frontend_port | int + item|int, 'rgw_realm': rgw_realm | string, 'rgw_zonegroup': rgw_zonegroup | string, 'rgw_zone': rgw_zone | string, 'system_access_key': system_access_key, 'system_secret_key': system_secret_key, 'rgw_zone_user': rgw_zone_user, 'rgw_zone_user_display_name': rgw_zone_user_display_name, 'endpoint': (rgw_pull_proto + '://' + rgw_pullhost + ':' + rgw_pull_port | string) if not rgw_zonemaster | bool and rgw_zonesecondary | bool else omit }]) }}" with_sequence: start=0 end={{ radosgw_num_instances|int - 1 }} delegate_to: "{{ ceph_dashboard_call_item if ceph_dashboard_call_item is defined else inventory_hostname }}" delegate_facts: "{{ true if ceph_dashboard_call_item is defined else false }}" when: - ceph_dashboard_call_item is defined or inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) - rgw_multisite | bool - not is_rgw_instances_defined | default(False) | bool - name: set_fact rgw_instances_host set_fact: rgw_instances_host: '{{ rgw_instances_host | default([]) | union([item | combine({"host": inventory_hostname})]) }}' with_items: '{{ rgw_instances }}' when: - inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) - rgw_multisite | bool - name: set_fact rgw_instances_all set_fact: rgw_instances_all: '{{ rgw_instances_all | default([]) | union(hostvars[item]["rgw_instances_host"]) }}' with_items: "{{ groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) }}" when: - inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) - hostvars[item]["rgw_instances_host"] is defined - hostvars[item]["rgw_multisite"] | default(False) | bool