# Copyright 2015, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. try: import ConfigParser except ImportError: import configparser as ConfigParser import io import json import os import re import yaml from ansible import errors from ansible.runner.return_data import ReturnData from ansible import utils from ansible.utils import template CONFIG_TYPES = { 'ini': 'return_config_overrides_ini', 'json': 'return_config_overrides_json', 'yaml': 'return_config_overrides_yaml' } class MultiKeyDict(dict): """Dictionary class which supports duplicate keys. This class allows for an item to be added into a standard python dictionary however if a key is created more than once the dictionary will convert the singular value to a python set. This set type forces all values to be a string. Example Usage: >>> z = MultiKeyDict() >>> z['a'] = 1 >>> z['b'] = ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> z['c'] = {'a': 1} >>> print(z) ... {'a': 1, 'b': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c': {'a': 1}} >>> z['a'] = 2 >>> print(z) ... {'a': set(['1', '2']), 'c': {'a': 1}, 'b': ['a', 'b', 'c']} """ def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in self: if isinstance(self[key], set): items = self[key] items.add(str(value)) super(MultiKeyDict, self).__setitem__(key, items) else: items = [str(value), str(self[key])] super(MultiKeyDict, self).__setitem__(key, set(items)) else: return dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) class ConfigTemplateParser(ConfigParser.RawConfigParser): """ConfigParser which supports multi key value. The parser will use keys with multiple variables in a set as a multiple key value within a configuration file. Default Configuration file: [DEFAULT] things = url1 url2 url3 other = 1,2,3 [section1] key = var1 key = var2 key = var3 Example Usage: >>> cp = ConfigTemplateParser(dict_type=MultiKeyDict) >>> cp.read('/tmp/test.ini') ... ['/tmp/test.ini'] >>> cp.get('DEFAULT', 'things') ... \nurl1\nurl2\nurl3 >>> cp.get('DEFAULT', 'other') ... '1,2,3' >>> cp.set('DEFAULT', 'key1', 'var1') >>> cp.get('DEFAULT', 'key1') ... 'var1' >>> cp.get('section1', 'key') ... {'var1', 'var2', 'var3'} >>> cp.set('section1', 'key', 'var4') >>> cp.get('section1', 'key') ... {'var1', 'var2', 'var3', 'var4'} >>> with open('/tmp/test2.ini', 'w') as f: ... cp.write(f) Output file: [DEFAULT] things = url1 url2 url3 key1 = var1 other = 1,2,3 [section1] key = var4 key = var1 key = var3 key = var2 """ def _write(self, fp, section, item, entry): if section: if (item is not None) or (self._optcre == self.OPTCRE): fp.write(entry) else: fp.write(entry) def _write_check(self, fp, key, value, section=False): if isinstance(value, set): for item in value: item = str(item).replace('\n', '\n\t') entry = "%s = %s\n" % (key, item) self._write(fp, section, item, entry) else: if isinstance(value, list): _value = [str(i.replace('\n', '\n\t')) for i in value] entry = '%s = %s\n' % (key, ','.join(_value)) else: entry = '%s = %s\n' % (key, str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t')) self._write(fp, section, value, entry) def write(self, fp): if self._defaults: fp.write("[%s]\n" % 'DEFAULT') for key, value in self._defaults.items(): self._write_check(fp, key=key, value=value) else: fp.write("\n") for section in self._sections: fp.write("[%s]\n" % section) for key, value in self._sections[section].items(): self._write_check(fp, key=key, value=value, section=True) else: fp.write("\n") def _read(self, fp, fpname): cursect = None optname = None lineno = 0 e = None while True: line = fp.readline() if not line: break lineno += 1 if line.strip() == '' or line[0] in '#;': continue if line.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == 'rem' and line[0] in "rR": continue if line[0].isspace() and cursect is not None and optname: value = line.strip() if value: if isinstance(cursect[optname], set): _temp_item = list(cursect[optname]) del cursect[optname] cursect[optname] = _temp_item elif isinstance(cursect[optname], (str, unicode)): _temp_item = [cursect[optname]] del cursect[optname] cursect[optname] = _temp_item cursect[optname].append(value) else: mo = self.SECTCRE.match(line) if mo: sectname = mo.group('header') if sectname in self._sections: cursect = self._sections[sectname] elif sectname == 'DEFAULT': cursect = self._defaults else: cursect = self._dict() self._sections[sectname] = cursect optname = None elif cursect is None: raise ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError( fpname, lineno, line ) else: mo = self._optcre.match(line) if mo: optname, vi, optval = mo.group('option', 'vi', 'value') optname = self.optionxform(optname.rstrip()) if optval is not None: if vi in ('=', ':') and ';' in optval: pos = optval.find(';') if pos != -1 and optval[pos - 1].isspace(): optval = optval[:pos] optval = optval.strip() if optval == '""': optval = '' cursect[optname] = optval else: if not e: e = ConfigParser.ParsingError(fpname) e.append(lineno, repr(line)) if e: raise e all_sections = [self._defaults] all_sections.extend(self._sections.values()) for options in all_sections: for name, val in options.items(): if isinstance(val, list): _temp_item = '\n'.join(val) del options[name] options[name] = _temp_item class ActionModule(object): TRANSFERS_FILES = True def __init__(self, runner): self.runner = runner @staticmethod def grab_options(complex_args, module_args): """Grab passed options from Ansible complex and module args. :param complex_args: ``dict`` :param module_args: ``dict`` :returns: ``dict`` """ options = dict() if complex_args: options.update(complex_args) options.update(utils.parse_kv(module_args)) return options @staticmethod def _option_write(config, section, key, value): config.remove_option(str(section), str(key)) try: if not any(i for i in value.values()): value = set(value) except AttributeError: pass if isinstance(value, set): config.set(str(section), str(key), value) elif isinstance(value, list): config.set(str(section), str(key), ','.join(value)) else: config.set(str(section), str(key), str(value)) def return_config_overrides_ini(self, config_overrides, resultant): """Returns string value from a modified config file. :param config_overrides: ``dict`` :param resultant: ``str`` || ``unicode`` :returns: ``str`` """ config = ConfigTemplateParser( dict_type=MultiKeyDict, allow_no_value=True ) config_object = io.BytesIO(resultant.encode('utf-8')) config.readfp(config_object) for section, items in config_overrides.items(): # If the items value is not a dictionary it is assumed that the # value is a default item for this config type. if not isinstance(items, dict): if isinstance(items, list): items = ','.join(items) self._option_write(config, 'DEFAULT', section, items) else: # Attempt to add a section to the config file passing if # an error is raised that is related to the section # already existing. try: config.add_section(str(section)) except (ConfigParser.DuplicateSectionError, ValueError): pass for key, value in items.items(): self._option_write(config, section, key, value) else: config_object.close() resultant_bytesio = io.BytesIO() try: config.write(resultant_bytesio) return resultant_bytesio.getvalue() finally: resultant_bytesio.close() def return_config_overrides_json(self, config_overrides, resultant): """Returns config json Its important to note that file ordering will not be preserved as the information within the json file will be sorted by keys. :param config_overrides: ``dict`` :param resultant: ``str`` || ``unicode`` :returns: ``str`` """ original_resultant = json.loads(resultant) merged_resultant = self._merge_dict( base_items=original_resultant, new_items=config_overrides ) return json.dumps( merged_resultant, indent=4, sort_keys=True ) def return_config_overrides_yaml(self, config_overrides, resultant): """Return config yaml. :param config_overrides: ``dict`` :param resultant: ``str`` || ``unicode`` :returns: ``str`` """ original_resultant = yaml.safe_load(resultant) merged_resultant = self._merge_dict( base_items=original_resultant, new_items=config_overrides ) return yaml.safe_dump( merged_resultant, default_flow_style=False, width=1000, ) def _merge_dict(self, base_items, new_items): """Recursively merge new_items into base_items. :param base_items: ``dict`` :param new_items: ``dict`` :returns: ``dict`` """ for key, value in new_items.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, dict): base_items[key] = self._merge_dict( base_items.get(key, {}), value ) elif ',' in value or '\n' in value: base_items[key] = re.split(', |,|\n', value) base_items[key] = [i.strip() for i in base_items[key] if i] elif isinstance(value, list): base_items[key] = value else: base_items[key] = new_items[key] return base_items def run(self, conn, tmp, module_name, module_args, inject, complex_args=None, **kwargs): """Run the method""" if not self.runner.is_playbook: raise errors.AnsibleError( 'FAILED: `config_templates` are only available in playbooks' ) options = self.grab_options(complex_args, module_args) try: source = options['src'] dest = options['dest'] config_overrides = options.get('config_overrides', dict()) config_type = options['config_type'] assert config_type.lower() in ['ini', 'json', 'yaml'] except KeyError as exp: result = dict(failed=True, msg=exp) return ReturnData(conn=conn, comm_ok=False, result=result) source_template = template.template( self.runner.basedir, source, inject ) if '_original_file' in inject: source_file = utils.path_dwim_relative( inject['_original_file'], 'templates', source_template, self.runner.basedir ) else: source_file = utils.path_dwim(self.runner.basedir, source_template) # Open the template file and return the data as a string. This is # being done here so that the file can be a vault encrypted file. resultant = template.template_from_file( self.runner.basedir, source_file, inject, vault_password=self.runner.vault_pass ) if config_overrides: type_merger = getattr(self, CONFIG_TYPES.get(config_type)) resultant = type_merger( config_overrides=config_overrides, resultant=resultant ) # Retemplate the resultant object as it may have new data within it # as provided by an override variable. template.template_from_string( basedir=self.runner.basedir, data=resultant, vars=inject, fail_on_undefined=True ) # Access to protected method is unavoidable in Ansible 1.x. new_module_args = dict( src=self.runner._transfer_str(conn, tmp, 'source', resultant), dest=dest, original_basename=os.path.basename(source), follow=True, ) module_args_tmp = utils.merge_module_args( module_args, new_module_args ) # Remove data types that are not available to the copy module complex_args.pop('config_overrides') complex_args.pop('config_type') # Return the copy module status. Access to protected method is # unavoidable in Ansible 1.x. return self.runner._execute_module( conn, tmp, 'copy', module_args_tmp, inject=inject, complex_args=complex_args )