--- - name: fail on unsupported system fail: msg: "System not supported {{ ansible_system }}" when: "'{{ ansible_system }}' not in ['Linux']" - name: fail on unsupported architecture fail: msg: "Architecture not supported {{ ansible_architecture }}" when: "'{{ ansible_architecture }}' not in ['x86_64', 'ppc64le', 'armv7l']" - name: fail on unsupported distribution fail: msg: "Distribution not supported {{ ansible_os_family }}" when: "'{{ ansible_os_family }}' not in ['Debian', 'RedHat']" - name: fail on unsupported distribution for red hat storage fail: msg: "Distribution not supported {{ ansible_distribution_version }} by Red Hat Ceph Storage, only RHEL 7.1" when: - ceph_rhcs - ansible_distribution_version | version_compare('7.1', '<') - name: fail on unsupported distribution for ubuntu cloud archive fail: msg: "Distribution not supported by Ubuntu Cloud Archive: {{ ansible_distribution }}" when: ceph_stable_uca and '{{ ansible_distribution }}' not in ['Ubuntu'] - name: fail on unsupported ansible version fail: msg: "Ansible version must be >= 1.9, please update!" when: - ansible_version.major|int == 1 - ansible_version.minor|int < 9 - name: fail if systemd is not present fail: msg: "Systemd must be present" when: ansible_service_mgr != 'systemd'