--- - include: system_checks.yml - name: check if it is atomic host stat: path=/run/ostree-booted register: stat_ostree always_run: true - name: set fact for using atomic host set_fact: is_atomic: '{{ stat_ostree.stat.exists }}' - include: ./pre_requisites/prerequisites.yml when: not is_atomic # NOTE(guits): would be nice to refact this block with L39-45 in roles/ceph-common/tasks/facts.yml - set_fact: monitor_name: "{{ ansible_hostname }}" when: not mon_use_fqdn - set_fact: monitor_name: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}" when: mon_use_fqdn - name: check if a cluster is already running command: "docker ps -q -a --filter='ancestor={{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}'" register: ceph_health changed_when: false failed_when: false always_run: true # Only include 'checks.yml' when : # we are deploying containers without kv AND host is either a mon OR a nfs OR an osd, # AND # a cluster is not already running, # AND # we are not playing rolling-update.yml playbook. - include: checks.yml when: - (not containerized_deployment_with_kv and ((inventory_hostname in groups.get(mon_group_name, [])) or (inventory_hostname in groups.get(nfs_group_name, [])) or (inventory_hostname in groups.get(osd_group_name, [])))) - ceph_health.rc != 0 - not "{{ rolling_update | default(false) }}" - include: "./misc/ntp_atomic.yml" when: - is_atomic - ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' - ntp_service_enabled - include: "./misc/ntp_redhat.yml" when: - not is_atomic - ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' - ntp_service_enabled - include: "./misc/ntp_debian.yml" when: - ansible_os_family == 'Debian' - ntp_service_enabled - include: "./fetch_image.yml" # NOTE (jimcurtis): dirs_permissions.yml must precede fetch_configs.yml # # because it creates the directories needed by the latter. - include: ./dirs_permissions.yml # let the first mon create configs and keyrings # Only include 'create_configs.yml" when: # we are not populating kv_store with default ceph.conf AND host is a mon # OR # we are not population kv_store with default ceph.conf AND there at least 1 nfs in nfs group AND host is the first nfs - include: create_configs.yml when: - (not mon_containerized_default_ceph_conf_with_kv and (inventory_hostname in groups.get(mon_group_name, []))) or (not mon_containerized_default_ceph_conf_with_kv and ((groups.get(nfs_group_name, []) | length > 0) and (inventory_hostname == groups.get(nfs_group_name, [])[0]))) # Only include 'fetch_configs.yml' when: # - we are deploying containers without kv AND host is either a mon OR a nfs OR an osd # OR # - host is either a mdss OR mgrs OR rgws - include: fetch_configs.yml when: - (not containerized_deployment_with_kv and ((inventory_hostname in groups.get(mon_group_name, [])) or (inventory_hostname in groups.get(nfs_group_name, [])) or (inventory_hostname in groups.get(osd_group_name, [])))) or (inventory_hostname in groups.get('mdss', [])) or (inventory_hostname in groups.get('mgrs', [])) or (inventory_hostname in groups.get('rgws', [])) - include: selinux.yml