--- - name: include create_ceph_initial_dirs.yml include_tasks: create_ceph_initial_dirs.yml when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: include_tasks rgw_systemd_environment_file.yml include_tasks: rgw_systemd_environment_file.yml when: inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) - name: config file operations related to OSDs when: - inventory_hostname in groups.get(osd_group_name, []) # the rolling_update.yml playbook sets num_osds to the number of currently # running osds - not rolling_update | bool block: - name: reset num_osds set_fact: num_osds: 0 - name: count number of osds for lvm scenario set_fact: num_osds: "{{ num_osds | int + (lvm_volumes | length | int) }}" when: lvm_volumes | default([]) | length > 0 - block: - name: look up for ceph-volume rejected devices ceph_volume: cluster: "{{ cluster }}" action: "inventory" register: rejected_devices environment: CEPH_VOLUME_DEBUG: "{{ ceph_volume_debug }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" PYTHONIOENCODING: utf-8 - name: set_fact rejected_devices set_fact: _rejected_devices: "{{ _rejected_devices | default([]) + [item.path] }}" with_items: "{{ rejected_devices.stdout | default('{}') | from_json }}" when: "'Used by ceph-disk' in item.rejected_reasons" - name: set_fact _devices set_fact: _devices: "{{ devices | difference(_rejected_devices | default([])) }}" - name: run 'ceph-volume lvm batch --report' to see how many osds are to be created ceph_volume: cluster: "{{ cluster }}" objectstore: "{{ osd_objectstore }}" batch_devices: "{{ _devices }}" osds_per_device: "{{ osds_per_device | default(1) | int }}" block_db_size: "{{ block_db_size }}" report: true action: "batch" register: lvm_batch_report environment: CEPH_VOLUME_DEBUG: "{{ ceph_volume_debug }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" PYTHONIOENCODING: utf-8 when: _devices | default([]) | length > 0 - name: set_fact num_osds from the output of 'ceph-volume lvm batch --report' (legacy report) set_fact: num_osds: "{{ num_osds | int + ((lvm_batch_report.stdout | default('{}') | from_json).osds | default([]) | length | int) + (_rejected_devices | default([]) | length | int) }}" when: - (lvm_batch_report.stdout | default('{}') | from_json) is mapping - (lvm_batch_report.stdout | default('{}') | from_json).changed | default(true) | bool - name: set_fact num_osds from the output of 'ceph-volume lvm batch --report' (new report) set_fact: num_osds: "{{ num_osds | int + ((lvm_batch_report.stdout | default('{}') | from_json) | default([]) | length | int) + (_rejected_devices | default([]) | length | int) }}" when: - (lvm_batch_report.stdout | default('{}') | from_json) is not mapping - (lvm_batch_report.stdout | default('{}') | from_json).changed | default(true) | bool when: - devices | default([]) | length > 0 - name: run 'ceph-volume lvm list' to see how many osds have already been created ceph_volume: action: "list" register: lvm_list environment: CEPH_VOLUME_DEBUG: "{{ ceph_volume_debug }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" PYTHONIOENCODING: utf-8 changed_when: false - name: set_fact num_osds (add existing osds) set_fact: num_osds: "{{ lvm_list.stdout | default('{}') | from_json | length | int + num_osds | default(0) | int }}" - name: set osd related config facts when: inventory_hostname in groups.get(osd_group_name, []) block: - name: set_fact _osd_memory_target, override from ceph_conf_overrides set_fact: _osd_memory_target: "{{ item }}" loop: - "{{ ceph_conf_overrides.get('osd', {}).get('osd memory target', '') }}" - "{{ ceph_conf_overrides.get('osd', {}).get('osd_memory_target', '') }}" when: item - name: set_fact _osd_memory_target set_fact: _osd_memory_target: "{{ ((ansible_facts['memtotal_mb'] * 1048576 * safety_factor | float) / num_osds | float) | int }}" when: - _osd_memory_target is undefined - num_osds | default(0) | int > 0 - ((ansible_facts['memtotal_mb'] * 1048576 * safety_factor | float) / num_osds | float) > (osd_memory_target | float) - name: create ceph conf directory file: path: "/etc/ceph" state: directory owner: "ceph" group: "ceph" mode: "{{ ceph_directories_mode }}" when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: import_role ceph-facts import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: set_radosgw_address.yml when: inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) - name: "generate {{ cluster }}.conf configuration file" openstack.config_template.config_template: src: "ceph.conf.j2" dest: "{{ ceph_conf_key_directory }}/{{ cluster }}.conf" owner: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" group: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" mode: "0644" config_overrides: "{{ ceph_conf_overrides }}" config_type: ini notify: - restart ceph mons - restart ceph osds - restart ceph mdss - restart ceph rgws - restart ceph mgrs - restart ceph rbdmirrors - restart ceph rbd-target-api-gw