import os import datetime def generate_ceph_cmd(cluster, sub_cmd, args, user='client.admin', user_key='/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring', container_image=None): ''' Generate 'ceph' command line to execute ''' cmd = pre_generate_ceph_cmd(container_image=container_image) base_cmd = [ '-n', user, '-k', user_key, '--cluster', cluster ] base_cmd.extend(sub_cmd) cmd.extend(base_cmd + args) return cmd def container_exec(binary, container_image): ''' Build the docker CLI to run a command inside a container ''' container_binary = os.getenv('CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY') command_exec = [container_binary, 'run', '--rm', '--net=host', '-v', '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z', '-v', '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/:z', '-v', '/var/log/ceph/:/var/log/ceph/:z', '--entrypoint=' + binary, container_image] return command_exec def is_containerized(): ''' Check if we are running on a containerized cluster ''' if 'CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE' in os.environ: container_image = os.getenv('CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE') else: container_image = None return container_image def pre_generate_ceph_cmd(container_image=None): ''' Generate ceph prefix comaand ''' if container_image: cmd = container_exec('ceph', container_image) else: cmd = ['ceph'] return cmd def exec_command(module, cmd): ''' Execute command(s) ''' rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd) return rc, cmd, out, err def exit_module(module, out, rc, cmd, err, startd, changed=False): endd = delta = endd - startd result = dict( cmd=cmd, start=str(startd), end=str(endd), delta=str(delta), rc=rc, stdout=out.rstrip("\r\n"), stderr=err.rstrip("\r\n"), changed=changed, ) module.exit_json(**result)