--- # # This playbook does a cephadm adopt for all the Ceph services # - name: confirm whether user really meant to adopt the cluster by cephadm hosts: localhost connection: local become: false gather_facts: false vars_prompt: - name: ireallymeanit prompt: Are you sure you want to adopt the cluster by cephadm ? default: 'no' private: no tasks: - name: exit playbook, if user did not mean to adopt the cluster by cephadm fail: msg: > Exiting cephadm-adopt playbook, cluster was NOT adopted. To adopt the cluster, either say 'yes' on the prompt or use `-e ireallymeanit=yes` on the command line when invoking the playbook when: ireallymeanit != 'yes' - name: import_role ceph-defaults import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: check if a legacy grafana-server group exists import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: convert_grafana_server_group_name.yml when: groups.get((grafana_server_group_name | default('grafana-server')), []) | length > 0 - name: gather facts and prepare system for cephadm hosts: - "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}" - "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" - "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" - "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" - "{{ mgr_group_name|default('mgrs') }}" - "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" - "{{ nfs_group_name|default('nfss') }}" - "{{ iscsi_gw_group_name|default('iscsigws') }}" - "{{ monitoring_group_name|default('monitoring') }}" become: true any_errors_fatal: True gather_facts: false vars: delegate_facts_host: true tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: gather facts setup: gather_subset: - 'all' - '!facter' - '!ohai' when: not delegate_facts_host | bool or inventory_hostname in groups.get(client_group_name, []) - name: gather and delegate facts setup: gather_subset: - 'all' - '!facter' - '!ohai' delegate_to: "{{ item }}" delegate_facts: true with_items: "{{ groups['all'] | difference(groups.get('clients', [])) }}" run_once: true when: delegate_facts_host | bool - name: fail if one osd node is using filestore fail: msg: > filestore OSDs are not supported with cephadm. Please convert them with the filestore-to-bluestore.yml playbook first. when: - osd_group_name in group_names - osd_objectstore == 'filestore' - import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: container_binary.yml - import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: convert_grafana_server_group_name.yml when: groups.get((grafana_server_group_name|default('grafana-server')), []) | length > 0 - name: get the ceph version command: "{{ container_binary + ' run --rm --entrypoint=ceph ' + ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }} --version" changed_when: false register: ceph_version_out - name: set_fact ceph_version set_fact: ceph_version: "{{ ceph_version_out.stdout.split(' ')[2] }}" - name: fail on pre octopus ceph releases fail: msg: > Your Ceph version {{ ceph_version }} is not supported for this operation. Please upgrade your cluster with the rolling_update.yml playbook first. when: ceph_version is version('15.2', '<') - name: check if it is atomic host stat: path: /run/ostree-booted register: stat_ostree - name: set_fact is_atomic set_fact: is_atomic: "{{ stat_ostree.stat.exists }}" - import_role: name: ceph-container-engine when: not containerized_deployment | bool - import_role: name: ceph-container-common tasks_from: registry.yml when: - not containerized_deployment | bool - ceph_docker_registry_auth | bool - name: "pulling {{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }} image" command: "{{ timeout_command }} {{ container_binary }} pull {{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}" changed_when: false register: docker_image until: docker_image.rc == 0 retries: "{{ docker_pull_retry }}" delay: 10 when: - not containerized_deployment | bool - inventory_hostname in groups.get(mon_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(osd_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(mds_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(mgr_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(rbdmirror_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(iscsi_gw_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(nfs_group_name, []) - name: install cephadm requirements package: name: ['python3', 'lvm2'] register: result until: result is succeeded - name: install cephadm package: name: cephadm register: result until: result is succeeded when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: install cephadm mgr module package: name: ceph-mgr-cephadm register: result until: result is succeeded when: - not containerized_deployment | bool - mgr_group_name in group_names - name: get cephadm from the container image when: containerized_deployment | bool block: - name: create a cephadm container command: "{{ container_binary }} create --name cephadm {{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}" changed_when: false - name: cp the cephadm cli file command: "{{ container_binary }} cp cephadm:/usr/sbin/cephadm /usr/sbin/cephadm" args: creates: /usr/sbin/cephadm - name: remove the cephadm container command: "{{ container_binary }} rm cephadm" changed_when: false - name: set_fact ceph_cmd set_fact: ceph_cmd: "{{ container_binary + ' run --rm --net=host -v /etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z -v /var/lib/ceph:/var/lib/ceph:z -v /var/run/ceph:/var/run/ceph:z --entrypoint=ceph ' + ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }} --cluster {{ cluster }}" - name: get current fsid command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} fsid" register: current_fsid run_once: true changed_when: false delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" - name: get a minimal ceph configuration command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} config generate-minimal-conf" register: minimal_config run_once: true changed_when: false delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" - name: set_fact fsid set_fact: fsid: "{{ current_fsid.stdout }}" run_once: true - name: enable cephadm mgr module ceph_mgr_module: name: cephadm cluster: "{{ cluster }}" state: enable environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" run_once: true delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' - name: set cephadm as orchestrator backend command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} orch set backend cephadm" changed_when: false run_once: true delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' - name: generate cephadm ssh key command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} cephadm generate-key" changed_when: false run_once: true delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' - name: get the cephadm ssh pub key command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} cephadm get-pub-key" changed_when: false run_once: true register: cephadm_pubpkey delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' - name: allow cephadm key for root account authorized_key: user: root key: '{{ cephadm_pubpkey.stdout }}' - name: run cephadm prepare-host command: cephadm prepare-host changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: set default container image in ceph configuration command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} config set global container_image {{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}" changed_when: false run_once: true delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' - name: set container image base in ceph configuration command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_base {{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}" changed_when: false run_once: true delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' - name: set dashboard container image in ceph mgr configuration when: dashboard_enabled | bool run_once: true block: - name: set alertmanager container image in ceph configuration command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_alertmanager {{ alertmanager_container_image }}" changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' - name: set grafana container image in ceph configuration command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_grafana {{ grafana_container_image }}" changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' - name: set node-exporter container image in ceph configuration command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_node_exporter {{ node_exporter_container_image }}" changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' - name: set prometheus container image in ceph configuration command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_prometheus {{ prometheus_container_image }}" changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' - name: enable the osd memory autotune for hci environment command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} config set osd osd_memory_target_autotune true" changed_when: false run_once: true delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' when: is_hci | bool - name: manage nodes with cephadm command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} orch host add {{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }} {{ ansible_facts['default_ipv4']['address'] }} {{ group_names | join(' ') }}" changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' - name: add ceph label for core component command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} orch host label add {{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }} ceph" changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' when: inventory_hostname in groups.get(mon_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(osd_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(mds_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(mgr_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(rbdmirror_group_name, []) - name: get the client.admin keyring ceph_key: name: client.admin cluster: "{{ cluster }}" output_format: plain state: info environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" run_once: true delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' register: client_admin_keyring - name: copy the client.admin keyring copy: dest: "/etc/ceph/{{ cluster }}.client.admin.keyring" content: "{{ client_admin_keyring.stdout + '\n' }}" owner: "{{ ceph_uid | int if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" group: "{{ ceph_uid | int if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" mode: "{{ ceph_keyring_permissions }}" run_once: true delegate_to: "{{ item }}" with_items: - "{{ groups.get(osd_group_name, []) }}" - "{{ groups.get(mds_group_name, []) }}" - "{{ groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) }}" - "{{ groups.get(mgr_group_name, []) }}" - "{{ groups.get(rbdmirror_group_name, []) }}" - name: assimilate ceph configuration command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} config assimilate-conf -i /etc/ceph/{{ cluster }}.conf" changed_when: false when: inventory_hostname in groups.get(mon_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(osd_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(mds_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(mgr_group_name, []) or inventory_hostname in groups.get(rbdmirror_group_name, []) - name: set_fact cephadm_cmd set_fact: cephadm_cmd: "cephadm {{ '--docker' if container_binary == 'docker' else '' }}" - name: adopt ceph mon daemons hosts: "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}" serial: 1 become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: adopt mon daemon cephadm_adopt: name: "mon.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" image: "{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}" docker: "{{ true if container_binary == 'docker' else false }}" pull: false firewalld: "{{ true if configure_firewall | bool else false }}" - name: reset failed ceph-mon systemd unit command: "systemctl reset-failed ceph-mon@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" # noqa 303 changed_when: false failed_when: false when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove ceph-mon systemd unit file file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-mon@.service state: absent when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove ceph-mon systemd override directory file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-mon@.service.d state: absent when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: waiting for the monitor to join the quorum... command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} quorum_status --format json" changed_when: false register: ceph_health_raw until: > ansible_facts['hostname'] in (ceph_health_raw.stdout | from_json)["quorum_names"] retries: "{{ health_mon_check_retries }}" delay: "{{ health_mon_check_delay }}" environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: adopt ceph mgr daemons hosts: "{{ groups[mgr_group_name] | default(groups[mon_group_name]) }}" serial: 1 become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: adopt mgr daemon cephadm_adopt: name: "mgr.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" image: "{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}" docker: "{{ true if container_binary == 'docker' else false }}" pull: false firewalld: "{{ true if configure_firewall | bool else false }}" - name: reset failed ceph-mgr systemd unit command: "systemctl reset-failed ceph-mgr@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" # noqa 303 changed_when: false failed_when: false when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove ceph-mgr systemd unit file file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-mgr@.service state: absent when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove ceph-mgr systemd override directory file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-mgr@.service.d state: absent when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: set osd flags hosts: "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: get pool list command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} --cluster {{ cluster }} osd pool ls detail -f json" register: pool_list run_once: true delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" changed_when: false check_mode: false - name: get balancer module status command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} --cluster {{ cluster }} balancer status -f json" register: balancer_status run_once: true delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" changed_when: false check_mode: false - name: set_fact pools_pgautoscaler_mode set_fact: pools_pgautoscaler_mode: "{{ pools_pgautoscaler_mode | default([]) | union([{'name': item.pool_name, 'mode': item.pg_autoscale_mode}]) }}" run_once: true with_items: "{{ pool_list.stdout | default('{}') | from_json }}" - name: disable balancer command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} --cluster {{ cluster }} balancer off" run_once: true delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" changed_when: false when: (balancer_status.stdout | from_json)['active'] | bool - name: disable pg autoscale on pools ceph_pool: name: "{{ item.name }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" pg_autoscale_mode: false with_items: "{{ pools_pgautoscaler_mode }}" delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" run_once: true when: - pools_pgautoscaler_mode is defined - item.mode == 'on' environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" - name: set osd flags ceph_osd_flag: cluster: "{{ cluster }}" name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - noout - nodeep-scrub delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" run_once: true environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" - name: adopt ceph osd daemons hosts: "{{ osd_group_name|default('osd') }}" serial: 1 become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: container_binary.yml when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: get osd list ceph_volume: cluster: "{{ cluster }}" action: list environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" register: osd_list - name: set osd fsid for containerized deployment lineinfile: path: '/var/lib/ceph/osd/{{ cluster }}-{{ item.key }}/fsid' line: "{{ (item.value | selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'block') | map(attribute='tags') | first)['ceph.osd_fsid'] }}" owner: '{{ ceph_uid }}' group: '{{ ceph_uid }}' create: true with_dict: '{{ osd_list.stdout | from_json }}' when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: set osd type for containerized deployment lineinfile: path: '/var/lib/ceph/osd/{{ cluster }}-{{ item }}/type' line: 'bluestore' owner: '{{ ceph_uid }}' group: '{{ ceph_uid }}' create: true loop: '{{ (osd_list.stdout | from_json).keys() | list }}' when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: adopt osd daemon cephadm_adopt: name: "osd.{{ item }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" image: "{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}" docker: "{{ true if container_binary == 'docker' else false }}" pull: false firewalld: "{{ true if configure_firewall | bool else false }}" loop: '{{ (osd_list.stdout | from_json).keys() | list }}' - name: remove ceph-osd systemd unit and ceph-osd-run.sh files file: path: '{{ item }}' state: absent loop: - /etc/systemd/system/ceph-osd@.service - "{{ ceph_osd_docker_run_script_path | default('/usr/share') }}/ceph-osd-run.sh" when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove ceph-osd systemd override directory file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-osd@.service.d state: absent when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove osd directory file: path: "/var/lib/ceph/osd/{{ cluster }}-{{ item }}" state: absent loop: '{{ (osd_list.stdout | from_json).keys() | list }}' - name: waiting for clean pgs... command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} pg stat --format json" changed_when: false register: ceph_health_post until: > (((ceph_health_post.stdout | from_json).pg_summary.num_pg_by_state | length) > 0) and (((ceph_health_post.stdout | from_json).pg_summary.num_pg_by_state | selectattr('name', 'search', '^active\\+clean') | map(attribute='num') | list | sum) == (ceph_health_post.stdout | from_json).pg_summary.num_pgs) delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" retries: "{{ health_osd_check_retries }}" delay: "{{ health_osd_check_delay }}" environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: unset osd flags hosts: "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: re-enable pg autoscale on pools ceph_pool: name: "{{ item.name }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" pg_autoscale_mode: true with_items: "{{ pools_pgautoscaler_mode }}" delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" run_once: true when: - pools_pgautoscaler_mode is defined - item.mode == 'on' environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" - name: unset osd flags ceph_osd_flag: cluster: "{{ cluster }}" name: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: - noout - nodeep-scrub delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" run_once: true environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" - name: re-enable balancer command: "{{ ceph_cmd }} --cluster {{ cluster }} balancer on" run_once: true delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" changed_when: false when: (balancer_status.stdout | from_json)['active'] | bool - name: redeploy mds daemons hosts: "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: update the placement of metadata hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply mds {{ cephfs }} --placement='{{ groups.get(mds_group_name, []) | length }} label:{{ mds_group_name }}'" run_once: true changed_when: false delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: stop and remove legacy ceph mds daemons hosts: "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" serial: 1 become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: stop and disable ceph-mds systemd service service: name: "ceph-mds@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" state: stopped enabled: false failed_when: false - name: stop and disable ceph-mds systemd target service: name: ceph-mds.target state: stopped enabled: false when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: reset failed ceph-mds systemd unit command: "systemctl reset-failed ceph-mds@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" # noqa 303 changed_when: false failed_when: false when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove ceph-mds systemd unit file file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-mds@.service state: absent when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove ceph-mds systemd override directory file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-mds@.service.d state: absent when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove legacy ceph mds data file: path: "/var/lib/ceph/mds/{{ cluster }}-{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" state: absent - name: rgw realm/zonegroup/zone requirements hosts: "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: set_radosgw_address.yml - name: for non multisite setup when: not rgw_multisite | bool run_once: true delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" block: - name: create a default realm radosgw_realm: cluster: "{{ cluster }}" name: default default: true environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" - name: modify the default zonegroup radosgw_zonegroup: cluster: "{{ cluster }}" name: default realm: default master: true default: true environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" - name: modify the default zone radosgw_zone: cluster: "{{ cluster }}" name: default realm: default zonegroup: default master: true default: true environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" - name: commit the period command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- radosgw-admin --cluster {{ cluster }} period update --commit" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: update the placement of radosgw hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply rgw {{ cluster }} {{ rgw_realm | default('default') }} {{ rgw_zone | default('default') }} --placement='count-per-host:{{ radosgw_num_instances }} label:{{ rgw_group_name }}' --port={{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ '--ssl' if radosgw_frontend_ssl_certificate else '' }}" run_once: true changed_when: false delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: update the placement of radosgw multisite hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply rgw {{ item.host }}.{{ item.rgw_realm }}.{{ item.rgw_zone }}.{{ item.radosgw_frontend_port }} --realm={{ item.rgw_realm }} --zone={{ item.rgw_zone }} --port={{ item.radosgw_frontend_port }} --placement={{ item.host }}" changed_when: false with_items: "{{ rgw_instances_all }}" when: rgw_multisite | bool run_once: true delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: stop and remove legacy ceph rgw daemons hosts: "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" serial: 1 become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - import_role: name: ceph-facts tasks_from: set_radosgw_address.yml - name: stop and disable ceph-radosgw systemd service service: name: "ceph-radosgw@rgw.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}.{{ item.instance_name }}" state: stopped enabled: false failed_when: false loop: '{{ rgw_instances }}' - name: stop and disable ceph-radosgw systemd target service: name: ceph-rgw.target state: stopped enabled: false when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: reset failed ceph-radosgw systemd unit command: "systemctl reset-failed ceph-radosgw@rgw.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}.{{ item.instance_name }}" # noqa 303 changed_when: false failed_when: false loop: '{{ rgw_instances }}' when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove ceph-radosgw systemd unit file file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw@.service state: absent when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove ceph-radosgw systemd override directory file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-radosgw@.service.d state: absent when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove legacy ceph radosgw data file: path: "/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/{{ cluster }}-rgw.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}.{{ item.instance_name }}" state: absent loop: '{{ rgw_instances }}' - name: remove legacy ceph radosgw directory file: path: "/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/{{ cluster }}-rgw.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" state: absent - name: stop and remove legacy ceph nfs daemons hosts: "{{ nfs_group_name|default('nfss') }}" serial: 1 become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - import_role: name: ceph-nfs tasks_from: create_rgw_nfs_user.yml - name: stop and disable ceph-nfs systemd service service: name: "ceph-nfs@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" state: stopped enabled: false failed_when: false - name: stop and disable ceph-nfs systemd target service: name: ceph-nfs.target state: stopped enabled: false when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: reset failed ceph-nfs systemd unit command: "systemctl reset-failed ceph-nfs@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" # noqa 303 changed_when: false failed_when: false when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove ceph-nfs systemd unit file file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-nfs@.service state: absent when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove ceph-nfs systemd override directory file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-nfs@.service.d state: absent when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove legacy ceph radosgw directory file: path: "/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/{{ cluster }}-rgw.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" state: absent - name: set_fact rados_cmd set_fact: rados_cmd: "{{ hostvars[groups[mon_group_name][0]]['container_binary'] + ' run --interactive --rm --net=host -v /etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z --entrypoint=rados ' + ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else 'rados' }}" - name: get legacy nfs export from rados object command: "{{ rados_cmd }} -p {{ cephfs_data_pool.name }} get {{ ceph_nfs_rados_export_index }} /dev/stdout" register: legacy_export changed_when: false delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" when: ceph_nfs_rados_backend | bool - name: set_fact nfs_file_gw_export set_fact: nfs_file_gw_export: | EXPORT { Export_id={{ ceph_nfs_ceph_export_id }}; Path = "/"; Pseudo = {{ ceph_nfs_ceph_pseudo_path }}; Access_Type = {{ ceph_nfs_ceph_access_type }}; Protocols = {{ ceph_nfs_ceph_protocols }}; Transports = TCP; SecType = {{ ceph_nfs_ceph_sectype }}; Squash = {{ ceph_nfs_ceph_squash }}; Attr_Expiration_Time = 0; FSAL { Name = CEPH; User_Id = "{{ ceph_nfs_ceph_user }}"; } {{ ganesha_ceph_export_overrides | default(None) }} } when: nfs_file_gw | bool - name: set_fact nfs_obj_gw_export set_fact: nfs_obj_gw_export: | EXPORT { Export_id={{ ceph_nfs_rgw_export_id }}; Path = "/"; Pseudo = {{ ceph_nfs_rgw_pseudo_path }}; Access_Type = {{ ceph_nfs_rgw_access_type }}; Protocols = {{ ceph_nfs_rgw_protocols }}; Transports = TCP; SecType = {{ ceph_nfs_rgw_sectype }}; Squash = {{ ceph_nfs_rgw_squash }}; FSAL { Name = RGW; User_Id = "{{ ceph_nfs_rgw_user }}"; Access_Key_Id ="{{ ceph_nfs_rgw_access_key }}"; Secret_Access_Key = "{{ ceph_nfs_rgw_secret_key }}"; } {{ ganesha_rgw_export_overrides | default(None) }} } when: nfs_obj_gw | bool - name: set_fact new_export set_fact: new_export: | {{ legacy_export.stdout | default('') }} {{ nfs_file_gw_export | default('') }} {{ nfs_obj_gw_export | default('') }} - name: create nfs exports pool ceph_pool: name: "{{ nfs_ganesha_export_pool_name | default('nfs-ganesha') }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" application: nfs delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" run_once: true environment: CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment | bool else None }}" CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}" - name: push the new exports in a rados object command: "{{ rados_cmd }} -p {{ nfs_ganesha_export_pool_name | default('nfs-ganesha') }} -N {{ nfs_ganesha_export_namespace | default('nfs-ganesha') }} put conf-nfs.{{ nfs_group_name | default('nfss') }} -" args: stdin: "{{ new_export }}" stdin_add_newline: no changed_when: false delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" - name: update the placement of nfs hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply nfs {{ nfs_group_name | default('nfss') }} {{ nfs_ganesha_export_pool_name | default('nfs-ganesha') }} {{ nfs_ganesha_export_namespace | default('nfs-ganesha') }} --placement='{{ groups.get(nfs_group_name, []) | length }} label:{{ nfs_group_name }}'" run_once: true changed_when: false delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: redeploy rbd-mirror daemons hosts: "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: update the placement of rbd-mirror hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply rbd-mirror --placement='{{ groups.get(rbdmirror_group_name, []) | length }} label:{{ rbdmirror_group_name }}'" run_once: true changed_when: false delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}" environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: stop and remove legacy rbd-mirror daemons hosts: "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" serial: 1 become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: stop and disable rbd-mirror systemd service service: name: "ceph-rbd-mirror@rbd-mirror.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" state: stopped enabled: false failed_when: false - name: stop and disable rbd-mirror systemd target service: name: ceph-rbd-mirror.target state: stopped enabled: false when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: reset failed rbd-mirror systemd unit command: "systemctl reset-failed ceph-rbd-mirror@rbd-mirror.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" # noqa 303 changed_when: false failed_when: false when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove rbd-mirror systemd unit file file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-rbd-mirror@.service state: absent when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove rbd-mirror systemd override directory file: path: /etc/systemd/system/ceph-rbd-mirror@.service.d state: absent when: not containerized_deployment | bool - name: redeploy iscsigw daemons hosts: "{{ iscsi_gw_group_name|default('iscsigws') }}" become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: update the placement of iscsigw hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply iscsi {{ iscsi_pool_name | default('rbd') }} {{ api_user | default('admin') }} {{ api_password | default('admin') }} {{ trusted_ip_list | default('') }} --placement='{{ groups.get(iscsi_gw_group_name, []) | length }} label:{{ iscsi_gw_group_name }}'" run_once: true changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: stop and remove legacy iscsigw daemons hosts: "{{ iscsi_gw_group_name|default('iscsigws') }}" serial: 1 become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: stop and disable iscsigw systemd services service: name: '{{ item }}' state: stopped enabled: false failed_when: false with_items: - rbd-target-api - rbd-target-gw - tcmu-runner - name: reset failed iscsigw systemd units command: 'systemctl reset-failed {{ item }}' # noqa 303 changed_when: false failed_when: false with_items: - rbd-target-api - rbd-target-gw - tcmu-runner when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: remove iscsigw systemd unit files file: path: '/etc/systemd/system/{{ item }}.service' state: absent with_items: - rbd-target-api - rbd-target-gw - tcmu-runner when: containerized_deployment | bool - name: redeploy ceph-crash daemons hosts: - "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}" - "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" - "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" - "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" - "{{ mgr_group_name|default('mgrs') }}" - "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: stop and disable ceph-crash systemd service service: name: "{{ 'ceph-crash@' + ansible_facts['hostname'] if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph-crash.service' }}" state: stopped enabled: false failed_when: false - name: update the placement of ceph-crash hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply crash --placement='label:ceph'" run_once: true changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: redeploy alertmanager/grafana/prometheus daemons hosts: "{{ monitoring_group_name|default('monitoring') }}" serial: 1 become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: check whether a ceph config file is present stat: path: "/etc/ceph/{{ cluster }}.conf" register: ceph_config - name: write a ceph.conf with minimal config copy: dest: "/etc/ceph/{{ cluster }}.conf" content: "{{ minimal_config.stdout }}" owner: "{{ ceph_uid | int if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" group: "{{ ceph_uid | int if containerized_deployment | bool else 'ceph' }}" mode: "{{ ceph_keyring_permissions }}" when: not ceph_config.stat.exists | bool - name: with dashboard enabled when: dashboard_enabled | bool block: - name: ensure alertmanager/prometheus data directories are present file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory owner: "{{ prometheus_user_id }}" group: "{{ prometheus_user_id }}" with_items: - "{{ alertmanager_data_dir }}" - "{{ prometheus_data_dir }}" # (workaround) cephadm adopt alertmanager only stops prometheus-alertmanager systemd service - name: stop and disable alertmanager systemd unit service: name: alertmanager state: stopped enabled: false failed_when: false # (workaround) cephadm adopt alertmanager only uses /etc/prometheus/alertmanager.yml - name: create alertmanager config symlink file: path: /etc/prometheus/alertmanager.yml src: '{{ alertmanager_conf_dir }}/alertmanager.yml' state: link # (workaround) cephadm adopt alertmanager only uses /var/lib/prometheus/alertmanager/ - name: create alertmanager data symlink file: path: '{{ prometheus_data_dir }}/alertmanager' src: '{{ alertmanager_data_dir }}' state: link - name: adopt alertmanager daemon cephadm_adopt: name: "alertmanager.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" image: "{{ alertmanager_container_image }}" docker: "{{ true if container_binary == 'docker' else false }}" pull: false firewalld: "{{ true if configure_firewall | bool else false }}" - name: remove alertmanager systemd unit file file: path: /etc/systemd/system/alertmanager.service state: absent - name: remove the legacy alertmanager data file: path: '{{ alertmanager_data_dir }}' state: absent - name: stop and disable prometheus systemd unit service: name: prometheus state: stopped enabled: false failed_when: false - name: remove alertmanager data symlink file: path: '{{ prometheus_data_dir }}/alertmanager' state: absent # (workaround) cephadm adopt prometheus only uses /var/lib/prometheus/metrics/ - name: tmp copy the prometheus data copy: src: '{{ prometheus_data_dir }}/' dest: /var/lib/prom_metrics owner: 65534 group: 65534 remote_src: true # (workaround) cephadm adopt prometheus only uses /var/lib/prometheus/metrics/ - name: restore the prometheus data copy: src: /var/lib/prom_metrics/ dest: /var/lib/prometheus/metrics owner: 65534 group: 65534 remote_src: true - name: remove the tmp prometheus data copy file: path: /var/lib/prom_metrics state: absent - name: adopt prometheus daemon cephadm_adopt: name: "prometheus.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" image: "{{ prometheus_container_image }}" docker: "{{ true if container_binary == 'docker' else false }}" pull: false firewalld: "{{ true if configure_firewall | bool else false }}" - name: remove prometheus systemd unit file file: path: /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service state: absent - name: remove the legacy prometheus data file: path: '{{ prometheus_data_dir }}' state: absent # (workaround) cephadm adopt grafana only stops grafana systemd service - name: stop and disable grafana systemd unit service: name: grafana-server state: stopped enabled: false failed_when: false - name: adopt grafana daemon cephadm_adopt: name: "grafana.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" image: "{{ grafana_container_image }}" docker: "{{ true if container_binary == 'docker' else false }}" pull: false firewalld: "{{ true if configure_firewall | bool else false }}" - name: remove grafana systemd unit file file: path: /etc/systemd/system/grafana-server.service state: absent - name: remove the legacy grafana data file: path: /var/lib/grafana state: absent - name: redeploy node-exporter daemons hosts: - "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}" - "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" - "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" - "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" - "{{ mgr_group_name|default('mgrs') }}" - "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" - "{{ nfs_group_name|default('nfss') }}" - "{{ iscsi_gw_group_name|default('iscsigws') }}" - "{{ monitoring_group_name|default('monitoring') }}" become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: with dashboard enabled when: dashboard_enabled | bool block: - name: stop and disable node-exporter systemd service service: name: node_exporter state: stopped enabled: false failed_when: false - name: remove node_exporter systemd unit file file: path: /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service state: absent - name: update the placement of node-exporter hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply node-exporter --placement='*'" run_once: true changed_when: false delegate_to: '{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}' environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: adjust placement daemons hosts: "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}[0]" become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: update the placement of monitor hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply mon --placement='{{ groups.get(mon_group_name, []) | length }} label:{{ mon_group_name }}'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: set_fact mgr_placement set_fact: mgr_placement_count: "{{ groups.get(mgr_group_name, []) | length if groups.get(mgr_group_name, []) | length > 0 else groups.get(mon_group_name, []) | length }}" - name: set_fact mgr_placement_label set_fact: mgr_placement_label: "{{ mgr_group_name if groups.get(mgr_group_name, []) | length > 0 else mon_group_name }}" - name: update the placement of manager hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply mgr --placement='{{ mgr_placement_count }} label:{{ mgr_placement_label }}'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: with dashboard enabled when: dashboard_enabled | bool block: - name: update the placement of alertmanager hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply alertmanager --placement='{{ groups.get(monitoring_group_name, []) | length }} label:{{ monitoring_group_name }}'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: update the placement of grafana hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply grafana --placement='{{ groups.get(monitoring_group_name, []) | length }} label:{{ monitoring_group_name }}'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: update the placement of prometheus hosts command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch apply prometheus --placement='{{ groups.get(monitoring_group_name, []) | length }} label:{{ monitoring_group_name }}'" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: show ceph orchestrator status hosts: "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}[0]" become: true gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - import_role: name: ceph-defaults - name: show ceph orchestrator services command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch ls --refresh" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: show ceph orchestrator daemons command: "{{ cephadm_cmd }} shell --fsid {{ fsid }} -- ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} orch ps --refresh" changed_when: false environment: CEPHADM_IMAGE: '{{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }}' - name: inform users about cephadm debug: msg: | This Ceph cluster is now managed by cephadm. Any new changes to the cluster need to be achieved by using the cephadm CLI and you don't need to use ceph-ansible playbooks anymore.