#!/usr/bin/env python DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: igw_purge short_description: Provide a purge capability to remove an iSCSI gateway environment description: - This module handles the removal of a gateway configuration from a ceph environment. The playbook that calls this module prompts the user for the type of purge to perform. The purge options are; all ... purge all LIO configuration *and* delete all defined rbd images lio ... purge only the LIO configuration (rbd's are left intact) USE WITH CAUTION To support module debugging, this module logs to /var/log/ansible-module-igw_config.log on each target machine(s). option: mode: description: - the mode defines the type of purge requested gateway ... remove the LIO configuration only disks ... remove the rbd disks defined to the gateway required: true requirements: ['ceph-iscsi-config', 'python-rtslib'] author: - 'Paul Cuzner' """ import os import logging import socket from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from ansible.module_utils.basic import * import ceph_iscsi_config.settings as settings from ceph_iscsi_config.common import Config from ceph_iscsi_config.lio import LIO, Gateway from ceph_iscsi_config.utils import ipv4_addresses, get_ip __author__ = 'pcuzner@redhat.com' def delete_group(module, image_list, cfg): logger.debug("RBD Images to delete are : {}".format(','.join(image_list))) pending_list = list(image_list) for rbd_path in image_list: if delete_rbd(module, rbd_path): disk_key = rbd_path.replace('/', '.', 1) cfg.del_item('disks', disk_key) pending_list.remove(rbd_path) cfg.changed = True if cfg.changed: cfg.commit() return pending_list def delete_rbd(module, rbd_path): logger.debug("issuing delete for {}".format(rbd_path)) rm_cmd = 'rbd --no-progress rm {}'.format(rbd_path) rc, rm_out, err = module.run_command(rm_cmd, use_unsafe_shell=True) logger.debug("delete RC = {}, {}".format(rc, rm_out, err)) return True if rc == 0 else False def is_cleanup_host(config): """ decide which gateway host should be responsible for any non-specific updates to the config object :param config: configuration dict from the rados pool :return: boolean indicating whether the addition cleanup should be performed by the running host """ cleanup = False if 'ip_list' in config.config["gateways"]: gw_1 = config.config["gateways"]["ip_list"][0] usable_ip = get_ip(gw_1) if usable_ip != '': if usable_ip in ipv4_addresses(): cleanup = True return cleanup def ansible_main(): fields = {"mode": {"required": True, "type": "str", "choices": ["gateway", "disks"] } } module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=fields, supports_check_mode=False) run_mode = module.params['mode'] changes_made = False logger.info("START - GATEWAY configuration PURGE started, run mode " "is {}".format(run_mode)) cfg = Config(logger) this_host = socket.gethostname().split('.')[0] perform_cleanup_tasks = is_cleanup_host(cfg) # # Purge gateway configuration, if the config has gateways if run_mode == 'gateway' and len(cfg.config['gateways'].keys()) > 0: lio = LIO() gateway = Gateway(cfg) if gateway.session_count() > 0: module.fail_json(msg="Unable to purge - gateway still has active " "sessions") gateway.drop_target(this_host) if gateway.error: module.fail_json(msg=gateway.error_msg) lio.drop_lun_maps(cfg, perform_cleanup_tasks) if lio.error: module.fail_json(msg=lio.error_msg) if gateway.changed or lio.changed: # each gateway removes it's own entry from the config cfg.del_item("gateways", this_host) if perform_cleanup_tasks: cfg.reset = True # drop all client definitions from the configuration object client_names = cfg.config["clients"].keys() for client in client_names: cfg.del_item("clients", client) cfg.del_item("gateways", "iqn") cfg.del_item("gateways", "created") cfg.del_item("gateways", "ip_list") cfg.commit() changes_made = True elif run_mode == 'disks' and len(cfg.config['disks'].keys()) > 0: # # Remove the disks on this host, that have been registered in the # config object # # if the owner field for a disk is set to this host, this host can # safely delete it # nb. owner gets set at rbd allocation and mapping time images_left = [] # delete_list will contain a list of pool/image names where the owner # is this host delete_list = [key.replace('.', '/', 1) for key in cfg.config['disks'] if cfg.config['disks'][key]['owner'] == this_host] if delete_list: images_left = delete_group(module, delete_list, cfg) # if the delete list still has entries we had problems deleting the # images if images_left: module.fail_json(msg="Problems deleting the following rbd's : " "{}".format(','.join(images_left))) changes_made = cfg.changed logger.debug("ending lock state variable {}".format(cfg.config_locked)) logger.info("END - GATEWAY configuration PURGE complete") module.exit_json(changed=changes_made, meta={"msg": "Purge of iSCSI settings ({}) " "complete".format(run_mode)}) if __name__ == '__main__': module_name = os.path.basename(__file__).replace('ansible_module_', '') logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(module_name)) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = RotatingFileHandler('/var/log/ansible-module-igw_config.log', maxBytes=5242880, backupCount=7) log_fmt = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)-8s : ' '%(message)s') handler.setFormatter(log_fmt) logger.addHandler(handler) settings.init() ansible_main()