--- # DEPLOY CONTAINERIZED DAEMONS docker: false # DEFINE THE NUMBER OF VMS TO RUN mon_vms: 1 osd_vms: 1 mds_vms: 0 rgw_vms: 0 nfs_vms: 0 grafana_server_vms: 0 rbd_mirror_vms: 0 client_vms: 0 iscsi_gw_vms: 0 mgr_vms: 1 # INSTALL SOURCE OF CEPH # valid values are 'stable' and 'dev' ceph_install_source: stable # SUBNETS TO USE FOR THE VMS public_subnet: 192.168.73 cluster_subnet: 192.168.74 # MEMORY # set 1024 for CentOS memory: 512 # Ethernet interface name # use eth1 for libvirt and ubuntu precise, enp0s8 for CentOS and ubuntu xenial eth: 'eth1' # Disks # For libvirt use disks: "[ '/dev/vdb', '/dev/vdc' ]" # For CentOS7 use disks: "[ '/dev/sda', '/dev/sdb' ]" disks: "[ '/dev/sdb', '/dev/sdc' ]" # VAGRANT BOX # Ceph boxes are *strongly* suggested. They are under better control and will # not get updated frequently unless required for build systems. These are (for # now): # # * ceph/ubuntu-xenial # # Ubuntu: ceph/ubuntu-xenial bento/ubuntu-16.04 or ubuntu/trusty64 or ubuntu/wily64 # CentOS: bento/centos-7.1 or puppetlabs/centos-7.0-64-puppet # libvirt CentOS: centos/7 # parallels Ubuntu: parallels/ubuntu-14.04 # Debian: deb/jessie-amd64 - be careful the storage controller is named 'SATA Controller' # For more boxes have a look at: # - https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/search?utf8=✓&sort=&provider=virtualbox&q= # - https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/purpleidea/vagrant/ vagrant_box: centos/7 #ssh_private_key_path: "~/.ssh/id_rsa" # The sync directory changes based on vagrant box # Set to /home/vagrant/sync for Centos/7, /home/{ user }/vagrant for openstack and defaults to /vagrant #vagrant_sync_dir: /home/vagrant/sync vagrant_sync_dir: /vagrant # Disables synced folder creation. Not needed for testing, will skip mounting # the vagrant directory on the remote box regardless of the provider. vagrant_disable_synced_folder: true # VAGRANT URL # This is a URL to download an image from an alternate location. vagrant_box # above should be set to the filename of the image. # Fedora virtualbox: https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/22/Cloud/x86_64/Images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-Vagrant-22-20150521.x86_64.vagrant-virtualbox.box # Fedora libvirt: https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/22/Cloud/x86_64/Images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-Vagrant-22-20150521.x86_64.vagrant-libvirt.box # vagrant_box_url: https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/22/Cloud/x86_64/Images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-Vagrant-22-20150521.x86_64.vagrant-virtualbox.box os_tuning_params: - { name: fs.file-max, value: 26234859 }