--- - name: red hat based systems tasks when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'RedHat' block: - name: set_fact common pkgs and repos set_fact: common_pkgs: - tcmu-runner - targetcli common_repos: - tcmu-runner - name: set_fact base iscsi pkgs if new style ceph-iscsi set_fact: iscsi_base: - ceph-iscsi when: use_new_ceph_iscsi | bool - name: set_fact base iscsi pkgs if using older ceph-iscsi-config set_fact: iscsi_base: - ceph-iscsi-cli - ceph-iscsi-config when: not use_new_ceph_iscsi | bool - name: when ceph_iscsi_config_dev is true when: - ceph_origin == 'repository' - ceph_repository in ['dev', 'community'] - ceph_iscsi_config_dev | bool block: - name: ceph-iscsi dependency repositories get_url: url: "https://shaman.ceph.com/api/repos/{{ item }}/master/latest/{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower }}/{{ ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] }}/repo" dest: '/etc/yum.repos.d/{{ item }}-dev.repo' force: true register: result until: result is succeeded with_items: "{{ common_repos }}" - name: ceph-iscsi development repository get_url: url: "https://shaman.ceph.com/api/repos/{{ item }}/master/latest/{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower }}/{{ ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] }}/repo" dest: '/etc/yum.repos.d/{{ item }}-dev.repo' force: true register: result until: result is succeeded with_items: '{{ iscsi_base }}' when: ceph_repository == 'dev' - name: ceph-iscsi stable repository get_url: url: "https://download.ceph.com/ceph-iscsi/{{ '3' if use_new_ceph_iscsi | bool else '2' }}/rpm/el{{ ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] }}/ceph-iscsi.repo" dest: /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph-iscsi.repo force: true register: result until: result is succeeded when: ceph_repository == 'community' - name: install ceph iscsi package package: name: "{{ common_pkgs + iscsi_base }}" state: "{{ (upgrade_ceph_packages|bool) | ternary('latest','present') }}" register: result until: result is succeeded - name: check the status of the target.service override stat: path: /etc/systemd/system/target.service register: target - name: mask the target service - preventing manual start systemd: name: target masked: yes enabled: no when: - target.stat.exists - not target.stat.islnk # Only start tcmu-runner, so configure_iscsi.yml can create disks. # We must start rbd-target-gw/api after configure_iscsi.yml to avoid # races where they are both trying to setup the same object during # a rolling update. - name: start tcmu-runner service: name: tcmu-runner state: started enabled: yes masked: no