--- - name: create the realm command: radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm={{ rgw_realm }} --default run_once: true when: ("No such file or directory" in realmcheck.stderr) and rgw_zonemaster notify: - update period - name: create the zonegroup command: radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup={{ rgw_zonegroup }} --endpoints=http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}:{{ radosgw_civetweb_port }} --master --default run_once: true when: ("No such file or directory" in zonegroupcheck.stderr) and rgw_zonemaster notify: - update period - name: create the zone command: radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup={{ rgw_zonegroup }} --rgw-zone={{ rgw_zone }} --endpoints=http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}:{{ radosgw_civetweb_port }} --access-key={{ system_access_key }} --secret={{ system_secret_key }} --default --master run_once: true when: ("No such file or directory" in zonecheck.stderr) and rgw_zonemaster notify: - update period - name: create the zone user command: radosgw-admin user create --uid=zone.user --display-name="Zone User" --access-key={{ system_access_key }} --secret={{ system_secret_key }} --system run_once: true when: "'could not fetch user info: no user info saved' in usercheck.stderr" notify: - update period