[Unit] Description=Ceph RGW After=docker.service [Service] EnvironmentFile=-/etc/environment ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker stop ceph-rgw-{{ ansible_hostname }} ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm ceph-rgw-{{ ansible_hostname }} ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --net=host \ --memory={{ ceph_rgw_docker_memory_limit }} \ {% if docker_version.split('.')[0] | version_compare('13', '>=') -%} --cpus={{ ceph_rgw_docker_cpu_limit }} \ {% else -%} --cpu-quota={{ ceph_rgw_docker_cpu_limit * 100000 }} \ {% endif -%} {% if not containerized_deployment_with_kv -%} -v /var/lib/ceph:/var/lib/ceph \ -v /etc/ceph:/etc/ceph \ {% else -%} -e KV_TYPE={{ kv_type }} \ -e KV_IP={{ kv_endpoint }} \ -e KV_PORT={{ kv_port }} \ {% endif -%} {% if hostvars[inventory_hostname]['radosgw_address_block'] is defined and hostvars[inventory_hostname]['radosgw_address_block'] != 'subnet' %} {% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP={{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_all_' + ip_version + '_addresses'] | ipaddr(radosgw_address_block) | first }} \ {% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP=[{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_all_' + ip_version + '_addresses'] | ipaddr(radosgw_address_block) | first }}] \ {% endif %} {% elif radosgw_address_block is defined and radosgw_address_block != 'subnet' -%} {% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP={{ ['ansible_all_' + ip_version + '_addresses'] | ipaddr(radosgw_address_block) | first }} \ {% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP=[{{ ['ansible_all_' + ip_version + '_addresses'] | ipaddr(radosgw_address_block) | first }}] \ {% endif %} {% elif hostvars[inventory_hostname]['radosgw_address'] is defined and hostvars[inventory_hostname]['radosgw_address'] != 'address' -%} {% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP={{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['radosgw_address'] }} \ {% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP=[{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['radosgw_address'] }}] \ {% endif %} {% elif radosgw_address is defined and radosgw_address != 'address' -%} {% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP={{ radosgw_address }} \ {% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP=[{{ radosgw_address }}] \ {% endif %} {% elif hostvars[inventory_hostname]['radosgw_interface'] is defined -%} {% set interface = 'ansible_' + hostvars[inventory_hostname]['radosgw_interface'] %} {% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP={{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][interface][ip_version]['address'] }} \ {% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP=[{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][interface][ip_version][0]['address'] }}] \ {% endif %} {% else %} {% set interface = 'ansible_' + radosgw_interface %} {% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP={{ [interface][ip_version]['address'] }} \ {% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %} -e RGW_CIVETWEB_IP=[{{ [interface][ip_version][0]['address'] }}] \ {% endif %} {% endif %} -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ -e CEPH_DAEMON=RGW \ -e CLUSTER={{ cluster }} \ -e RGW_CIVETWEB_PORT={{ radosgw_civetweb_port }} \ --name=ceph-rgw-{{ ansible_hostname }} \ {{ ceph_rgw_docker_extra_env }} \ {{ ceph_docker_registry }}/{{ ceph_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_docker_image_tag }} ExecStopPost=-/usr/bin/docker stop ceph-rgw-{{ ansible_hostname }} Restart=always RestartSec=10s TimeoutStartSec=120 TimeoutStopSec=15 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target