--- # Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles # This sample file generated by generate_group_vars_sample.sh # Dummy variable to avoid error because ansible does not recognize the # file as a good configuration file when no variable in it. dummy: # You can override vars by using host or group vars ########### # GENERAL # ########### # Specify the iqn for ALL gateways. This iqn is shared across the gateways, so an iscsi # client sees the gateway group as a single storage subsystem. #gateway_iqn: "iqn.2003-01.com.redhat.iscsi-gw:ceph-igw" # gateway_ip_list provides a list of the IP Addrresses - one per gateway - that will be used # as an iscsi target portal ip. The list must be comma separated - and the order determines # the sequence of TPG's within the iscsi target across each gateway. Once set, additional # gateways can be added, but the order must *not* be changed. #gateway_ip_list: # rbd_devices defines the images that should be created and exported from the iscsi gateways. # If the rbd does not exist, it will be created for you. In addition you may increase the # size of rbd's by changing the size parameter and rerunning the playbook. A size value lower # than the current size of the rbd is ignored. # # the 'host' parameter defines which of the gateway nodes should handle the physical # allocation/expansion or removal of the rbd # to remove an image, simply use a state of 'absent'. This will first check the rbd is not allocated # to any client, and the remove it from LIO and then delete the rbd image # # NB. this variable definition can be commented out to bypass LUN management # # Example: # #rbd_devices: # - { pool: 'rbd', image: 'ansible1', size: '30G', host: 'ceph-1', state: 'present' } # - { pool: 'rbd', image: 'ansible2', size: '15G', host: 'ceph-1', state: 'present' } # - { pool: 'rbd', image: 'ansible3', size: '30G', host: 'ceph-1', state: 'present' } # - { pool: 'rbd', image: 'ansible4', size: '50G', host: 'ceph-1', state: 'present' } #rbd_devices: {} # client_connections defines the client ACL's to restrict client access to specific LUNs # The settings are as follows; # - image_list is a comma separated list of rbd images of the form . # - chap supplies the user and password the client will use for authentication of the # form / # - status shows the intended state of this client definition - 'present' or 'absent' # # NB. this definition can be commented out to skip client (nodeACL) management # # Example: # #client_connections: # - { client: 'iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:rh7-iscsi-client', image_list: 'rbd.ansible1,rbd.ansible2', chap: 'rh7-iscsi-client/redhat', status: 'present' } # - { client: 'iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:w2k12r2', image_list: 'rbd.ansible4', chap: 'w2k12r2/microsoft_w2k12', status: 'absent' } #client_connections: {} # Whether or not to generate secure certificate to iSCSI gateway nodes #generate_crt: False #rbd_pool_size: "{{ osd_pool_default_size }}" ################## # RBD-TARGET-API # ################## # Optional settings related to the CLI/API service #api_user: admin #api_password: admin #api_port: 5000 #api_secure: false #loop_delay: 1 #trusted_ip_list: ########## # DOCKER # ########## # Resource limitation # For the whole list of limits you can apply see: docs.docker.com/engine/admin/resource_constraints # Default values are based from: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_ceph_storage/2/html/red_hat_ceph_storage_hardware_guide/minimum_recommendations # These options can be passed using the 'ceph_mds_docker_extra_env' variable. # TCMU_RUNNER resource limitation #ceph_tcmu_runner_docker_memory_limit: "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb }}m" #ceph_tcmu_runner_docker_cpu_limit: 1 # RBD_TARGET_GW resource limitation #ceph_rbd_target_gw_docker_memory_limit: "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb }}m" #ceph_rbd_target_gw_docker_cpu_limit: 1 # RBD_TARGET_API resource limitation #ceph_rbd_target_api_docker_memory_limit: "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb }}m" #ceph_rbd_target_api_docker_cpu_limit: 1