--- # This playbook purges Ceph # It removes: packages, configuration files and ALL THE DATA # # Use it like this: # ansible-playbook purge-cluster.yml # Prompts for confirmation to purge, defaults to no and # doesn't purge the cluster. yes purges the cluster. # # ansible-playbook -e ireallymeanit=yes|no purge-cluster.yml # Overrides the prompt using -e option. Can be used in # automation scripts to avoid interactive prompt. - name: confirm whether user really meant to purge the cluster hosts: localhost gather_facts: false vars_prompt: - name: ireallymeanit prompt: Are you sure you want to purge the cluster? default: 'no' private: no tasks: - name: exit playbook, if user did not mean to purge cluster fail: msg: > "Exiting purge-cluster playbook, cluster was NOT purged. To purge the cluster, either say 'yes' on the prompt or or use `-e ireallymeanit=yes` on the command line when invoking the playbook" when: ireallymeanit != 'yes' - name: gather facts on all hosts hosts: - "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}" - "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" - "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" - "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" - "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" - "{{ nfs_group_name|default('nfss') }}" - "{{ client_group_name|default('clients') }}" - "{{ mgr_group_name|default('mgrs') }}" become: true tasks: - debug: msg="gather facts on all Ceph hosts for following reference" - name: purge ceph mds cluster vars: mds_group_name: mdss hosts: - "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" gather_facts: false # Already gathered previously become: true tasks: - name: stop ceph mdss with systemd service: name: ceph-mds@{{ ansible_hostname }} state: stopped enabled: no failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd' - name: stop ceph mdss shell: "service ceph status mds ; if [ $? == 0 ] ; then service ceph stop mds ; else echo ; fi" when: ansible_service_mgr == 'sysvinit' - name: stop ceph mdss on ubuntu command: initctl stop ceph-mds cluster={{ cluster }} id={{ ansible_hostname }} failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'upstart' - name: purge ceph mgr cluster vars: mgr_group_name: mgrs hosts: - "{{ mgr_group_name|default('mgrs') }}" gather_facts: false # Already gathered previously become: true tasks: - name: stop ceph mgrs with systemd service: name: ceph-mgr@{{ ansible_hostname}} state: stopped enabled: no failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd' - name: purge ceph rgw cluster vars: rgw_group_name: rgws hosts: - "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" gather_facts: false # Already gathered previously become: true tasks: - name: stop ceph rgws with systemd service: name: ceph-radosgw@rgw.{{ ansible_hostname }} state: stopped enabled: no failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd' - name: stop ceph rgws shell: "service ceph-radosgw status ; if [ $? == 0 ] ; then service ceph-radosgw stop ; else echo ; fi" when: ansible_service_mgr == 'sysvinit' - name: stop ceph rgws on ubuntu command: initctl stop radosgw cluster={{ cluster }} id={{ ansible_hostname }} failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'upstart' - name: purge ceph rbd-mirror cluster vars: rbdmirror_group_name: rbd-mirrors hosts: - "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" gather_facts: false # Already gathered previously become: true tasks: - name: stop ceph rbd mirror with systemd service: name: ceph-rbd-mirror@admin.service state: stopped failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd' - name: stop ceph rbd mirror on ubuntu command: initctl stop ceph-rbd-mirror cluster={{ cluster }} id=admin failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'upstart' - name: purge ceph nfs cluster vars: nfs_group_name: nfss hosts: - "{{ nfs_group_name|default('nfss') }}" gather_facts: false # Already gathered previously become: true tasks: - name: stop ceph nfss with systemd service: name: nfs-ganesha state: stopped failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd' - name: stop ceph nfss shell: "service nfs-ganesha status ; if [ $? == 0 ] ; then service nfs-ganesha stop ; else echo ; fi" when: ansible_service_mgr == 'sysvinit' - name: stop ceph nfss on ubuntu command: initctl stop nfs-ganesha failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'upstart' - name: purge ceph osd cluster vars: osd_group_name: osds reboot_osd_node: False hosts: - "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" gather_facts: false # Already gathered previously become: true handlers: - name: restart machine shell: sleep 2 && shutdown -r now "Ansible updates triggered" async: 1 poll: 0 ignore_errors: true - name: wait for server to boot become: false local_action: module: wait_for port: 22 host: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}" state: started delay: 10 timeout: 500 - name: remove data shell: rm -rf /var/lib/ceph/* tasks: - name: default lvm_volumes if not defined set_fact: lvm_volumes: [] when: lvm_volumes is not defined - name: get osd numbers shell: "if [ -d /var/lib/ceph/osd ] ; then ls /var/lib/ceph/osd | sed 's/.*-//' ; fi" register: osd_ids changed_when: false - name: stop ceph-osd with systemd service: name: ceph-osd@{{item}} state: stopped enabled: no with_items: "{{ osd_ids.stdout_lines }}" when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd' # before infernalis release, using sysvinit scripts # we use this test so we do not have to know which RPM contains the boot script # or where it is placed. - name: stop ceph osds shell: "service ceph status osd ; if [ $? == 0 ] ; then service ceph stop osd ; else echo ; fi" when: ansible_service_mgr == 'sysvinit' - name: stop ceph osds on ubuntu command: initctl stop ceph-osd cluster={{ cluster }} id={{ item }} failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'upstart' with_items: "{{ osd_ids.stdout_lines }}" - name: remove ceph udev rules file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: - /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/95-ceph-osd.rules - /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-ceph-by-parttypeuuid.rules # NOTE(leseb): hope someone will find a more elegant way one day... - name: see if encrypted partitions are present shell: | blkid -t TYPE=crypto_LUKS -s PARTLABEL -s PARTUUID | grep "ceph.*." | grep -o PARTUUID.* | cut -d '"' -f 2 register: encrypted_ceph_partuuid - name: get osd data and lockbox mount points shell: "(grep /var/lib/ceph/osd /proc/mounts || echo -n) | awk '{ print $2 }'" register: mounted_osd changed_when: false - name: drop all cache shell: "sync && sleep 1 && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches" - name: umount osd data partition shell: umount {{ item }} with_items: "{{ mounted_osd.stdout_lines }}" - name: remove osd mountpoint tree file: path: /var/lib/ceph/osd/ state: absent register: remove_osd_mountpoints ignore_errors: true - name: is reboot needed local_action: module: command echo requesting reboot become: false notify: - restart machine - wait for server to boot - remove data when: - reboot_osd_node - remove_osd_mountpoints.failed is defined - name: see if ceph-disk is installed shell: "which ceph-disk" failed_when: false register: ceph_disk_present - name: wipe table on dm-crypt devices command: dmsetup wipe_table --force "{{ item }}" with_items: "{{ encrypted_ceph_partuuid.stdout_lines }}" when: encrypted_ceph_partuuid.stdout_lines | length > 0 - name: delete dm-crypt devices if any command: dmsetup remove --retry --force {{ item }} with_items: "{{ encrypted_ceph_partuuid.stdout_lines }}" when: encrypted_ceph_partuuid.stdout_lines | length > 0 - name: get payload_offset shell: cryptsetup luksDump /dev/disk/by-partuuid/{{ item }} | awk '/Payload offset:/ { print $3 }' register: payload_offset with_items: "{{ encrypted_ceph_partuuid.stdout_lines }}" when: encrypted_ceph_partuuid.stdout_lines | length > 0 - name: get physical sector size command: blockdev --getpbsz /dev/disk/by-partuuid/{{ item }} with_items: "{{ encrypted_ceph_partuuid.stdout_lines }}" when: encrypted_ceph_partuuid.stdout_lines | length > 0 register: phys_sector_size - name: wipe dmcrypt device command: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk/by-partuuid/{{ item.0 }} bs={{ item.1.stdout }} count={{ item.2.stdout }} oflag=direct with_together: - "{{ encrypted_ceph_partuuid.stdout_lines }}" - "{{ payload_offset.results }}" - "{{ phys_sector_size.results }}" - name: get ceph data partitions shell: | blkid -o device -t PARTLABEL="ceph data" failed_when: false register: ceph_data_partition_to_erase_path - name: get ceph lockbox partitions shell: | blkid -o device -t PARTLABEL="ceph lockbox" failed_when: false register: ceph_lockbox_partition_to_erase_path - name: zap and destroy osds created by ceph-volume with lvm_volumes ceph_volume: data: "{{ item.data }}" data_vg: "{{ item.data_vg|default(omit) }}" journal: "{{ item.journal|default(omit) }}" journal_vg: "{{ item.journal_vg|default(omit) }}" db: "{{ item.db|default(omit) }}" db_vg: "{{ item.db_vg|default(omit) }}" wal: "{{ item.wal|default(omit) }}" wal_vg: "{{ item.wal_vg|default(omit) }}" action: "zap" environment: CEPH_VOLUME_DEBUG: 1 with_items: "{{ lvm_volumes }}" when: - osd_scenario == "lvm" - name: zap and destroy osds created by ceph-volume with devices ceph_volume: data: "{{ item }}" action: "zap" environment: CEPH_VOLUME_DEBUG: 1 with_items: "{{ devices | default([]) }}" when: - osd_scenario == "lvm" - name: get ceph block partitions shell: | blkid -o device -t PARTLABEL="ceph block" failed_when: false register: ceph_block_partition_to_erase_path - name: get ceph journal partitions shell: | blkid -o device -t PARTLABEL="ceph journal" failed_when: false register: ceph_journal_partition_to_erase_path - name: get ceph db partitions shell: | blkid -o device -t PARTLABEL="ceph block.db" failed_when: false register: ceph_db_partition_to_erase_path - name: get ceph wal partitions shell: | blkid -o device -t PARTLABEL="ceph block.wal" failed_when: false register: ceph_wal_partition_to_erase_path - name: set_fact combined_devices_list set_fact: combined_devices_list: "{{ ceph_data_partition_to_erase_path.stdout_lines + ceph_lockbox_partition_to_erase_path.stdout_lines + ceph_block_partition_to_erase_path.stdout_lines + ceph_journal_partition_to_erase_path.stdout_lines + ceph_db_partition_to_erase_path.stdout_lines + ceph_wal_partition_to_erase_path.stdout_lines }}" - name: resolve parent device command: lsblk --nodeps -no pkname "{{ item }}" register: tmp_resolved_parent_device with_items: - "{{ combined_devices_list }}" - name: set_fact resolved_parent_device set_fact: resolved_parent_device: "{{ tmp_resolved_parent_device.results | map(attribute='stdout') | list | unique }}" - name: wipe partitions shell: | wipefs --all "{{ item }}" dd if=/dev/zero of="{{ item }}" bs=1 count=4096 with_items: "{{ combined_devices_list }}" - name: zap ceph journal/block db/block wal partitions shell: | # if the disk passed is a raw device AND the boot system disk if parted -s /dev/"{{ item }}" print | grep -sq boot; then echo "Looks like /dev/{{ item }} has a boot partition," echo "if you want to delete specific partitions point to the partition instead of the raw device" echo "Do not use your system disk!" exit 1 fi sgdisk -Z --clear --mbrtogpt -g -- /dev/"{{ item }}" dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/"{{ item }}" bs=1M count=200 parted -s /dev/"{{ item }}" mklabel gpt partprobe /dev/"{{ item }}" udevadm settle --timeout=600 with_items: - "{{ resolved_parent_device }}" - name: purge ceph mon cluster vars: mon_group_name: mons hosts: - "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}" gather_facts: false # already gathered previously become: true tasks: - name: stop ceph mons with systemd service: name: ceph-mon@{{ ansible_hostname }} state: stopped enabled: no failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd' - name: stop ceph mons shell: "service ceph status mon ; if [ $? == 0 ] ; then service ceph stop mon ; else echo ; fi" when: ansible_service_mgr == 'sysvinit' - name: stop ceph mons on ubuntu command: initctl stop ceph-mon cluster={{ cluster }} id={{ ansible_hostname }} failed_when: false when: ansible_service_mgr == 'upstart' - name: remove monitor store and bootstrap keys file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: - /var/lib/ceph/mon - /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mds - /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd - /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rgw - /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rbd - /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mgr - /var/lib/ceph/tmp - name: final cleanup - check any running ceph, purge ceph packages, purge config and remove data vars: # When set to true both groups of packages are purged. # This can cause problem with qemu-kvm purge_all_packages: true ceph_packages: - ceph - ceph-common - ceph-fs-common - ceph-fuse - ceph-mds - ceph-mgr - ceph-release - ceph-radosgw - calamari-server ceph_remaining_packages: - libcephfs1 - libcephfs2 - librados2 - libradosstriper1 - librbd1 - python-cephfs - python-rados - python-rbd hosts: - "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}" - "{{ osd_group_name|default('osds') }}" - "{{ mds_group_name|default('mdss') }}" - "{{ rgw_group_name|default('rgws') }}" - "{{ rbdmirror_group_name|default('rbdmirrors') }}" - "{{ nfs_group_name|default('nfss') }}" - "{{ client_group_name|default('clients') }}" - "{{ mgr_group_name|default('mgrs') }}" gather_facts: false # Already gathered previously become: true handlers: - name: get osd data and lockbox mount points shell: "(grep /var/lib/ceph/osd /proc/mounts || echo -n) | awk '{ print $2 }'" register: mounted_osd changed_when: false listen: "remove data" - name: umount osd data partition shell: umount {{ item }} with_items: "{{ mounted_osd.stdout_lines }}" listen: "remove data" - name: remove data shell: rm -rf /var/lib/ceph/* listen: "remove data" tasks: - name: purge ceph packages with yum yum: name: "{{ ceph_packages }}" state: absent when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'yum' - name: purge ceph packages with dnf dnf: name: "{{ ceph_packages }}" state: absent when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'dnf' - name: purge ceph packages with apt apt: name: "{{ ceph_packages }}" state: absent purge: true when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'apt' - name: purge remaining ceph packages with yum yum: name: "{{ ceph_remaining_packages }}" state: absent when: - ansible_pkg_mgr == 'yum' - purge_all_packages == true - name: purge remaining ceph packages with dnf dnf: name: "{{ ceph_remaining_packages }}" state: absent when: - ansible_pkg_mgr == 'dnf' - purge_all_packages == true - name: purge remaining ceph packages with apt apt: name: "{{ ceph_remaining_packages }}" state: absent when: - ansible_pkg_mgr == 'apt' - purge_all_packages == true - name: remove config file: path: /etc/ceph state: absent - name: remove logs file: path: /var/log/ceph state: absent - name: request data removal local_action: module: command echo requesting data removal become: false notify: - remove data - name: purge dnf cache command: dnf clean all when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'dnf' - name: purge rpm cache in /tmp file: path: /tmp/rh-storage-repo state: absent - name: clean apt shell: apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'apt' - name: purge rh_storage.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d file: path: /etc/yum.repos.d/rh_storage.repo state: absent when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' - name: check for anything running ceph command: "ps -u ceph -U ceph" register: check_for_running_ceph failed_when: check_for_running_ceph.rc == 0 - name: find ceph systemd unit files to remove find: paths: "/etc/systemd/system" pattern: "ceph*" recurse: true file_type: any register: systemd_files - name: remove ceph systemd unit files file: path: "{{ item.path }}" state: absent with_items: - "{{ systemd_files.files }}" when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd' - name: purge fetch directory hosts: - localhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: set fetch_directory value if not set set_fact: fetch_directory: "fetch/" when: fetch_directory is not defined - name: purge fetch directory for localhost file: path: "{{ fetch_directory }}" state: absent