# Makefile for constructing RPMs. # Try "make" (for SRPMS) or "make rpm" NAME = ceph-ansible # Set the RPM package NVR from "git describe". # Examples: # # A "git describe" value of "v2.2.0beta1" would create an NVR # "ceph-ansible-2.2.0-0.beta1.1.el8" # # A "git describe" value of "v2.2.0rc1" would create an NVR # "ceph-ansible-2.2.0-0.rc1.1.el8" # # A "git describe" value of "v2.2.0rc1-1-gc465f85" would create an NVR # "ceph-ansible-2.2.0-0.rc1.1.gc465f85.el8" # # A "git describe" value of "v2.2.0" creates an NVR # "ceph-ansible-2.2.0-1.el8" DIST ?= "el8" MOCK_CONFIG ?= "epel-7-x86_64" TAG := $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --match 'v*') VERSION := $(shell echo $(TAG) | sed 's/^v//') COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) SHORTCOMMIT := $(shell echo $(COMMIT) | cut -c1-7) RELEASE := $(shell git describe --tags --match 'v*' \ | sed 's/^v//' \ | sed 's/^[^-]*-//' \ | sed 's/-/./') ifeq ($(VERSION),$(RELEASE)) RELEASE = 1 endif ifneq (,$(findstring beta,$(VERSION))) BETA := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/.*beta/beta/') RELEASE := 0.$(BETA).$(RELEASE) VERSION := $(subst $(BETA),,$(VERSION)) endif ifneq (,$(findstring rc,$(VERSION))) RC := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/.*rc/rc/') RELEASE := 0.$(RC).$(RELEASE) VERSION := $(subst $(RC),,$(VERSION)) endif ifneq (,$(shell echo $(VERSION) | grep [a-zA-Z])) # If we still have alpha characters in our Git tag string, we don't know # how to translate that into a sane RPM version/release. Bail out. $(error cannot translate Git tag version $(VERSION) to an RPM NVR) endif NVR := $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).$(DIST) all: srpm # Testing only echo: echo COMMIT $(COMMIT) echo VERSION $(VERSION) echo RELEASE $(RELEASE) echo NVR $(NVR) clean: rm -rf dist/ rm -rf ceph-ansible-$(VERSION)-$(SHORTCOMMIT).tar.gz rm -rf $(NVR).src.rpm dist: git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=ceph-ansible-$(VERSION)/ HEAD > ceph-ansible-$(VERSION)-$(SHORTCOMMIT).tar.gz spec: sed ceph-ansible.spec.in \ -e 's/@COMMIT@/$(COMMIT)/' \ -e 's/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/' \ -e 's/@RELEASE@/$(RELEASE)/' \ > ceph-ansible.spec srpm: dist spec rpmbuild -bs ceph-ansible.spec \ --define "_topdir ." \ --define "_sourcedir ." \ --define "_srcrpmdir ." \ --define "dist .$(DIST)" rpm: dist srpm mock -r $(MOCK_CONFIG) rebuild $(NVR).src.rpm \ --resultdir=. \ --define "dist .$(DIST)" tag: $(eval BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)) $(eval LASTNUM := $(shell echo $(TAG) \ | sed -E "s/.*[^0-9]([0-9]+)$$/\1/")) $(eval NEXTNUM=$(shell echo $$(($(LASTNUM)+1)))) $(eval NEXTTAG=$(shell echo $(TAG) | sed "s/$(LASTNUM)$$/$(NEXTNUM)/")) if [[ "$(TAG)" == "$(git describe --tags --match 'v*')" ]]; then \ echo "$(SHORTCOMMIT) on $(BRANCH) is already tagged as $(TAG)"; \ exit 1; \ fi if [[ "$(BRANCH)" != "master" ]] && \ ! [[ "$(BRANCH)" =~ ^stable- ]]; then \ echo Cannot tag $(BRANCH); \ exit 1; \ fi @echo Tagging Git branch $(BRANCH) git tag $(NEXTTAG) @echo run \'git push origin $(NEXTTAG)\' to push to GitHub. .PHONY: dist rpm srpm tag