--- vagrant_box: 'linode' vagrant_box_url: 'https://github.com/displague/vagrant-linode/raw/master/box/linode.box' # Set a label prefix for the machines in this cluster. (This is useful and necessary when running multiple clusters concurrently.) #label_prefix: 'foo' ssh_username: 'vagrant' ssh_private_key_path: '~/.ssh/id_rsa' cloud_distribution: 'CentOS 7' cloud_datacenter: 'newark' # Memory for each Linode instance, this determines price! See Linode plans. memory: 2048 # The private network on Linode, you probably don't want to change this. public_subnet: 192.168.0 cluster_subnet: 192.168.0 # DEFINE THE NUMBER OF VMS TO RUN mon_vms: 3 osd_vms: 3 mds_vms: 1 rgw_vms: 0 nfs_vms: 0 rbd_mirror_vms: 0 client_vms: 0 iscsi_gw_vms: 0 # The sync directory changes based on vagrant box # Set to /home/vagrant/sync for Centos/7, /home/{ user }/vagrant for openstack and defaults to /vagrant # vagrant_sync_dir: /home/vagrant/sync os_tuning_params: - { name: fs.file-max, value: 26234859 }