--- - name: set_fact keys_tmp - preserve backward compatibility after the introduction of the ceph_keys module set_fact: keys_tmp: "{{ keys_tmp|default([]) + [ { 'key': item.key, 'name': item.name, 'caps': { 'mon': item.mon_cap, 'osd': item.osd_cap|default(''), 'mds': item.mds_cap|default(''), 'mgr': item.mgr_cap|default('') } , 'mode': item.mode } ] }}" when: - item.get('mon_cap', None) # it's enough to assume we are running an old-fashionned syntax simply by checking the presence of mon_cap since every key needs this cap with_items: "{{ keys }}" - name: set_fact keys - override keys_tmp with keys set_fact: keys: "{{ keys_tmp }}" when: - keys_tmp is defined # dummy container setup is only supported on x86_64 # when running with containerized_deployment: true this task # creates a group that contains only x86_64 hosts. # when running with containerized_deployment: false this task # will add all client hosts to the group (and not filter). - name: create filtered clients group add_host: name: "{{ item }}" groups: _filtered_clients with_items: "{{ groups[client_group_name] }}" when: - (hostvars[item]['ansible_architecture'] == 'x86_64') or (not containerized_deployment) - name: run a dummy container (sleep 300) from where we can create pool(s)/key(s) command: > docker run \ --rm \ -d \ -v {{ ceph_conf_key_directory }}:{{ ceph_conf_key_directory }}:z \ --name ceph-create-keys \ --entrypoint=sleep \ {{ ceph_client_docker_registry}}/{{ ceph_client_docker_image }}:{{ ceph_client_docker_image_tag }} \ 300 changed_when: false when: - containerized_deployment - inventory_hostname == groups.get('_filtered_clients') | first - name: set_fact delegated_node set_fact: delegated_node: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] if groups.get(mon_group_name, []) | length > 0 else inventory_hostname }}" - name: set_fact condition_copy_admin_key set_fact: condition_copy_admin_key: "{{ True if groups.get(mon_group_name, []) | length > 0 else copy_admin_key }}" - name: set_fact docker_exec_cmd set_fact: docker_exec_cmd: "docker exec {% if groups.get(mon_group_name, []) | length > 0 -%} ceph-mon-{{ hostvars[delegated_node]['ansible_hostname'] }} {% else %} ceph-create-keys {% endif %}" when: - containerized_deployment - name: create cephx key(s) ceph_key: state: present name: "{{ item.name }}" caps: "{{ item.caps }}" secret: "{{ item.key | default('') }}" containerized: "{{ docker_exec_cmd | default('') }}" cluster: "{{ cluster }}" dest: "{{ ceph_conf_key_directory }}" import_key: "{{ condition_copy_admin_key }}" mode: "{{ item.mode|default(omit) }}" with_items: "{{ keys }}" delegate_to: "{{ delegated_node }}" when: - cephx - keys | length > 0 - inventory_hostname == groups.get('_filtered_clients') | first - name: slurp client cephx key(s) slurp: src: "{{ ceph_conf_key_directory }}/{{ cluster }}.{{ item.name }}.keyring" with_items: - "{{ keys }}" register: slurp_client_keys delegate_to: "{{ delegated_node }}" when: - cephx - keys | length > 0 - inventory_hostname == groups.get('_filtered_clients') | first - name: pool related tasks when: - condition_copy_admin_key - inventory_hostname == groups.get('_filtered_clients', []) | first block: - name: list existing pool(s) command: > {{ docker_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} osd pool get {{ item.name }} size with_items: "{{ pools }}" register: created_pools failed_when: false delegate_to: "{{ delegated_node }}" - name: create ceph pool(s) command: > {{ docker_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} osd pool create {{ item.0.name }} {{ item.0.pg_num }} {{ item.0.pgp_num }} {{ 'replicated_rule' if item.0.rule_name | default('replicated_rule') == '' else item.0.rule_name | default('replicated_rule') }} {{ 1 if item.0.type|default(1) == 'replicated' else 3 if item.0.type|default(1) == 'erasure' else item.0.type|default(1) }} {%- if (item.0.type | default("1") == '3' or item.0.type | default("1") == 'erasure') and item.0.erasure_profile != '' %} {{ item.0.erasure_profile }} {%- endif %} {{ item.0.expected_num_objects | default('') }} with_together: - "{{ pools }}" - "{{ created_pools.results }}" changed_when: false delegate_to: "{{ delegated_node }}" when: - pools | length > 0 - item.1.rc != 0 - name: customize pool size command: > {{ docker_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} osd pool set {{ item.name }} size {{ item.size | default('') }} with_items: "{{ pools | unique }}" delegate_to: "{{ delegated_node }}" changed_when: false when: - pools | length > 0 - item.size | default ("") != "" - name: get client cephx keys copy: dest: "{{ item.source }}" content: "{{ item.content | b64decode }}" mode: "{{ item.item.get('mode', '0600') }}" owner: "{{ ceph_uid }}" group: "{{ ceph_uid }}" with_items: - "{{ hostvars[groups['_filtered_clients'][0]]['slurp_client_keys']['results'] }}" when: - not item.get('skipped', False)