--- - name: Create monitor initial keyring command: "ceph-authtool /var/lib/ceph/tmp/keyring.mon.{{ ansible_hostname }} --create-keyring --name=mon. --add-key={{ monitor_secret }} --cap mon 'allow *' creates=/var/lib/ceph/tmp/keyring.mon.{{ ansible_hostname }}" - name: Set initial monitor key permissions file: > path=/var/lib/ceph/tmp/keyring.mon.{{ ansible_hostname }} mode=0600 owner=root group=root - name: Create monitor directory file: > path=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-{{ ansible_hostname }} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0644 - name: Ceph monitor mkfs command: "ceph-mon --mkfs -i {{ ansible_hostname }} --keyring /var/lib/ceph/tmp/keyring.mon.{{ ansible_hostname }} creates=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-{{ ansible_hostname }}/keyring" - name: Start and add that the monitor service to the init sequence service: > name=ceph state=started enabled=yes args=mon