--- # Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles # Setup options distro_release: "{{ facter_lsbdistcodename }}" apt_key: https://ceph.com/git/?p=ceph.git;a=blob_plain;f=keys/release.asc ceph_release: emperor redhat_distro: el6 # supported distros are el6, rhel6, f18, f19, opensuse12.2, sles11 # Ceph options cephx: true mds: false # disable mds configuration in ceph.conf fsid: # /!\ GENERATE ONE WITH 'uuidgen -r' /!\ # Monitors options monitor_interface: eth1 # OSD options journal_size: 100 pool_default_pg_num: 128 pool_default_pgp_num: 128 pool_default_size: 2 cluster_network: public_network: osd_mkfs_type: xfs