--- # We only want to restart on hosts that have called the handler. # This var is set when he handler is called, and unset after the # restart to ensure only the correct hosts are restarted. - name: set _mon_handler_called before restart set_fact: _mon_handler_called: True - name: copy mon restart script template: src: restart_mon_daemon.sh.j2 dest: /tmp/restart_mon_daemon.sh owner: root group: root mode: 0750 - name: restart ceph mon daemon(s) command: /usr/bin/env bash /tmp/restart_mon_daemon.sh when: # We do not want to run these checks on initial deployment (`socket.rc == 0`) - handler_mon_status | bool - hostvars[item]['_mon_handler_called'] | default(False) | bool with_items: "{{ groups[mon_group_name] }}" delegate_to: "{{ item }}" run_once: True - name: set _mon_handler_called after restart set_fact: _mon_handler_called: False