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#jinja2: trim_blocks: "true", lstrip_blocks: "true"
# {{ ansible_managed }}
{% if not cephx %}
auth cluster required = none
auth service required = none
auth client required = none
auth supported = none
{% endif %}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv6' %}
ms bind ipv6 = true
{% endif %}
{% if not containerized_deployment_with_kv and not containerized_deployment %}
fsid = {{ fsid }}
{% endif %}
{% if common_single_host_mode is defined and common_single_host_mode %}
osd crush chooseleaf type = 0
{% endif %}
{% if ceph_release not in ['jewel', 'kraken', 'luminous'] and containerized_deployment %}
# let's force the admin socket the way it was so we can properly check for existing instances
# also the line $cluster-$name.$pid.$cctid.asok is only needed when running multiple instances
# of the same daemon, thing ceph-ansible cannot do at the time of writing
admin socket = "$run_dir/$cluster-$name.asok"
{% endif %}
{# NOTE (leseb): the blank lines in-between are needed otherwise we won't get any line break #}
{% set nb_mon = groups.get(mon_group_name, []) | length | int %}
{% set nb_client = groups.get(client_group_name, []) | length | int %}
{% set nb_osd = groups.get(osd_group_name, []) | length | int %}
{% if nb_mon > 0 and inventory_hostname in groups.get(mon_group_name, []) %}
mon initial members = {% for host in groups[mon_group_name] %}
{% if hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] is defined and mon_use_fqdn -%}
{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] }}
{%- elif hostvars[host]['ansible_hostname'] is defined -%}
{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_hostname'] }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if not containerized_deployment and not containerized_deployment_with_kv -%}
mon host = {% if nb_mon > 0 %}
{% for host in groups[mon_group_name] -%}
{% if hostvars[host]['monitor_address_block'] is defined and hostvars[host]['monitor_address_block'] != 'subnet' %}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' -%}
{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_all_' + ip_version + '_addresses'] | ipaddr(hostvars[host]['monitor_address_block']) | first }}
{%- elif ip_version == 'ipv6' -%}
[{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_all_' + ip_version + '_addresses'] | ipaddr(hostvars[host]['monitor_address_block']) | first }}]
{%- endif %}
{% elif hostvars[host]['monitor_address'] is defined and hostvars[host]['monitor_address'] != '' -%}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' -%}
{{ hostvars[host]['monitor_address'] }}
{%- elif ip_version == 'ipv6' -%}
[{{ hostvars[host]['monitor_address'] }}]
{%- endif %}
{%- elif hostvars[host]['monitor_interface'] is defined -%}
{% set interface = 'ansible_' + (hostvars[host]['monitor_interface'] | replace('-', '_')) %}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' -%}
{{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version]['address'] }}
{%- elif ip_version == 'ipv6' -%}
[{{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version][0]['address'] }}]
{%- endif %}
{%- else -%}
{% set interface = 'ansible_' + (monitor_interface | replace('-', '_')) %}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' -%}
{{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version]['address'] }}
{%- elif ip_version == 'ipv6' -%}
[{{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version][0]['address'] }}]
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{% if not loop.last -%},{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{% elif nb_mon == 0 and inventory_hostname in groups.get(client_group_name, []) %}
{{ external_cluster_mon_ips }}
{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{% if containerized_deployment %}
fsid = {{ fsid }}
log file = /dev/null
mon cluster log file = /dev/null
mon host = {% if nb_mon > 0 %}
{% for host in groups[mon_group_name] -%}
{% if hostvars[host]['monitor_address_block'] is defined and hostvars[host]['monitor_address_block'] != 'subnet' %}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' -%}
{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_all_' + ip_version + '_addresses'] | ipaddr(hostvars[host]['monitor_address_block']) | first }}
{%- elif ip_version == 'ipv6' -%}
[{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_all_' + ip_version + '_addresses'] | ipaddr(hostvars[host]['monitor_address_block']) | first }}]
{%- endif %}
{% elif hostvars[host]['monitor_address'] is defined and hostvars[host]['monitor_address'] != '' -%}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' -%}
{{ hostvars[host]['monitor_address'] }}
{%- elif ip_version == 'ipv6' -%}
[{{ hostvars[host]['monitor_address'] }}]
{%- endif %}
{%- elif hostvars[host]['monitor_interface'] is defined -%}
{% set interface = 'ansible_' + (hostvars[host]['monitor_interface'] | replace('-', '_')) %}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' -%}
{{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version]['address'] }}
{%- elif ip_version == 'ipv6' -%}
[{{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version][0]['address'] }}]
{%- endif %}
{%- else -%}
{% set interface = 'ansible_' + (monitor_interface | replace('-', '_')) %}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' -%}
{{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version]['address'] }}
{%- elif ip_version == 'ipv6' -%}
[{{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version][0]['address'] }}]
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{% if not loop.last -%},{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{% elif nb_mon == 0 and inventory_hostname in groups.get(client_group_name, []) %}
{{ external_cluster_mon_ips }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if public_network is defined %}
public network = {{ public_network | regex_replace(' ', '') }}
{% endif %}
{% if cluster_network is defined %}
cluster network = {{ cluster_network | regex_replace(' ', '') }}
{% endif %}
{% if rgw_override_bucket_index_max_shards is defined %}
rgw override bucket index max shards = {{ rgw_override_bucket_index_max_shards }}
{% endif %}
{% if rgw_bucket_default_quota_max_objects is defined %}
rgw bucket default quota max objects = {{ rgw_bucket_default_quota_max_objects }}
{% endif %}
{% if inventory_hostname in groups.get(client_group_name, []) %}
admin socket = {{ rbd_client_admin_socket_path }}/$cluster-$type.$id.$pid.$cctid.asok # must be writable by QEMU and allowed by SELinux or AppArmor
log file = {{ rbd_client_log_file }} # must be writable by QEMU and allowed by SELinux or AppArmor
{% endif %}
{% if inventory_hostname in groups.get(osd_group_name, []) %}
{% if osd_objectstore == 'filestore' %}
osd mkfs type = {{ osd_mkfs_type }}
osd mkfs options xfs = {{ osd_mkfs_options_xfs }}
osd mount options xfs = {{ osd_mount_options_xfs }}
osd journal size = {{ journal_size }}
{% if filestore_xattr_use_omap != None %}
filestore xattr use omap = {{ filestore_xattr_use_omap }}
{% elif osd_mkfs_type == "ext4" %}
filestore xattr use omap = true
{# else, default is false #}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if osd_objectstore == 'bluestore' %}
{% set _num_osds = num_osds | default(0) | int %}
{% if is_hci and _num_osds > 0 %}
{% if ansible_memtotal_mb * hci_safety_factor / _num_osds > osd_memory_target %} # hci_safety_factor is the safety factor for HCI deployments
{% set _osd_memory_target = (ansible_memtotal_mb * hci_safety_factor / _num_osds) %}
{% endif %}
{% elif _num_osds > 0 %}
{% if ansible_memtotal_mb * non_hci_safety_factor / _num_osds > osd_memory_target %} # non_hci_safety_factor is the safety factor for dedicated nodes
{% set _osd_memory_target = (ansible_memtotal_mb * non_hci_safety_factor / _num_osds) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
osd memory target = {{ _osd_memory_target | default(osd_memory_target) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if inventory_hostname in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) %}
{% for host in groups[rgw_group_name] %}
{% set _rgw_hostname = hostvars[host]['rgw_hostname'] | default(hostvars[host]['ansible_hostname']) %}
{# {{ hostvars[host]['rgw_hostname'] }} for backward compatibility, fqdn issues. See bz1580408 #}
[client.rgw.{{ _rgw_hostname }}]
host = {{ _rgw_hostname }}
keyring = /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/{{ cluster }}-rgw.{{ _rgw_hostname }}/keyring
log file = /var/log/ceph/{{ cluster }}-rgw-{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_hostname'] }}.log
{% if hostvars[host]['radosgw_address_block'] is defined and hostvars[host]['radosgw_address_block'] != 'subnet' %}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}={{ hostvars[host]['ansible_all_' + ip_version + '_addresses'] | ipaddr(radosgw_address_block) | first }}:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}=[{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_all_' + ip_version + '_addresses'] | ipaddr(radosgw_address_block) | first }}]:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% endif %}
{% elif radosgw_address_block is defined and radosgw_address_block != 'subnet' -%}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}={{ radosgw_address_block | ipaddr(radosgw_address_block) | first }}:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}=[{{ radosgw_address_block | ipaddr(radosgw_address_block) | first }}]:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% endif %}
{% elif hostvars[host]['radosgw_address'] is defined and hostvars[host]['radosgw_address'] != 'address' -%}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}={{ hostvars[host]['radosgw_address'] }}:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}=[{{ hostvars[host]['radosgw_address'] }}]:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% endif %}
{% elif radosgw_address is defined and radosgw_address != 'address' -%}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}={{ radosgw_address }}:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}=[{{ radosgw_address }}]:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% endif %}
{% elif hostvars[host]['radosgw_interface'] is defined -%}
{% set interface='ansible_' + (hostvars[host]['radosgw_interface'] | replace('-', '_')) %}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}={{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version]['address'] }}:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}=[{{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version][0]['address'] }}]:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set interface='ansible_' + (radosgw_interface | replace('-', '_')) %}
{% if ip_version == 'ipv4' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}={{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version]['address'] }}:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% elif ip_version == 'ipv6' %}
rgw frontends = {{ radosgw_frontend_type }} {{ 'port' if radosgw_frontend_type == 'civetweb' else 'endpoint' }}=[{{ hostvars[host][interface][ip_version][0]['address'] }}]:{{ radosgw_frontend_port }} {{ radosgw_frontend_options }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if inventory_hostname in groups.get(nfs_group_name, []) and inventory_hostname not in groups.get(rgw_group_name, []) %}
{% for host in groups[nfs_group_name] %}
{% set _rgw_hostname = hostvars[host]['rgw_hostname'] | default(hostvars[host]['ansible_hostname']) %}
{% if nfs_obj_gw %}
[client.rgw.{{ _rgw_hostname }}]
host = {{ _rgw_hostname }}
keyring = /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/{{ cluster }}-rgw.{{ _rgw_hostname }}/keyring
log file = /var/log/ceph/{{ cluster }}-rgw-{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_hostname'] }}.log
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if inventory_hostname in groups.get(restapi_group_name, []) %}
{% if restapi_interface != "interface" %}
{% include 'client_restapi_interface.j2' %}
{% else %}
{% include 'client_restapi_address.j2' %}
{% endif %}
keyring = /var/lib/ceph/restapi/ceph-restapi/keyring
log file = /var/log/ceph/ceph-restapi.log
{% endif %}