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## Deploy RADOS Gateway
- name: Copy RGW bootstrap key
copy: src=fetch/{{ fsid }}/etc/ceph/keyring.radosgw.gateway dest=/etc/ceph/keyring.radosgw.gateway owner=root group=root mode=600
when: cephx
- name: Set RGW bootstrap key permissions
file: path=/etc/ceph/keyring.radosgw.gateway mode=0600 owner=root group=root
when: cephx
#- name: Add optimized version of the apache2 package repository
# apt_repository: repo='deb http://gitbuilder.ceph.com/apache2-deb-{{ ansible_lsb.codename }}-x86_64-basic/ref/master {{ ansible_lsb.codename }} main' state=present
#- name: Add optimized version of the fastcgi package repository
# apt_repository: repo='deb http://gitbuilder.ceph.com/libapache-mod-fastcgi-deb-{{ ansible_lsb.codename }}-x86_64-basic/ref/master {{ ansible_lsb.codename }} main' state=present
- name: Add Ceph extra
apt_repository: repo='deb http://ceph.com/packages/ceph-extras/debian {{ ansible_lsb.codename }} main' state=present
- name: Install Apache, fastcgi and Rados Gateway
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present
- apache2
- libapache2-mod-fastcgi
- radosgw
## Prepare Apache
- name: Install default httpd.conf
template: src=httpd.conf dest=/etc/apache2/httpd.conf owner=root group=root
- name: Enable some apache mod rewrite and fastcgi
command: "{{ item }}"
- a2enmod rewrite
- a2enmod fastcgi
- name: Install Rados Gateway vhost
template: src=rgw.conf dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/rgw.conf owner=root group=root
## Prepare RGW
- name: Create RGW directory
file: path=/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/{{ ansible_fqdn }} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: Enable Rados Gateway vhost and disable default site
command: "{{ item }}"
- a2ensite rgw.conf
- a2dissite default
- restart apache2
- name: Install s3gw.fcgi script
copy: src=s3gw.fcgi dest=/var/www/s3gw.fcgi mode=0555 owner=root group=root
## If we don't perform this check Ansible will start multiple instance of radosgw
- name: Check if RGW is started
command: /etc/init.d/radosgw status
register: rgwstatus
ignore_errors: True
- name: Start RGW
command: /etc/init.d/radosgw start
when: rgwstatus.rc != 0