mirror of https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible.git
88 lines
3.4 KiB
88 lines
3.4 KiB
DELAY="{{ handler_health_osd_check_delay }}"
CEPH_CLI="--name client.bootstrap-osd --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/{{ cluster }}.keyring --cluster {{ cluster }}"
check_pgs() {
num_pgs=$($container_exec ceph $CEPH_CLI -s -f json|python -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["pgmap"]["num_pgs"])')
if [[ "$num_pgs" == "0" ]]; then
return 0
while [ $RETRIES -ne 0 ]; do
test "$($container_exec ceph $CEPH_CLI -s -f json | python -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["pgmap"]["num_pgs"])')" -eq "$($container_exec ceph $CEPH_CLI -s -f json | python -c 'import sys, json; print(sum ( [ i["count"] for i in json.load(sys.stdin)["pgmap"]["pgs_by_state"] if "active+clean" in i["state_name"]]))')"
test $RET -eq 0 && return 0
sleep $DELAY
# PGs not clean, exiting with return code 1
echo "Error while running 'ceph $CEPH_CLI -s', PGs were not reported as active+clean"
echo "It is possible that the cluster has less OSDs than the replica configuration"
echo "Will refuse to continue"
$container_exec ceph $CEPH_CLI -s
$container_exec ceph $CEPH_CLI osd dump
$container_exec ceph $CEPH_CLI osd tree
$container_exec ceph $CEPH_CLI osd crush rule dump
exit 1
wait_for_socket_in_container() {
osd_mount_point=$({{ container_binary }} exec "$1" df --output=target | grep '/var/lib/ceph/osd/')
whoami=$({{ container_binary }} exec "$1" cat $osd_mount_point/whoami)
if ! {{ container_binary }} exec "$1" timeout 10 bash -c "while [ ! -e /var/run/ceph/*.asok ]; do sleep 1 ; done"; then
echo "Timed out while trying to look for a Ceph OSD socket."
echo "Abort mission!"
exit 1
get_dev_name() {
echo $1 | sed -r 's/ceph-osd@([a-z]{1,4})\.service/\1/'
get_container_id_from_dev_name() {
local id
local count
while [ $count -ne 0 ]; do
id=$({{ container_binary }} ps -q -f "name=$1")
test "$id" != "" && break
sleep $DELAY
let count=count-1
echo "$id"
get_container_osd_id() {
wait_for_socket_in_container $1
{{ container_binary }} exec "$1" ls /var/run/ceph | cut -d'.' -f2
# For containerized deployments, the unit file looks like: ceph-osd@sda.service
# For non-containerized deployments, the unit file looks like: ceph-osd@NNN.service where NNN is OSD ID
for unit in $(systemctl list-units | grep -E "loaded * active" | grep -oE "ceph-osd@([0-9]+|[a-z]+).service"); do
# First, restart daemon(s)
systemctl restart "${unit}"
# We need to wait because it may take some time for the socket to actually exists
# Wait and ensure the socket exists after restarting the daemon
{% if containerized_deployment %}
osd_id=$(echo ${unit#ceph-osd@} | grep -oE '[0-9]+')
container_id=$(get_container_id_from_dev_name "ceph-osd-${osd_id}")
container_exec="{{ container_binary }} exec $container_id"
{% else %}
osd_id=$(echo ${unit#ceph-osd@} | grep -oE '[0-9]+')
{% endif %}
SOCKET=/var/run/ceph/{{ cluster }}-osd.${osd_id}.asok
while [ $COUNT -ne 0 ]; do
RETRIES="{{ handler_health_osd_check_retries }}"
$container_exec test -S "$SOCKET" && check_pgs && continue 2
sleep $DELAY
# If we reach this point, it means the socket is not present.
echo "Socket file ${SOCKET} could not be found, which means the osd daemon is not running. Showing ceph-osd unit logs now:"
journalctl -u "${unit}"
exit 1