
132 lines
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# Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles
# This sample file generated by generate_group_vars_sample.sh
# Dummy variable to avoid error because ansible does not recognize the
# file as a good configuration file when no variable in it.
# You can override vars by using host or group vars
# Even though NFS nodes should not have the admin key
# at their disposal, some people might want to have it
# distributed on RGW nodes. Setting 'copy_admin_key' to 'true'
# will copy the admin key to the /etc/ceph/ directory
#copy_admin_key: false
# Whether docker container or systemd service should be enabled
# and started, it's useful to set it to false if nfs-ganesha
# service is managed by pacemaker
#ceph_nfs_enable_service: true
# ceph-nfs systemd service uses ansible's hostname as an instance id,
# so service name is ceph-nfs@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}, this is not
# ideal when ceph-nfs is managed by pacemaker across multiple hosts - in
# such case it's better to have constant instance id instead which
# can be set by 'ceph_nfs_service_suffix'
# ceph_nfs_service_suffix: "{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}"
# NFS Ganesha Config #
#ceph_nfs_log_file: "/var/log/ganesha/ganesha.log"
#ceph_nfs_dynamic_exports: false
# If set to true then rados is used to store ganesha exports
# and client sessions information, this is useful if you
# run multiple nfs-ganesha servers in active/passive mode and
# want to do failover
#ceph_nfs_rados_backend: false
# Name of the rados object used to store a list of the export rados
# object URLS
#ceph_nfs_rados_export_index: "ganesha-export-index"
# Address ganesha service should listen on, by default ganesha listens on all
# addresses. (Note: ganesha ignores this parameter in current version due to
# this bug: https://github.com/nfs-ganesha/nfs-ganesha/issues/217)
# ceph_nfs_bind_addr:
# If set to true, then ganesha's attribute and directory caching is disabled
# as much as possible. Currently, ganesha caches by default.
# When using ganesha as CephFS's gateway, it is recommended to turn off
# ganesha's caching as the libcephfs clients also cache the same information.
# Note: Irrespective of this option's setting, ganesha's caching is disabled
# when setting 'nfs_file_gw' option as true.
#ceph_nfs_disable_caching: false
# This is the file ganesha will use to control NFSv4 ID mapping
#ceph_nfs_idmap_conf: "/etc/ganesha/idmap.conf"
# idmap configuration file override.
# This allows you to specify more configuration options
# using an INI style format.
# Example:
# idmap_conf_overrides:
# General:
# Domain: foo.domain.net
#idmap_conf_overrides: {}
# FSAL Ceph Config #
#ceph_nfs_ceph_export_id: 20133
#ceph_nfs_ceph_pseudo_path: "/cephfile"
#ceph_nfs_ceph_protocols: "3,4"
#ceph_nfs_ceph_access_type: "RW"
#ceph_nfs_ceph_user: "admin"
#ceph_nfs_ceph_squash: "Root_Squash"
#ceph_nfs_ceph_sectype: "sys,krb5,krb5i,krb5p"
# FSAL RGW Config #
#ceph_nfs_rgw_export_id: 20134
#ceph_nfs_rgw_pseudo_path: "/cephobject"
#ceph_nfs_rgw_protocols: "3,4"
#ceph_nfs_rgw_access_type: "RW"
#ceph_nfs_rgw_user: "cephnfs"
#ceph_nfs_rgw_squash: "Root_Squash"
#ceph_nfs_rgw_sectype: "sys,krb5,krb5i,krb5p"
# Note: keys are optional and can be generated, but not on containerized, where
# they must be configered.
# ceph_nfs_rgw_access_key: "QFAMEDSJP5DEKJO0DDXY"
# ceph_nfs_rgw_secret_key: "iaSFLDVvDdQt6lkNzHyW4fPLZugBAI1g17LO0+87[MAC[M#C"
#rgw_client_name: client.rgw.{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}
# Ganesha configuration file override.
# These multiline strings will be appended to the contents of the blocks in ganesha.conf and
# must be in the correct ganesha.conf format seen here:
# https://github.com/nfs-ganesha/nfs-ganesha/blob/next/src/config_samples/ganesha.conf.example
# Example:
# # Entries_HWMark = 100000;
# }
# ganesha_core_param_overrides:
# ganesha_ceph_export_overrides:
# ganesha_rgw_export_overrides:
# ganesha_rgw_section_overrides:
# ganesha_log_overrides:
# ganesha_conf_overrides: |
# # Entries_HWMark = 100000;
# }
#ceph_docker_image: "ceph/daemon"
#ceph_docker_image_tag: latest
#ceph_config_keys: [] # DON'T TOUCH ME