# 'etcd' cluster should have odd member(s) (1,3,5,...) [etcd] # master node(s), set unique 'k8s_nodename' for each node # CAUTION: 'k8s_nodename' must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', # and must start and end with an alphanumeric character [kube_master] # work node(s), set unique 'k8s_nodename' for each node # CAUTION: 'k8s_nodename' must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', # and must start and end with an alphanumeric character [kube_node] k8s_nodename='' # [optional] harbor server, a private docker registry # 'NEW_INSTALL': 'true' to install a harbor server; 'false' to integrate with existed one [harbor] # NEW_INSTALL=false # [optional] loadbalance for accessing k8s from outside [ex_lb] # LB_ROLE=backup EX_APISERVER_VIP= EX_APISERVER_PORT=8443 # LB_ROLE=master EX_APISERVER_VIP= EX_APISERVER_PORT=8443 # [optional] ntp server for the cluster [chrony] # [all:vars] # --------- Main Variables --------------- # Secure port for apiservers SECURE_PORT="6443" # Cluster container-runtime supported: docker, containerd # if k8s version >= 1.24, docker is not supported CONTAINER_RUNTIME="containerd" # Network plugins supported: calico, flannel, kube-router, cilium, kube-ovn CLUSTER_NETWORK="calico" # Service proxy mode of kube-proxy: 'iptables' or 'ipvs' PROXY_MODE="ipvs" # K8S Service CIDR, not overlap with node(host) networking SERVICE_CIDR="" # Cluster CIDR (Pod CIDR), not overlap with node(host) networking CLUSTER_CIDR="" # NodePort Range NODE_PORT_RANGE="30000-32767" # Cluster DNS Domain CLUSTER_DNS_DOMAIN="cluster.local" # -------- Additional Variables (don't change the default value right now)--- # Binaries Directory bin_dir="/opt/kube/bin" # Deploy Directory (kubeasz workspace) base_dir="/etc/kubeasz" # Directory for a specific cluster cluster_dir="{{ base_dir }}/clusters/_cluster_name_" # CA and other components cert/key Directory ca_dir="/etc/kubernetes/ssl" # Default 'k8s_nodename' is empty k8s_nodename='' # Default python interpreter ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3