- block: - name: 在deploy 节点创建相关目录 file: name={{ item }} state=directory with_items: - /etc/calico/ssl - /opt/kube/kube-system/calico - name: 创建calico 证书请求 template: src=calico-csr.json.j2 dest=/etc/calico/ssl/calico-csr.json - name: 创建 calico证书和私钥 shell: "cd /etc/calico/ssl && {{ bin_dir }}/cfssl gencert \ -ca={{ ca_dir }}/ca.pem \ -ca-key={{ ca_dir }}/ca-key.pem \ -config={{ ca_dir }}/ca-config.json \ -profile=kubernetes calico-csr.json | {{ bin_dir }}/cfssljson -bare calico" - name: get calico-etcd-secrets info shell: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl get secrets -n kube-system" register: secrets_info - name: 创建 calico-etcd-secrets shell: "cd /etc/calico/ssl && \ {{ bin_dir }}/kubectl create secret generic -n kube-system calico-etcd-secrets \ --from-file=etcd-ca={{ ca_dir }}/ca.pem \ --from-file=etcd-key=calico-key.pem \ --from-file=etcd-cert=calico.pem" when: '"calico-etcd-secrets" not in secrets_info.stdout' - name: 配置 calico DaemonSet yaml文件 template: src=calico-{{ calico_ver_main }}.yaml.j2 dest=/opt/kube/kube-system/calico/calico.yaml delegate_to: "{{ groups.deploy[0] }}" run_once: true - name: node 节点创建calico 相关目录 file: name={{ item }} state=directory with_items: - /etc/calico/ssl - /etc/cni/net.d - /opt/kube/images # 【可选】推送离线docker 镜像,可以忽略执行错误 - block: - name: 检查是否已下载离线calico镜像 command: "ls {{ base_dir }}/down" register: download_info connection: local run_once: true - name: 尝试推送离线docker 镜像(若执行失败,可忽略) copy: src={{ base_dir }}/down/{{ item }} dest=/opt/kube/images/{{ item }} when: 'item in download_info.stdout' with_items: - "pause_3.1.tar" - "{{ calico_offline }}" ignore_errors: true - name: 获取calico离线镜像推送情况 command: "ls /opt/kube/images" register: image_info # 如果目录下有离线镜像,就把它导入到node节点上 - name: 导入 calico的离线镜像(若执行失败,可忽略) shell: "{{ bin_dir }}/docker load -i /opt/kube/images/{{ item }}" with_items: - "pause_3.1.tar" - "{{ calico_offline }}" ignore_errors: true when: "item in image_info.stdout and CONTAINER_RUNTIME == 'docker'" - name: 导入 calico的离线镜像(若执行失败,可忽略) shell: "{{ bin_dir }}/ctr -n=k8s.io images import /opt/kube/images/{{ item }}" with_items: - "pause_3.1.tar" - "{{ calico_offline }}" ignore_errors: true when: "item in image_info.stdout and CONTAINER_RUNTIME == 'containerd'" # 只需单节点执行一次 - name: 运行 calico网络 shell: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl apply -f /opt/kube/kube-system/calico/ && sleep 5" delegate_to: "{{ groups.deploy[0] }}" run_once: true # 删除原有cni配置 - name: 删除默认cni配置 file: path=/etc/cni/net.d/10-default.conf state=absent # [可选]cni calico plugins 已经在calico.yaml完成自动安装 - name: 下载calicoctl 客户端 copy: src={{ base_dir }}/bin/{{ item }} dest={{ bin_dir }}/{{ item }} mode=0755 with_items: #- calico #- calico-ipam #- loopback - calicoctl - name: 分发 calico 证书 synchronize: src=/etc/calico/ssl/{{ item }} dest=/etc/calico/ssl/{{ item }} with_items: - calico.pem - calico-key.pem delegate_to: "{{ groups.deploy[0] }}" - name: 准备 calicoctl配置文件 template: src=calicoctl.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/calico/calicoctl.cfg # 等待网络插件部署成功,视下载镜像速度而定 - name: 轮询等待calico-node 运行,视下载镜像速度而定 shell: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl get pod -n kube-system -o wide|grep 'calico-node'|grep ' {{ inventory_hostname }} '|awk '{print $3}'" register: pod_status until: pod_status.stdout == "Running" delegate_to: "{{ groups.deploy[0] }}" retries: 15 delay: 15 ignore_errors: true