# 'deploy' node, which the ansible-playbooks usually run on # variable 'NTP_ENABLED(=yes/no)' enables/disables the NTP server 'chrony' [deploy] NTP_ENABLED=no # 'etcd' cluster must have odd member(s) (1,3,5,...) # variable 'NODE_NAME' is the distinct name of a member in 'etcd' cluster [etcd] NODE_NAME=etcd1 [kube-master] [kube-node] # variable NEW_INSTALL: 'yes' to setup a new harbor server; 'no' to integrate with existed one [harbor] # HARBOR_DOMAIN="harbor.yourdomain.com" NEW_INSTALL=no # group reserved, add new 'kube-node' in it [new-node] #192.168.1.xx [all:vars] # --------- Main Variables --------------- # Cluster Deployment Mode: allinone, single-master, multi-master DEPLOY_MODE=single-master # Versions supported: v1.8, v1.9, v1.10, v1.11, v1.12, v1.13 K8S_VER="v1.11" # Cluster's Master IP, auto generated MASTER_IP="{{ groups['kube-master'][0] }}" KUBE_APISERVER="https://{{ MASTER_IP }}:6443" # Network plugins supported: calico, flannel, kube-router, cilium CLUSTER_NETWORK="flannel" # K8S Service CIDR, not overlap with node(host) networking SERVICE_CIDR="" # Cluster CIDR (Pod CIDR), not overlap with node(host) networking CLUSTER_CIDR="" # NodePort Range NODE_PORT_RANGE="20000-40000" # Kubernetes SVC IP (usually assigned with the first available IP of 'SERVICE_CIDR') CLUSTER_KUBERNETES_SVC_IP="" # Cluster DNS Server's IP (assigned with an available IP of 'SERVICE_CIDR') CLUSTER_DNS_SVC_IP="" # Cluster DNS Domain CLUSTER_DNS_DOMAIN="cluster.local." # Basic auth for apiserver BASIC_AUTH_USER="admin" BASIC_AUTH_PASS="test1234" # -------- Additional Variables -------------------- # Binaries Directory bin_dir="/opt/kube/bin" # CA and other components cert/key Directory ca_dir="/etc/kubernetes/ssl" # Deploy Directory (kubeasz workspace), don't change the default value right now base_dir="/etc/ansible"