#!/bin/bash # # This script aims to manage k8s clusters created by 'kubeasz'. (developing) set -o nounset set -o errexit #set -o xtrace function usage() { cat < context, or create it if not existed destroy To destroy the current cluster, with '--purge' option to also delete the context list To list all of clusters managed setup To setup a cluster using the current context Use "easzctl help " for more information about a given command. EOF } function help-info() { case "$1" in (add-node) echo -e "Usage: easzctl add-node \n\nread 'https://github.com/gjmzj/kubeasz/blob/master/docs/op/AddNode.md'" ;; (add-master) echo -e "Usage: easzctl add-master \n\nread 'https://github.com/gjmzj/kubeasz/blob/master/docs/op/AddMaster.md'" ;; (add-etcd) echo -e "Usage: easzctl add-etcd \n\nread 'https://github.com/gjmzj/kubeasz/blob/master/docs/op/op-etcd.md'" ;; (del-etcd) echo -e "Usage: easzctl del-etcd \n\nread 'https://github.com/gjmzj/kubeasz/blob/master/docs/op/op-etcd.md'" ;; (clean-node) echo -e "Usage: easzctl clean-node \n\nread 'https://github.com/gjmzj/kubeasz/blob/master/docs/op/clean_one_node.md'" ;; (*) usage return 0 ;; esac } function process_cmd() { echo -e "+---\033[33m$ACTION\033[0m---+ : $CMD" $CMD || { echo -e "+---\033[31mAction failed\033[0m---+ : $CMD"; return 1; } echo -e "+---\033[32mAction successed\033[0m---+ : $CMD" } ### in-cluster operation functions ############################## function add-node() { # check new node's address regexp [[ $1 =~ ^(2(5[0-5]{1}|[0-4][0-9]{1})|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})(\.(2(5[0-5]{1}|[0-4][0-9]{1})|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})){3}$ ]] || { echo "ERROR: Invalid ip address!"; return 1; } # check if the new node already exsited sed -n '/^\[kube-master/,/^\[harbor/p' $BASEPATH/hosts|grep "^$1" && { echo "ERROR: node $1 already existed!"; return 2; } # add a node into 'kube-node' group sed -i "/\[kube-node/a $1 NEW_NODE=yes" $BASEPATH/hosts # check if playbook runs successfully ansible-playbook $BASEPATH/tools/20.addnode.yml -e NODE_TO_ADD=$1 || { sed -i "/$1 NEW_NODE=yes/d" $BASEPATH/hosts; return 2; } } function add-master() { # check new master's address regexp [[ $1 =~ ^(2(5[0-5]{1}|[0-4][0-9]{1})|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})(\.(2(5[0-5]{1}|[0-4][0-9]{1})|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})){3}$ ]] || { echo "ERROR: Invalid ip address!"; return 2; } # check if k8s with DPLOY_MODE='multi-master' grep '^DEPLOY_MODE=multi-master' $BASEPATH/hosts || { echo "ERROR: only k8s with DPLOY_MODE='multi-master' can have master node added!"; return 2; } # check if the new master already exsited sed -n '/^\[kube-master/,/^\[kube-node/p' $BASEPATH/hosts|grep "^$1" && { echo "ERROR: master $1 already existed!"; return 2; } # add a node into 'kube-master' group sed -i "/\[kube-master/a $1 NEW_MASTER=yes" $BASEPATH/hosts # check if playbook runs successfully ansible-playbook $BASEPATH/tools/21.addmaster.yml -e NODE_TO_ADD=$1 || { sed -i "/$1 NEW_MASTER=yes/d" $BASEPATH/hosts; return 2; } } function add-etcd() { # check new node's address regexp [[ $1 =~ ^(2(5[0-5]{1}|[0-4][0-9]{1})|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})(\.(2(5[0-5]{1}|[0-4][0-9]{1})|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})){3}$ ]] || { echo "ERROR: Invalid ip address!"; return 2; } # check if the new node already exsited sed -n '/^\[etcd/,/^\[kube-master/p' $BASEPATH/hosts|grep "^$1" && { echo "ERROR: node $1 already existed!"; return 2; } # input an unique NODE_NAME of the node in etcd cluster echo "Please input an UNIQUE name(string) for the new node: " read NAME sed -n '/^\[etcd/,/^\[kube-master/p' $BASEPATH/hosts|grep "$NAME" && { echo "ERROR: name [$NAME] already existed!"; return 2; } # add a node into 'kube-node' group sed -i "/\[etcd/a $1 NODE_NAME=$NAME" $BASEPATH/hosts # check if playbook runs successfully ansible-playbook $BASEPATH/tools/19.addetcd.yml -e NODE_TO_ADD=$1 || { sed -i "/$1 NODE_NAME=$NAME/d" $BASEPATH/hosts; return 2; } } function del-etcd() { # check node's address regexp [[ $1 =~ ^(2(5[0-5]{1}|[0-4][0-9]{1})|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})(\.(2(5[0-5]{1}|[0-4][0-9]{1})|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})){3}$ ]] || { echo "ERROR: Invalid ip address!"; return 2; } # ansible-playbook $BASEPATH/tools/remove_etcd_node.yml -e ETCD_TO_DEL=$1 } function clean-node() { # check node's address regexp [[ $1 =~ ^(2(5[0-5]{1}|[0-4][0-9]{1})|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})(\.(2(5[0-5]{1}|[0-4][0-9]{1})|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})){3}$ ]] || { echo "ERROR: Invalid ip address!"; return 2; } # ansible-playbook $BASEPATH/tools/clean_one_node.yml -e NODE_TO_DEL=$1 } function start() { case "$1" in (aio) start-aio ;; (*) return 0 ;; esac } function start-aio(){ [ -f "$BASEPATH/hosts" ] && { echo -e "ERROR: file $BASEPATH/hosts exists, checkout!\nRemove it if you really want to start an aio cluster"; return 3; } if [ ! -n "$KUBEASZ_DOCKER_HOST" ]; then # easzctl runs in a host machine, get host's ip HOST_IF=$(ip route|grep default|cut -d' ' -f5) HOST_IP=$(ip a|grep $HOST_IF|awk 'NR==2{print $2}'|cut -d'/' -f1) cp -f $BASEPATH/example/hosts.allinone.example.en $BASEPATH/hosts sed -i "s/$HOST_IP/g" $BASEPATH/hosts ansible-playbook $BASEPATH/90.setup.yml else # easzctl runs in a container cp -f $BASEPATH/example/hosts.allinone.example.en $BASEPATH/hosts sed -i "s/$KUBEASZ_DOCKER_HOST/g" $BASEPATH/hosts ansible-playbook $BASEPATH/90.setup.yml fi } ### cluster-wide operation functions ############################ function save_context() { echo "[INFO] save $1 roles' configration" for ROLE in $(ls $BASEPATH/roles); do if [ -d "$BASEPATH/roles/$ROLE/defaults" ]; then mkdir -p $BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/roles/$ROLE/defaults/ cp -fpr $BASEPATH/roles/$ROLE/defaults/* $BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/roles/$ROLE/defaults/ fi done echo "[INFO] save $1 ansible hosts" [ -f "$BASEPATH/hosts" ] && cp -fp $BASEPATH/hosts $BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/ echo "[INFO] save $1 kubeconfig" [ -f /root/.kube/config ] && cp -fp /root/.kube/config $BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/ } function install_context() { [ -d "$BASEPATH/.cluster/$1" ] || { echo "Invalid Context"; return 1; } echo "[INFO] install $1 roles' configration" for ROLE in $(ls $BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/roles); do cp -fp $BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/roles/$ROLE/defaults/* $BASEPATH/roles/$ROLE/defaults/ done echo "[INFO] install $1 ansible hosts" if [ -f "$BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/hosts" ];then cp -fp $BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/hosts $BASEPATH/ fi echo "[INFO] install $1 kubeconfig" if [ -f "$BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/config" ];then cp -fp $BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/config /root/.kube/ fi } function checkout() { # check directory '.cluster', initialize it if not existed if [ ! -d "$BASEPATH/.cluster" ]; then echo "[INFO] initialize directory $BASEPATH/.cluster" mkdir -p $BASEPATH/.cluster/default save_context default echo default > $BASEPATH/.cluster/current_cluster fi # check if $1 is already the current context CLUSTER=$(cat $BASEPATH/.cluster/current_cluster) [ "$1" != "$CLUSTER" ] || { echo "[WARN] $1 is already the current context"; return 0; } # save context of the current cluster echo "[INFO] save current context: $CLUSTER" save_context $CLUSTER echo "[INFO] clean context: $CLUSTER" rm -rf $BASEPATH/hosts /root/.kube/* echo "[INFO] change current context to $1" echo $1 > $BASEPATH/.cluster/current_cluster # check context $1, install it if existed, otherwise initialize it using default context if [ -d "$BASEPATH/.cluster/$1" ];then install_context $1; return 0; else echo "[INFO] context $1 not existed, initialize it using default context" cp -rp $BASEPATH/.cluster/default $BASEPATH/.cluster/$1 rm -f $BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/hosts $BASEPATH/.cluster/$1/config fi } function setup() { if [ ! -d "$BASEPATH/.cluster" ]; then echo "[ERROR] no cluster context found, run 'easzctl checkout ' first." return 1 fi CLUSTER=$(cat $BASEPATH/.cluster/current_cluster) echo "[INFO] setup cluster: $CLUSTER" [ -f "$BASEPATH/bin/kube-apiserver" ] || { echo "[ERROR] no binaries found, download then fist"; return 1; } [ -f "$BASEPATH/hosts" ] || { echo "[ERROR] no ansible hosts found, read 'docs/setup/00-planning_and_overall_intro.md'"; return 1; } echo -e "[INFO] setup begin in 15s, press 'Enter' to stop it\n:" ! (read -t 10 ANS) || { echo "[WARN] setup aborted"; return 1; } ansible-playbook $BASEPATH/90.setup.yml echo "[INFO] save context: $CLUSTER" save_context $CLUSTER } function list() { CLUSTER=$(cat $BASEPATH/.cluster/current_cluster) save_context $CLUSTER i=1 for Cluster in $(ls $BASEPATH/.cluster/ |grep -v current_cluster); do KUBECONF=$BASEPATH/.cluster/$Cluster/config if [ -f "$KUBECONF" ]; then echo -e "\ncluster $i: $Cluster" $BASEPATH/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBECONF get node fi let "i++" done echo -e "\nCurrent cluster context is: $CLUSTER" } function destroy() { CLUSTER=$(cat $BASEPATH/.cluster/current_cluster) echo -e "[WARN] DELETE cluster: $CLUSTER, Continue? y/n:\n" read -t 15 ANS || { echo "[WARN] timeout, destroy aborted"; return 1; } if [[ -n $ANS && $ANS == y ]];then echo "[INFO] clean all nodes of cluster" sleep 5 ansible-playbook $BASEPATH/99.clean.yml if [[ -n $1 && $1 == --purge ]];then echo "[INFO] delete current context" rm -rf $BASEPATH/.cluster/$CLUSTER echo default > $BASEPATH/.cluster/current_cluster rm -rf $BASEPATH/hosts /root/.kube/* echo "[INFO] change current context to default" install_context default fi else echo "[WARN] destroy aborted"; return 1; fi } ### Main Lines ################################################## BASEPATH=/etc/ansible [ "$#" -gt 0 ] || { usage >&2; exit 2; } case "$1" in ### in-cluster operations ##################### (add-node) [ "$#" -gt 1 ] || { usage >&2; exit 2; } ACTION="Action: add a k8s work node" CMD="add-node $2" ;; (add-master) [ "$#" -gt 1 ] || { usage >&2; exit 2; } ACTION="Action: add a k8s master node" CMD="add-master $2" ;; (add-etcd) [ "$#" -gt 1 ] || { usage >&2; exit 2; } ACTION="Action: add a etcd node" CMD="add-etcd $2" ;; (del-etcd) [ "$#" -gt 1 ] || { usage >&2; exit 2; } ACTION="Action: delete a etcd node" CMD="del-etcd $2" ;; (clean-node) [ "$#" -gt 1 ] || { usage >&2; exit 2; } ACTION="Action: clean a node" CMD="clean-node $2" ;; (start) ACTION="Action: start an AllInOne cluster" CMD="start $2" ;; ### cluster-wide operations ####################### (checkout) [ "$#" -gt 1 ] || { usage >&2; exit 2; } ACTION="Action: checkout cluster context" CMD="checkout $2" ;; (destroy) ACTION="Action: destroy current cluster" if [ "$#" -gt 1 ];then CMD="destroy $2" else CMD="destroy" fi ;; (setup) ACTION="Action: setup cluster with current context" CMD="setup" ;; (list) ACTION="Action: list all of clusters managed" CMD="list" ;; (help) [ "$#" -gt 1 ] || { usage >&2; exit 2; } help-info $2 exit 0 ;; (*) usage exit 0 ;; esac process_cmd