#!/bin/bash # 本脚本提供如下功能,作者:Joey Yang, https://github.com/Code2Life # 1. 在Ubuntu/CentOS/Fedora/ArchLinux中自动化的安装python+ansible; # 2. clone kubeasz项目代码, 并将需要的二进制文件下载解压到/etc/ansible/bin中; # 另外, 相关的k8s二进制文件, 我同步到了个人在七牛上的CDN存储中(速度更快), 方便大家下载: filecdn.code2life.top; # # 使用方法: # 1. 支持带参数的运行, 如: ./basic-env-setup.sh k8s.193.tar.gz 指定不同的kubernetes二进制文件, 无参数时默认最新的k8s.1100.tar.gz (k8s 1.10.0 + etcd 3.3.2). # 2. 也可以在任何一台支持的linux设备运行:curl http://filecdn.code2life.top/kubeasz-basic-env-setup.sh | sh -s # 已经亲测centos7/ubuntu16.04/debian9/fedora27都是可以的, 二进制包下载速度贼快.脚本运行完毕之后, 只需到/etc/ansible目录下配置好hosts, 复制完ssh的公钥即可通过ansible-playbook迅速搭建集群了. set -e # curl http://filecdn.code2life.top/kubeasz-basic-env-setup.sh | sh -s # 默认1.10.0 版本的 Kubernetes bin_resource_url='http://filecdn.code2life.top/k8s.1100.tar.gz' # 如果参数指定k8s相关的bin以指定的为准, 例如: k8s.193.tar.gz if [ "$1" ];then bin_resource_url="http://filecdn.code2life.top/"$1 fi # 各Linux版本安装python/pip # --------------------------- # debian 默认的apt源在国内访问很慢, 可手动修改/etc/apt/sources.list修改为其他源 # 以 debian 9 为例, source.list可修改为如下内容, ubuntu修改方法类似, 找到相应系统和版本的镜像源替换即可 # deb http://mirrors.163.com/debian/ stretch main non-free contrib # deb http://mirrors.163.com/debian/ stretch-updates main non-free contrib # deb http://mirrors.163.com/debian/ stretch-backports main non-free contrib # deb http://mirrors.163.com/debian-security/ stretch/updates main non-free contrib basic_ubuntu_debian() { echo "Setup Basic Environment for Ubuntu/Debian." apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y apt-get install python2.7 git python-pip curl -y if [ ! -f /usr/bin/python ];then ln -s /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python fi } # 红帽系Liunx可修改yum源加快下载速度, 修改/etc/yum.repos.d内文件即可 basic_centos() { echo "Setup Basic Environment for CentOS." yum install epel-release -y yum update -y yum erase firewalld firewalld-filesystem python-firewall -y yum install git python python-pip curl -y } basic_fedora() { echo "Setup Basic Environment for Fedora." yum update -y yum install git python python-pip curl -y } # archlinux 使用pacman进行包管理 basic_arch() { pacman -Syu --noconfirm pacman -S python git python-pip curl --noconfirm } # 使用pip安装ansible, 并下载k8s相关bin文件 setup_ansible_k8s() { echo "Download Ansible and Kubernetes binaries." pip install pip --upgrade -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com pip install --no-cache-dir ansible -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/easzlab/kubeasz.git mv kubeasz /etc/ansible # Download from CDN & Move bin files curl -o k8s_download.tar.gz "$bin_resource_url" tar xvf k8s_download.tar.gz mv -f bin/* /etc/ansible/bin rm -rf bin echo "Finish setup. Please config your hosts and run 'ansible-playbook' command at /etc/ansible." } # --------------------------- # 判断Linux发行版, 执行不同基础环境设置方法 # --------------------------- lsb_dist='' command_exists() { command -v "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 } if command_exists lsb_release; then lsb_dist="$(lsb_release -si)" lsb_version="$(lsb_release -rs)" fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/lsb-release ]; then lsb_dist="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "$DISTRIB_ID")" lsb_version="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "$DISTRIB_RELEASE")" fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_version ]; then lsb_dist='debian' fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/fedora-release ]; then lsb_dist='fedora' fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/os-release ]; then lsb_dist="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$ID")" fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/centos-release ]; then lsb_dist="$(cat /etc/*-release | head -n1 | cut -d " " -f1)" fi if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/redhat-release ]; then lsb_dist="$(cat /etc/*-release | head -n1 | cut -d " " -f1)" fi lsb_dist="$(echo $lsb_dist | cut -d " " -f1)" lsb_dist="$(echo "$lsb_dist" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" # --------------------------- # --------------------------- setup_env(){ case "$lsb_dist" in centos) basic_centos setup_ansible_k8s exit 0 ;; fedora) basic_fedora setup_ansible_k8s exit 0 ;; ubuntu) basic_ubuntu_debian setup_ansible_k8s exit 0 ;; debian) basic_ubuntu_debian setup_ansible_k8s exit 0 ;; arch) basic_arch setup_ansible_k8s exit 0 ;; suse) echo 'Not implementation yet.' exit 1 esac echo "Error: Unsupported OS, please set ansible environment manually." exit 1 } setup_env # ---------------------------